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Amazons Attack Tour Night#3

Date: Wed W3 Aug 2020

Location: Cowboy Club, Tx

Attendance: 134

Broadcast on QAW.com and taped for future use

Dark match: Raquel Alvarado def. La Hija De Phoenix via submission in 09:36 [42]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia, Farrah Hesketh & Little Miss Perfect



Garcia: Hola lucha fans! Welcome to the final night of the Amazons Attack tour and at my side, Farrah Hesketh and QAW Shockwave Champion, Little Miss Perfect! To what do we owe the pleasure?


Perfect: Well, like, I wanted to come and show support to my best friend! 


Hesketh: Miss Perfect can you tell us more about this alliance you’ve formed with Christy?


Perfect: Christy and I have been best friends for yeeeeeears! Us girls used to tag together in my early days and she just so happened to be in Japan when I was over, like, there and we just picked up where we left off! So, like, we spoke to Commissioner Bomb and now she's here in QAW to prove that she belongs full time!



Singles Match






Modesty Pador vs. Christy Higgins



A good opener which did its job of establishing Higgins in QAW with a comfortable victory over a recent mainstay in the Shockwave division. Despite being one of Pador’s stronger outings it was undoubtedly down to Higgins experience being able to control the match and she showed off her striking [kick boxing] and landed some nasty looking kicks to Modesty's head. The commentary of Miss Perfect was irritating and rarely commented on the match but instead gave insight into how much Perfect valued having Higgins around and it was clear she looked up to her. The ending came after Higgins landed 2 hard kicks to Pador’s chest causing her to almost double over having had the wind knocked out of her, and Higgins took the opportunity to nail the ‘Florida Upswing’ [sliced Bread #2].



Winner: Christy Higgins via pin fall 11:56


The match got the show off to a strong start and the crowd hotter



 After the match...






[Miss Perfect squeals with excitement and Christy beckons her into the ring. After a short exchange of words Perfect hands over her phone to Christy who begins setting up a scene with Miss Perfect draping herself over Modesty holding up the Shockwave belt with smug pride. After several poses Christy declares she has the shot and two skip backstage chattering excitedly...]





Bossman Brayfield joins the commentary booth...




Bossman Brayfield



Garcia: Now Brayfield, I reckon the last time we saw you was just after your clients lost their titles to Las Amazonas and you were lodging a complaint to Commissioner Bomb on the grounds Ava never tapped… How did that work out for you?


Brayfield: Watch your tongue boy! Obviously it didn’t go well but it don’t matter because ah’ll be damned before ah accept any favours from the brass as my clients are simply above that low down behaviour.



Tag Match








The Experience [Lily Snyder & Ava Anderson] vs. Divinity [Sabrina Wells & Ruby Reece]


A pretty formulaic tag match for The Experience to get their stuff in. Commentary did their best to big up Divinity, and they looked the part, but once the match got underway their lack of ring time was noticeable. On commentary Brayfield spoke about how The Experience had been honing their craft at training camps and they certainly looked to be laying in their hits with something extra and even declined to take an unfair advantage at several points, uncharacteristically wanting to take the win fairly. The finish came after a smooth ‘Rock and Roll’ [superkick into bridging German] to Ruby Reece.



Winners: The Experience via pin fall 10:01


The match got the crowd gotter



Brayfield clambers into the ring to raise his clients hands in victory and is yelling about the tag team championships when they are interrupted by...







  Lilly & Rose; Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose



[Lilly & Rose play to the crowd and make their way to the ring with mics to stand face to face with Lily & Ava]



Rose: Lily, Ava, congratulations on your win tonight! It’s great to see that losing the titles hasn’t completely derailed you both!


Brayfield: Ah’ll take this [Brayfield takes Debbie’s mic]… Now, thanks for the compliment but y’all need to cut the crap with my clients and get straight to whatever point y’all out here to make.


Lilly: We just wanted to introduce ourselves properly as your clients seem to be ducking us backstage! They haven’t shaken hands with us or strung two words together in our direction, hell, not even a complimentary fruit basket! So, seeing as you’re acting brand new, I’m Kate Lilly, this is Debbie Rose, and we’re the greatest tag team in the game. Period.


Brayfield: Watch out there miss y’all gonna break your arm tryin' to pat your own back!


Lilly: We came to QAW to continue our legacy, in fact, we came here to take the tag team championships from you. So, we fought our way to the finals of the tag team tournament and then you, Ava, stuck your nose in and cost us the match--


Brayfield: – If y’all had the match under control then y’all would have won the damn thing before we ever felt the need to get involved, and Ava wasn't even aimin' for y'all so for the last time, what is your point?


Lilly: Our point is we owe you a receipt! We’re the best tag team in the world, don’t you want to see how you measure up?


Brayfield: Dang ah must’ve blinked and missed when y’all claimed the mantle of being the best tag team in the world 'cuz y’all were surpassed a long, long time ago darlin'... But, ah’m no fool; y’all may be relics but defeating y’all would be an achievement nonetheless so we’ll see y'all at Amazon Attack!



Brayfield helped the promo  


The feed cuts to Dharma Gregg standing by with a microphone next to The Line, behind them is the QAW logo...





 Dharma Gregg, Ash Grover, Houston Handley & Teresa Perez



Dharma: Joining me at this time; Ash Grover, Teresa Perez and Houston Handley aka. The Line. The last time we saw you together was 2 months ago at The Showdown and you picked up a huge victory over Ronin3. As a reward, Commissioner Bomb has booked you in a triple threat number one contenders match for the QAW world championship. How are you all feeling going into this match?


Grover: Only Ms Bomb can come up with a ‘reward’ which involves fighting your best friends, Dharma.


Houston: Ah agree it seems kinda sadistic to me, like a deliberate attempt to draw a wedge between us for fun.


Perez: [Teresa sighs exasperatedly] Houston, Ash, you have to put this aside! We were best friends long before this came along and we’ll be best friends long after! We went through a lot with Ronin3 this past year and I get it, you’re tired, but it’s going to take a lot more than this to split us apart!


Grover: Ah hear what y'all sayin’ Teresa, ah really do! But--


Perez: – But nothing! We are The Line and we stand up for what is right in QAW; that includes healthy competition between the best! It’s almost like we are apologising for finding ourselves in the title picture and that ain’t right to me! We are damn good wrestlers and we deserve to be fighting for world championships!


Houston: Teresa is right, Ash. How is this any different than the three of us entering the Battlebowl?


Perez: Exactly! Were we just going to politely throw ourselves over the top rope in protest of competing against each other? No. We’ve been given an opportunity and I say we put on a motherf*bleep*ing show for the fans! [Ash still looks concerned but Houston seems convinced...].


Houston: Yeehaw! Let's do it!


Grover: … And ah’ll have my two best friends behind me when ah challenge Emma May for the QAW world championship? [Teresa & Houston laugh and clap Ash on the shoulder].


Perez: Exactly! Now that’s sorted we need to concentrate on the Clenched Fist tonight! Hellcat may be running around with 2 green as goose sh*bleep* rookies but we need to have our wits about us, okay?


Grover/Houston: Got it!





In a pre-recorded promo Danielle Sweetheart stands alone in the interview area...






Danielle: The past year has been on of the most challenging of my career. I was injured by Emma May for most of it and, despite the brief moment of success winning the Battlebowl, I just haven’t been able to build any momentum… I know I’ve won it before and some would label me selfish saying that I "need to make way for younger competitors!"… Competitors like Ashley Keith… But I went into the Queen of the Ring tournament like my career depended on it. I wanted that win not only because, like a true competitor, I want to win everything; but because that tournament is an important part of who I am as a wrestler!


"Ashley, when I found out I drew you in the first round I was excited because we know each other! You used to come to QAW shows as a teenager and after we’d hang out and I'd teach you how to bump. When you got signed here I took you out for drinks to celebrate! I thought I knew who you were Ashley but I guess the person I faced is the real you. A spoilt, arrogant little girl full of spite because I ‘ruined’ her debut. You think that match was all about your debut, and therefore your actions were justified, but you’re overlooking the fact that the Queen of the Ring is MY tournament! And you couldn’t get the job done so you made sure I couldn’t either. Well, little girl, you rained on the wrong parade! At Capital Clash, I challenge you to step in the ring with me again, so I can embarrass you a 2nd time!




Trios Match








The Line [Ash Grover, Houston Handley & Teresa Perez vs. Clenched Fist [Hellcat Hernandez, Felicia Luck & Black Diamond]



This was QAW fans first look at Hellcat Hernandez since her loss to Juana at The Showdown. If people were hoping that loss would humble Hernandez they were left sorely mistaken as she came out in an even worse temper than usual. Her two young proteges Diamond & Luck had their work cut out for them not only competing but weathering the torrent of abuse from their leader when they made even a slight mistake. The Line trio were clearly superior and working extremely well together, and each member got time to shine although this was probably the first outing with Ash standing out as the strongest looking member. The commentary did a good job of selling the friendship between The Line and argued who could take the win at Amazons Attack; just as Alfonso was putting over Houston Handley, Teresa caught a blind tag and trapped an unsuspecting Felicia in the ‘Around the World Armbar’ [Headscissors armbar] and scored a quick tap out much to Hellcat’s fury who proceeded to drag Luck to the back by her hair with Diamond trailing behind sheepishly.



Winners: The Line via submission 13:41




Show rating: 42



Amazons Attack Card



QAW World Championship: Emma May © vs. Juana Hurricane



World Championship #1 Contenders Match: Houston Handley vs. Teresa Perez vs. Ash Grover



QAW Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Payback Inc. [w/ Vinny Cruz]



QAW Shockwave Championship: Little Miss Perfect © [w/ Christy Higgins] vs. Penny Ramone



First Time Ever Tag Match: Lilly & Rose vs. The Experience



Mystery Partner Tag Match: Pamela Rojo & ??? vs. Steph Blake & ???



OOC: Thanks everyone for the predictions. The person with the most correct predictions from the tour shows and Amazons Attack [combined] will win creative input into the upcoming Triosmania booking [and if you've won before you'll know that it's pretty in depth]! The show might go up this weekend or the one after, we have a couple of detours so that might go up instead...

Edited by Rhysrob
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Amazons Attack Predictions



QAW World Championship: Emma May © vs. Juana Hurricane

Gotta go with Emma here, she just won the championship in my diary so she is becoming a favorite



World Championship #1 Contenders Match: Houston Handley vs. Teresa Perez vs. Ash Grover

Underappreciated Ash Grover deserves a shot



QAW Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Payback Inc. [w/ Vinny Cruz]

Looking for Vinny to cause some sort of trouble and crown new champions


QAW Shockwave Championship: Little Miss Perfect © [w/ Christy Higgins] vs. Penny Ramone

She's perfect so hard to pick against her



First Time Ever Tag Match: Lilly & Rose vs. The Experience

I think the build continues for the Experience over the veterans here



Mystery Partner Tag Match: Pamela Rojo & ??? vs. Steph Blake & ???

Really a toss up depending on who the partners are. I'll go with the more established in QAW Rojo

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QAW World Championship: Emma May © vs. Juana Hurricane



World Championship #1 Contenders Match: Houston Handley vs. Teresa Perez vs. Ash Grover



QAW Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Payback Inc. [w/ Vinny Cruz]



QAW Shockwave Championship: Little Miss Perfect © [w/ Christy Higgins] vs. Penny Ramone



First Time Ever Tag Match: Lilly & Rose vs. The Experience



Mystery Partner Tag Match: Pamela Rojo & ??? vs. Steph Blake & ???

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<p>QAW World Championship: <strong>Emma May ©</strong> vs. Juana Hurricane</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

World Championship #1 Contenders Match: Houston Handley vs. Teresa Perez vs. <strong>Ash Grover</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

QAW Tag Team Championship: <strong>Las Amazonas ©</strong> vs. Payback Inc. [w/ Vinny Cruz]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

QAW Shockwave Championship: <strong>Little Miss Perfect © [w/ Christy Higgins]</strong> vs. Penny Ramone</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

First Time Ever Tag Match: <strong>Lilly & Rose</strong> vs. The Experience</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Mystery Partner Tag Match: <strong>Pamela Rojo & ???</strong> vs. Steph Blake & ???</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

QAW World Championship: Emma May © vs. Juana Hurricane



World Championship #1 Contenders Match: Houston Handley vs. Teresa Perez vs. Ash Grover



QAW Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Payback Inc. [w/ Vinny Cruz]



QAW Shockwave Championship: Little Miss Perfect © [w/ Christy Higgins] vs. Penny Ramone



First Time Ever Tag Match: Lilly & Rose vs. The Experience



Mystery Partner Tag Match: Pamela Rojo & ??? vs. Steph Blake & ???



Ok it might have taken me a while but glad to get the predictions in, especially for a strong card. Hopefully this continues soon!

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Amazons Attack

Date: Wed W3 Aug 2020

Location: Oklahoma City Hall, OK

Attendance: 579

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 20,125 viewers

Dark match: Ashley Keith def. Darkness Cat via submission in 09:36 [49]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Farrah Hesketh



The commentary team make their usual introductions hyping up the show but the feed goes straight to what is happening in the ring where Commissioner Bomb is stood in the centre of the ring [with a mic] next to an elegant throne and podium displaying the Queen of the Ring trophy...




  Commissioner Bomb


Bomb: Welcome to my ring QAW faithful! Ladies, gentleman and those in between, it is my pleasure to start tonight's show with the coronation of the 2020 QAW Queen of the Ring! This year's tournament saw 8 of the best wrestlers in the world compete in a fierce night of action for the honour of claiming this [bomb gestures to the trophy]. But, this year, not only did our Queen claim the crown, she also won the QAW world championship in a nail biter of a main event! So, without further ado, your Queen and QAW Champion, Emma May!!!




Emma May  


[Emma May swaggers to the ring with the world championship fixed firmly around her waist. The crowd is not pleased to see her but Emma enjoys the reaction and encourages the booing. Bomb hands her the Queen of the Ring trophy and Emma takes her place on the throne possessing two of QAW's top accolades; from behind the throne Bomb produces a gaudy but expensive looking crown and lays it on Emma’s head. With one final proclamation of ‘your 2020 Queen of the Ring, Emma May!’ Commissioner Bomb passes the mic to an extremely smug looking Emma]


Emma: Yes! Yes! Boo me, cheer me, it doesn’t matter! Nothing is going to change the fact that I’m not only looking down on you all from atop the mountain, but I’m also doing it in style sat on my throne!


[Emma laughs as the boos intensify].


Emma: At Crowing the Queen I overcame the odds defeating Ash Grover, Danielle Sweetheart, and Alina America, to claim my rightful place as both the Queen and World Champion of QAW! I know that some of the wrestlers backstage are running their mouths saying that Commissioner Bomb set Alina up, but Bomb was simply correcting months of enabling Alina ducking me, and elongating her sham of a title reign. But, good things come to those who wait and my talents have been justly rewarded an--!"


[Much to her chargrin Emma is cut off by Alina America's music. The crowd is hot for the former world champion and Alina wastes no time in heading straight to the ring. Emma stands firm in the centre of the ring as Bomb slinks out clearly not wanting anything to do with Alina]




 Alina America


Alina: I said to myself that I’d let you have this moment and not give you the satisfaction of knowing you had got to me. But, I was watching the monitor backstage and you came out with that look on your face, yeah that one [Alina points to Emma’s face], and even worse you started talking, and I just had to say something... Are you seriously proud of yourself? You couldn’t get the job done so you got Bomb to help you out! Is that how you wanted to win your first world championship? Your first Queen of the Ring?


Emma: I couldn’t put you down?! Bitch I had you out cold! By the time you realised what had happened I was backstage popping champagne!


Alina: Deflect all you want but we both know you can’t defeat me fairly. I was the one who had to fight in the semis whilst you received a by. Then I had Bomb on my case, when I should have been resting, telling me the main event needs to be for the world championship too. All these shenanigans makes you a weak champion from the get.


Emma: Listen, me receiving that by was down to Ashley Keith and had nothing to do with me. You know that... At the end of the day you didn’t have to sign that match contract… But you did; out of some misguided notion of honour? To inspire your fans? I don’t know and I don’t give a shit because the second you signed that contract you signed away your right to complain.


Alina: I’m not out here to complain. I am out here to make a promise in front of the world that I’m going to take back what is mine [Alina taps the world title draped over Emma’s shoulder].


Emma: Well, I promise ‘in front of the world’ that no one, least of all you, is going to take this championship from me. As far as I’m concerned you’re back of the line, but, when it's your turn again I'll be waiting. And you will bend. You will break. You will suffer like the rest. See you around Alina.


[Alina seems on the verge of attacking but composes herself allowing Emma to leave the ring without incident. Alina glares a hole through Emma as she backs up the aisle holding both belt and trophy over her head but is unknowing to the fact Juana Hurricane has emerged through the curtain and placed herself in Emma’s path]




 Juana Hurricane


[The champion bumps into Juana causing her to jump and her crown slips to the ground at Juana’s feet. Before Emma can react Juana has already placed her foot on the crown and slowly crushes it under her heel as Emma skirts around her]



This angle got the crowd hotter and the show off to a strong start



Triple Threat






Houston Handley [The Line] vs. Teresa Perez [The Line] vs. Ash Grover [The Line]



Although hesitant at first things settled into a fast paced lucha style match with lots of high flying offence with little to no striking. At first the crowd was hot and appreciative of the fair play ideology but began to lose focus as there was no one to root against. But, as the match unfolded the tag team of Houston and Teresa aka. 'Tex-Mex' seemed to influence the dynamics with Ash on the end of double teams which garnered her sympathy. After a double suplex Ash rolled out of the ring clutching her back leaving Houston and Teresa to go at it, which Teresa, who was noticeably keen to win, got the better off and had Houston locked in the round the ‘Around the World Arm Bar’ [Head scissors arm bar]. However, she didn’t notice Ash slide back into the ring, who proceeded to nail Teresa with a drop kick breaking the submission. With Teresa momentarily incapacitated Ash rolled up Houston who was clutching at her arm for the win. After the match the 3 women hugged and Tex-Mex raised Ash’s hand in victory.



Winner: Ash Grover via roll up 11:49




  In a pre-recorded promo Penny Ramone stands alone in the interview area...







Penny: My name is Penny Ramone and if you haven’t heard of me before... Then... Well, what can I say? You need to get yourself better taste in music! Y’know, I’m very fortunate to have found music actually. Playing instruments. Writing lyrics. Singing. It’s always been a great outlet for me and honestly; when life is overwhelming and dark; music lifts me up. It's saved my life on numerous occasions! But a few years ago I started realising that it wasn’t enough and that darkness began to fester. Honestly? I really just wanted to hit something…! So, I discovered wrestling! And now I’m fortunate enough to say I have 2 passions in life; hitting drums and hitting people! So, Little Miss Perfect, I hope you're ready to party because I am coming for you and that QAW Shockwave Championship! WOO!




QAW Shockwave Championship












Little Miss Perfect © w/ Christy Higgins vs. Penny Ramone



Miss Perfect and Higgins continued their social media shtick by Higgins taking influencer-esque photos of the champion on the way to the ring [Miss Perfect took 4 attempts walking up the ring steps until they ‘got the shot’].


The match itself was a stronger outing for the champion; Miss Perfect had the crowd hating on her throughout and they seemed to be buying into her as champion again after her loss to Megumi Nakajima back in May [which damaged her perception]. But, it was Penny who really showed out and made the most of the QAW stage, and if you were casually tuning in you’d be forgiven for thinking Ramone was the champion. The finish came abruptly when Higgins tripped Ramone and the distraction left her prone to Miss Perfect nailing her with the Newton's Cradle [snap swinging neck-breaker into a bridge pin].



Winner: Little Miss Perfect via pin fall 9:46   


[4th defence]

The match got the crowd hotter



The feed cuts to gorilla position where Commissioner Bomb is standing by with Steph Blake...




 Commissioner Bomb & Steph Blake


Bomb: What do you mean you haven't found a partner yet? You're on next!


Blake: ...


Bomb: You need a partner, Steph. Go and grab the first person you see or I'm fining your ass!


[steph walks out of shot without comment].




Pamela Rojo



[A few seconds pass and from the opposite direction Pamela Rojo appears]


Bomb: You better have your partner ready!


Pamela: Oh! She is right here boss...






[AAA legend Suzanne Brazzle walks into shot causing Bomb's jaw to drop. Brazzle and Rojo grasp each other by the forearm]






Tag Match









'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo & 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle vs. 'The Mistress of the DDT' Steph Blake & '100% Rudo' Raquel Alvarado



A very reluctant Alvarado got dragged to the ring by Blake who was obviously not excelling at making alliances backstage nor did she seem bothered by the appearance of Brazzle. The Miracle Blonde received a warm reception from the crowd which grew in intensity as Brazzle proceeded to have a fantastic debut and without a doubt carried the match. The story revolved around Rojo being coached by Brazzle who kept her focussed and calm, which commentary noted she had struggled with in recent months. The rudo pairing just couldn’t work together effectively though and eventually Rojo caught Blake with a running powerslam, now dubbed ‘The Big Red’, for the decisive victory.



Winners: Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle via pin fall 12:12




QAW interviewer Dharma Gregg enters the ring with a mic to catch a word from Pamela and Suzanne...




 Dharma Gregg, Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle



Dharma: Pamela, Suzanne, congratulations on that hard fought victory over two very tough competitors. I just had to come to the ring though and ask the question; Suzanne, are you now part of QAW?


Brazzle: Dharma, tonight is a special night because a miracle has happened, and Suzanne Brazzle is officially in QAW, baby! I have been plugging away on the indy circuit and keeping tabs on this place and I was drawn to Pamela’s story. I know the hurt of working to the bone and not getting the recognition you deserve. I have watched the women of my generation go onto great things and I’ve watched the next generation follow in their footsteps… Meanwhile I got left behind or surpassed. I think Pamela and I share that story. Am I bitter about it? No! I’m here and I still have time to leave my mark. And I’m here to help Pamela make her mark too.


Pamela: And I am by your side, Suzanne. I have made mistakes recently, specifically betraying my friendship with Alina America over the title; but I’m not going to let that define me. I have all the tools to succeed in QAW. I just needed a friend to remind me.





We rejoin the commentary team at their booth...



Garcia: I can't believe it, Suzanne Brazzle is in QAW!


Hesketh: I've wanted to see her in this company for years! She is a seasoned veteran kicking ass when the rest of us retired, and you know why she's still around? Because she's still got it!


Garcia: If that last match was anything to go by then no one can disagree with that stateme--





Alfonso is cut off mid sentence by the music of Foxxy Larue who makes her way out to join the commentary team...


Garcia: Foxxy Larue! No one has heard from you since Crowning the Queen! To what do we owe the pleasure?


Foxxy: Oh I just wanted to come out and make sure I was ringside to see my girls take the titles next. And, of course, I wanted to come out and see Farrah! You got nothing to say to me girl?

QAW World Tag Team Championship











Las Amazonas © vs. Payback Inc. w/ Vinny Cruz [Ronin3]


The champions were out to start their first ever title reign on the right note and Payback Inc were out to prove they weren’t a placeholder defence, especially after the rumours swirling that they only got the match because of Marie Punnen’s injury. The star of the match was Pinky Perez who was simply working on another level (although the other women were no slouches either) and the chemistry between Payback and their manager, Vinny, was excellent as he regularly interjected and helped his clients regain control. The real focus though was Foxxy on commentary, who continually goaded Farrah Hesketh who did her utmost to avoid confrontation with the Ultimate Diva. Eventually, Foxxy worked herself into a rage and left the announce table seemingly to interfere which only distracted her comrades and Pinky caught Toni with her Butterfly Bomb [Double Underhook Powerbomb] for the win.



Winners: Las Amazonas via pin fall 12:23


[1st defence]



As the winners are announced Foxxy completely loses her temper and starts trashing the ringside area ranting and hurling abuse at Farrah Hesketh...






[The audio is hard to catch at times but a lot of *bleeps* are present which triggers Farrah Hesketh to also lose her temper. The hostilities peak when Foxxy throws a bottle of water over Farrah. Before the two women come to blows they are separated by Vinny Cruz and Alfonso Garcia and the feed cuts away abruptly to the next segment]





The camera crew is conveniently situated in Commissioner Bomb's office as she gets on with paperwork; a knock at the door announces the arrival of the former QAW World Champion, Alina America...




Commissioner Bomb & Alina America  



Bomb: Ah! Alina, welcome to my office! Take a seat.


Alina: I'd rather stand. What do you want, Commissioner?


Bomb: I can tell you're not happy with me still. What can I do to fix this?


Alina: You can tell me why you set me up at Crowning the Queen. And while you're at it, you can tell me why I haven't got a match tonight. How am I supposed to get myself back into contention without competing?


Bomb: Alina, I didn't set you up! What Ashley did to Danielle could have derailed the entire show! So, I took the opportunity to fix that by booking an epic main event. Which it was! And you agreed to it...


Alina: You knew I wasn't going to back down to Emma, you took advantage of that!


Bomb: You were a fighting champion Alina, but you can't win them all... Listen, I feel terrible that you're upset and you're right I should have booked you tonight. Which is why I asked you here actually; so I could tell you in person who your opponent at Capital Clash will be...


Alina:... So?


Bomb: Oh, I asked her here too. She's right behind you, actually!





[Suddenly Hellcat jumps Alina from behind and viciously pulls her by the hair around Bomb's office knocking stacks of papers over; she finishes the assault by smashing Alina's head into a filing cabinet several time leaving Alina slumped on the ground. Hellcat snarls 'See you at Capital Clash, puta!' before leaving]


Bomb: What a mess...!





In a pre-recorded promo, Debbie Rose and Kate Lilly are stood alone in the interview area...




Debbie Rose & Kate Lily



Lilly: ‘Bossman’ Brayfield the last time we spoke you called us ‘relics’, a little harsh, I mean… If we’re relics then what does that make you? But after sitting with it we decided to take that little jab on the chin because there is no shame in being seasoned. How long have we been tagging, Debbie?


Rose: 13 years.


Lilly: And how long have we been the best tag team in the world?


Rose: That’d be 13 years, Kate.


Lilly: Sounds right! Lily Snyder, Ava Anderson; the so called ‘Experience’! You two don’t know the meaning of the word. But you’re in luck because we’re on hand to teach you a lesson…





Tag Match








The Experience w/ Bossman Brayfield [Clenched Fist] vs. Lilly & Rose



In a change from tradition Brayfield decided to stay at ringside instead of providing guest commentary, as despite labelling Lilly & Rose a non-threat, it was clear he wanted his clients to take this win.


The match started with feeling out sequences which demonstrated that both sides were evenly matched and commentary reminded viewers that this was a potential passing of the torch as Lilly & Rose were out to show they were still on top against their potential successors. As the match progressed the difference in styles became more pronounced as Lilly & Rose relied on high flying offence and The Experience went after the ground and pound, but they had cross over in the technical space and settled into a technically sound match.


Brayfield was a constant presence on the outside encouraging his clients and attempting to bend the rules on their behalf, which surprisingly his clients seemed irritated by. This eventually proved to be their downfall as Brayfield was caught placing Ava’s foot on the rope by the referee which pulled their focus to him. As this happened Ava caught Kate in a small package and got the 3 but the referee wasn’t there to make the count. Debbie Rose took the opportunity to roll the small package into her partner’s favour and drop kicked Lily off the apron. The referee turned at this moment and caught the pin, giving the victory to Lilly & Rose.



Winners: Lilly & Rose via roll up 17:37




The feed cuts to Dharma Gregg standing by next to the QAW World Champion, Emma May, in the interview area...




Emma May & Dharma Gregg  



Dharma: Emma May, congratulations once again on your history making victory at Crowning the Queen, where you walked away with both the Queen of the Ring trophy and the QAW World Championship. Can you tell us a little bit about what that win meant to you?


Emma: It meant the world to me Dharma. I have sacrificed a lot to get where I am right now. You don’t become the best without putting in the work. So, winning the Queen of the Ring and the world title in one night just made it all worthwhile. I ran through the best the world has to offer; so you know what that makes me? 'World class!'


Dharma: Well, some are questioning the validity of your win. People like former champion Alina America, who interrupted your ceremony earlier tonight. What do you have to say to Alina?


Emma: I said everything I wanted to say to her earlier. As far as I’m concerned she is back of the line and needs to get the reps in if she wants to step back in the ring with me again. Next question!


Dharma: Okay. How about your challenger for this evening, Juana Hurricane, she made quite the statement destroying your crown. Are you confident going into your first title defence?


Emma: Yes she broke my crown, big whoop! Crowns can be replaced but answer me this; is she going to be able to replace her arm when I break it? Or her windpipe after I crush it? I meant every word I’ve said about her online. She is filler. Infact, she is a jobber. I caught your interview with her where she described herself as a 'dark cloud on my horizon' here to ruin my party blah blah… I'm not scared. She is barely a breeze! In fact she should rename herself 'Juana Puddle' [Emma laughs as Dharma awkwardly smiles]. Any more questions?


Dharma: Well, should you be successful tonight your next challenger has already been determined, and at Capital Clash you’ll be defending against Ash Grover. Do you have any thoughts on that?


Emma: Ash won, huh? Well, my main reflection is that Commissioner Bomb needs to bring in some fresh, credible challengers! Now excuse me, I have a title to defend.





QAW World Championship










'World Class' Emma May © [The Furies] vs. Juana Hurricane [storm Front]




Emma might think twice about giving pre-match promos going forward as it only served to royally piss Juana off who came out extremely hot. However, this may have been Emma’s strategy as she knew Juana's strength lay in her focused technical wrestling and a pissed off Juana was likely to make mistakes. Which is exactly what happened and Emma capitalised on each one. The patented choke out finish was well scouted though and Juana had an answer for it each time so Emma resorted to working the ankle to gain traction on her challenger. The finish came after a thrilling exchange where both women were locked in the figure 4 reversing the pressure on eachother, as Juana took the advantage Emma broke the hold and quickly transitioned to a grape vine heel hook for the submission in a hotly contested bout.



Winner: Emma May via submission 15:03   


[1st defence]

The match had the crowd buzzing



Show rating: 54




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Prediction winner and Capital Clash predictions round


OOC: Thanks to everyone for the predictions over the Amazons tour! The winner was KyTeran who only got 1 wrong...! Is my booking that predictable? Okay, maybe it was for this tour as it was laying the groundwork... Maybe... KyTeran I'll be in touch with your prize which is booking the finals for the upcoming Triosmania tournament! Currently I have three different outcomes planned and I need help narrowing it down to one [obviously]!


Ok it might have taken me a while but glad to get the predictions in, especially for a strong card. Hopefully this continues soon!


I'm glad you did too friend. Admittedly, I came down with a virus recently [not that virus thankfully] and it totally wiped my energy levels so writing the diary got tough for a minute but I've booked a veeeeery long time in advance so I'll churn it out by hook or by crook! This gave me a kick in the ass to finish writing so hopefully you liked the show :D


QAW World Championship: Emma May © vs. Juana Hurricane

Gotta go with Emma here, she just won the championship in my diary so she is becoming a favorite


I noticed! Emma May is undeniable talent whether she’s in Texas or Hawaii obviously! I’m looking forward to seeing where you take her. And maybe I can weave Hawaiian Punch Pro into this universe one day!


Capital Clash will be the next QAW show but before that...









Hardcore rules 6 person tag match: 'The UK's most famous chav' Porsche & ??? & ??? vs. 'Mad' Millie Morgan & 'The Red Queen' Thea Davis & 'The Black Widow' Zofia Jankovich






COTT Women's World Tag Team Championship: Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez © vs. 'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi


Singles: Gear Head Grace vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart


Tag team: 'The Bully' Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone



Quick predictions


Porsche & ??? & ??? vs. Mad Millie Morgan & Thea Davis & Zofia Jankovich


Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi


Gear Head Grace vs. Danielle Sweetheart


Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone

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Porsche & ??? & ??? vs. Mad Millie Morgan & Thea Davis & Zofia Jankovich


Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi


Gear Head Grace vs. Danielle Sweetheart

Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone


I don't think that your booking is predictable, I had to put some thought into some matches that I guessed on.

Another great show by the way, also it will be interesting to see how women's wrestling will work in NYCW and SNP.

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Quick predictions


Porsche & ??? & ??? vs. Mad Millie Morgan & Thea Davis & Zofia Jankovich


Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi


Gear Head Grace vs. Danielle Sweetheart

Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone

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Porsche & ??? & ??? vs. Mad Millie Morgan & Thea Davis & Zofia Jankovich


Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi

Gear Head Grace vs. Danielle Sweetheart

Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone


Great to see the show up and it certainly didn't disappoint. The Emma May era is truly with is, I think it will take something special to get the belt off her. As usual I'm enjoying a lot of the promos, the short Lily & Kate one probably being my favourite this week.


But yes the real news is the return of Porsche!

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<p><strong>Porsche & ??? & ???</strong> vs. Mad Millie Morgan & Thea Davis & Zofia Jankovich</p><p> </p><p>

Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. <strong>Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gear Head Grace vs. <strong>Danielle Sweetheart</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. <strong>Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone</strong></p>

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Meanwhile in Scotland...





SNP Festival of Violence VI

Date: Sat W4 August 2020

Location: Caledonian Club, Scotland

Attendance: 128

The show was not broadcast but recorded for future use




 Highland Warrior & Manny Morhan






Commentary welcomes us to the show as Mad Millie bursts through the curtains...





[Mad Millie Morgan makes her way out to a lukewarm response which she manages to amp up by the time she reaches the ring as the crowd absorbs her British, 70s punk energy and confrontational look. The music of Thea Davis starts but she doesn't appear leaving Millie looking puzzled. The music starts again, seemingly a technical glitch, but again Thea, nor Zofia Jankovic, appears]






[Eventually, SNP owner Mark Carnie, emerges from the curtain looking flustered…]


Carnie: Millie, I’ve gone ‘n’ made a muckle mistake about your match tonight. Ye see I booked Rhea ‘n’ Sofia fur tae wrong date! ‘N' when I realised earlier I tried tae get them here but they couldn't make it, what with them being in Japan… I’m pure sorry Millie!


Millie: Are you tellin’ me I’m out ‘ere alone, and you knew about this all day?! F’kin hell, you’ve gotta be kiddin’ me! When I cop my hands on you Carnie, I’m gonna--


Carnie:-- The show must go on though, Millie! Granted, ye look like a tough wifie but I’m a jimmy o’fairness. So, I spoke tae Porsche ‘n’ she agreed tae adjust the rules a wee bit so her gang has tae make tags in ‘n’ out so ye have more of a chance, okay? That sounds fair, doesn’t it?


Millie: How does that sound fu***** fair!? 


[Millie’s mic is cut off as Porsche’s entrance music, and #1 single: ‘Porschuguese’, fills the venue, and Porsche emerges out of the curtain alongside her mystery partners...]








Handicap Match







'The World's #1 Chav' Porsche & Chernobyl Generation [Rayisa Volkova & Iryna Motyl] vs. Mad Millie Morgan


Porsche bopped her way down to the ring in very non-traditional ring gear consisting of a pink mini dress and heels, flanked by the menacing duo ‘Chernobyl Generation’, who commentary put over as one of the premier tag teams Europe had to offer as well as pondering how on earth Porsche had connected with them...


Millie didn’t wait for the mugging to begin though and grabbed a steel chair from ringside, after all it was hardcore rules. Unfortunately, it didn’t have the desired effect and Chernobyl Generation rushed the ring together forcing Millie to attack one and not the other. Iryna got slammed with a chair shot but Rayisa tackled Millie down and they began brawling. The referee threw caution to the wind and started the match. 


The first half of the match saw Millie get completely dismantled by the eastern European duo who employed regular tags to ensure Millie was getting double teamed for the duration. Interestingly, Porsche remained on the outside and only inserted herself a couple of times to deliver a slap to Millie as she was being choked against a rope. The crowd enjoyed Chernobyl Generations rough tactics but began to rally behind Millie, which gave her a short burst of offence, which came to an abrupt halt thanks to Rayisa smashing Millie across the back with a steel chair causing her to crumple to the ground.


At this point Porsche clambered onto the ring apron and demanded to be tagged in, which Iryna obliged, and she ordered Chernobyl Generation to end it, which they also obliged and nailed Millie with a double DDT onto the chair. Porsche picked the bones and covered Millie for the 1, 2, 3. 


Winners: Porsche & Chernobyl Generation via pin 07:52







Porsche acts as though she was won the 21CW World Heavyweight Championship even shedding a theatrical tear as her hand is raised in victory alongside Chernobyl Generation. The referee helps a dazed Millie roll to the outside of the ring as Mark Carnie enters the ring with a mic...







Carnie: Porsche! What a debut, congratulations! Everybody give it up fur Porsche!


[Carnie applauds Porsche and completely ignores Chernobyl Generation]


Porsche: Markie! Don’t get me wrong babes but I thought this was going to be well hard! But it was pretty easy to be honest with you an-- [Porsche turns her attention to her tag partners] Oh, you can go now girls! I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much, thank you! Bye!


[Chernobyl Generation don’t budge. Porsche huffs and leans in to mutter something into Iryna's ear which seems to be satisfactory and the two women leave with a curt nod]


Carnie: So, what ye saying is I’ve given ye the wrestling bug?


Porsche: 100% babes, absolutely riddled with it!


Carnie: That’s not the only thing I can give ye! 


Porsche: At the end of the day Markie, the one thing you should be giving me is the SNP Women’s Championship! Last month Millie tried to mug me off by ruining my debut and giving it all that about being a hard woman; well, tonight I showed her exactly who is in charge around here. And I didn’t even break a nail!


Carnie: It was quite the debut Merced--


Porsche: --Porsche!


Carnie: -- Porsche, ‘n’ if ye keep it up I will be more than happy tae crown ye. So, ye just let me know if ye need another favour, eh? ‘N’ I’ll see what I can do…


Porsche: And as for all my fans here in Scotland I have just one thing to say… Save a horse, ride a Porsche!!!


[And with the questionable catch phrase uttered Porsche starts playing to the crowd and soaking in the cat calling as Mark tilts his head trying to see up Porsche’s dress


The celebration is stopped as an irate Mad Millie Morgan slides into the ring brandishing a chair wildly which Porsche and Mark narrowly escape


Mark comically knocks Porsche to the ground in his efforts to escape the ring area causing Porsche to throw a tantrum on the ground giving the camera a clear up-skirt shot [which is blurred out on release]. The segment ends with Mad Millie Morgan smashing her head into the chair repeatedly and roaring at the hard camera]



Mark Carnie bombed the segment, but Porsche shone









COTT Women's World Tag Team Championship: Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez © vs. 'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue & Toni Parisi 



Singles: Gear Head Grace vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart



Tag team: 'The Bully' Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone



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  • 2 weeks later...

Meanwhile in New York...




All on the Line

Date: Sat W2 September 2020

Location: Dockers Bay, Tri State

Attendance: 471

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 17,354 viewers






Commentary: Ron South & Eric Tyler



South: Good evening wrestling fans my name is Ron South and welcome to NEW YORK Championship Wrestling’s 'All on the line'! We are coming at you from Dockers Bay with a packed out crowd ready to get this night underway! But first, lets address the elephant in the room as I’m not joined by my usual broadcasting colleagues, instead, I am joined by wrestling legend; 'The Traditionalist', and new owner of NYCW, Eric Tyler!


Tyler: Thank you Ron! This is my first show at the helm and I wanted to call the action up close and personal!


South: Nothing wrong with that! Tonight for the first time NYCW's newly formed women's division will take centre stage with Chris Amerson and Christy Higgins taking on Katherine Goodlooks and Penny Ramone in the main event! Eric, why was forming a women's division important to you?


Tyler: Because my daughter, Brooke, is one of the best wrestlers on the planet today. Regardless of gender. What kind of message would I be sending to her by owning NYCW and not recognising that women's wrestling can draw? Representation matters and NYCW welcomes everyone to compete, as long as they can go in the ring of course...


South: Well said! And our opening match will feature the first ever women's match with the COTT Tag Champions: Electric Dreamer and Ursula Saez taking on Foxxy Larue and Toni ‘New York’ Parisi!



COTT Women's World Tag Team Match









COTT Tag Team Championship: Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. 'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue & Toni 'New York' Parisi



The women’s division had a great debut despite the NYCW regulars not being familiar with all the competitors involved. Ursula looked as if she had just walked off the set of 'World's Strongest' and Dreamer was a walking advertisement for lucha libre and together they looked like the blueprint power and speed team. Their challengers, billed as 'Ronin' [which commentary explained was a nod to their faction in QAW] were dressed in street clothes and looked ready for a fight. Commentary debated whether Toni would play 2nd fiddle on her home turf to Foxxy, particularly as she was now billing herself as Toni 'New York' Parisi... Which just seemed to piss off the New Yorkers in attendance rather than garner support.


The match was simple to allow for the character work of Toni and Foxxy to come through as Foxxy spent her time bossing Toni around, demanding tags and yelling at her when things went wrong. This began to grate on Toni and as Foxxy worked Ursula over on the ropes Toni tagged in to continue the beatdown, much to Foxxy’s anger. As the referee argued with Foxxy to leave the ring, Ursula surprised Toni with a belly-to-belly suplex towards her corner and tagged in Dreamer who followed up with a picture perfect moonsault for the win.


As the champions celebrated Foxxy tried getting in Toni’s face but Toni rolled out the ring and stormed to the back flipping people off as she went.


Winners: Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez via pin 09:37


[3rd Defence]




Singles Match





Gear Head Grace vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart



The midcard saw Big Smack Scott’s younger sister Gear Head Grace taking on QAW stalwart Danielle Sweetheart. Commentary put over Grace’s bodybuilding background [minus the steroid scandals] and how she was now looking to apply that success to the world of pro-wrestling. The dramatic height and weight difference between the two immediately placed Danielle as the plucky face with an uphill battle; which it was for the opening minutes as Grace simply asserted her strength over Danielle several times during the feeling out process.


However, instead of pressing the attack Grace opted to play to the crowd...


Young: She needs to stop focussing on the crowd!


Tyler: It’s a rookie mistake, simple as that. When you’re in the ring with a veteran of Sweetheart’s calibre you keep your eyes on the prize.


And true to word Danielle adjusted to hit and run offence making Grace expend energy chasing her around the ring, which had her gassed out quickly, and Danielle was able to take her down to the mat. In a fit of frustration Grace used her dregs of energy to power out of a full nelson and rolled out the ring and started trashing the ringside area.


Young: What is she doing?!


Tyler: She’s showing her maturity level! And she’ll be clearing this up I tel--


Young: – Who is that in the ring?!





Danielle was lingering in the centre of the ring watching the referee try and reason with Grace to get back in the ring. The crowd yelled at Danielle to turn around as Ashley slid into the ring behind her with brass knuckles on and as Danielle turned Ashley cracked her across the face-- knocking her out cold. Ashley disappeared as Grace conveniently re-entered the ring and gorilla pressed Danielle over the top rope and tossed her to the outside. The referee counted to 10 as Danielle lay motionless.


Winner: Gear Head Grace def. Danielle Sweetheart via countout 08:12






Tag Team Match







'The Bully' Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone



The tag teams were a little eclectic with the mean and nasty 3xtime MMA champion Chris Amerson teaming with the free spirit Christy Higgins. On the other side of the ring was punk rock Penny Ramone alongside the pure hearted Katherine Goodlooks. But if there was any doubters about the women’s division left they were convinced after this main event, which was easily the best match of the year for NYCW so far [by a mile!].


The commentary team put over some background to the match and spoke about Christy Higgins recently screwing Penny Ramone out of a title shot in QAW, which helped explain their animosity. The star of the match was Chris Amerson though, who despite being a year into her career, was on another level and looked more comfortable in the ring than the 18 year veteran Katherine. The finish came as Katherine attempted a guillotine on Chris who easily escaped, scored a double leg take down into a mount and started raining down nasty elbow strikes. Before anyone realised there was an issue the referee pushed Chris away from Katherine to reveal she had been knocked out cold.


Winners: Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins via referee stoppage 13:00




Capital Clash Predictions



QAW World Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Lilly & Rose


QAW World Championship: 'World Class' Emma May © vs. 'Texas Tough' Ash Grover


'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith


Hellcat Hernandez vs. Alina America


'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue w/ Toni Parisi, Becca Barton & Vinny Cruz vs. 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle w/ Pamela Rojo


Christy Higgins & Little Miss Perfect vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather & Sonnaz Shah w/ Juana Hurricane





OOC: Thanks to everyone for the predictions! Sorry the shows are coming out weirdly [i haven't lost interest, I've lost free time! But the diary is never far from my mind]. So, the last round locked in the winner of the upcoming triosmania! I think my QAW backstage atmosphere is a little dry so the winner of this round for every correct prediction will get to create/change relationships between QAW roster members [excluding blood relative etc. obvz].


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Don't worry about the timeline. The wait is worth it.



QAW World Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Lilly & Rose


QAW World Championship: 'World Class' Emma May © vs. 'Texas Tough' Ash Grover


'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith


Hellcat Hernandez vs. Alina America


'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue w/ Toni Parisi, Becca Barton & Vinny Cruz vs. 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle w/ Pamela Rojo


Christy Higgins & Little Miss Perfect vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather & Sonnaz Shah w/ Juana Hurricane

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QAW World Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Lilly & Rose


QAW World Championship: 'World Class' Emma May © vs. 'Texas Tough' Ash Grover


'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith


Hellcat Hernandez vs. Alina America


'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue w/ Toni Parisi, Becca Barton & Vinny Cruz vs. 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle w/ Pamela Rojo


Christy Higgins & Little Miss Perfect vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather & Sonnaz Shah w/ Juana Hurricane

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QAW World Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas © vs. Lilly & Rose


QAW World Championship: 'World Class' Emma May © vs. 'Texas Tough' Ash Grover


'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith


Hellcat Hernandez vs. Alina America


'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue w/ Toni Parisi, Becca Barton & Vinny Cruz vs. 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle w/ Pamela Rojo


Christy Higgins & Little Miss Perfect vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather & Sonnaz Shah w/ Juana Hurricane

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