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DOTM Nominations - May 2023

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Nomination Template

"WCW vs The World by The Best Writer"

Real World
[Diary/Link] by [Writer]

[Diary/Link] by [Writer]

[New Diary], [shock Signing], [shock Push], [shock Title Win], [shock Turn], [Worker], [Face Worker], [Heel Worker], [Tag Team], [stable], [Champion], [Angle], [storyline], [Rocky Maivia], [Graphics]
[Prefix Category] - [showcase Moment] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer]

[Match @ Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer]

[Event] in [Diary/Link] by [Writer]

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's some fantastic diaries on this board at the moment. It would be criminal not to nominate.

I may edit this further down the line to add more as I keep on reading.


Real World:

GCW: The Road To National by @kanegan. I had no idea what a GCW was or who the hell any of the people in it were before reading this, but the fact that I'm now interested in every damn one of them indicates this is a good diary.


FCW: It Matters! by @christmas_ape: There's a good reason why this diary seems to have a permanent place in these monthly awards threads. It's really good. The characterisation is very good - the people are brought to life and given real personality. I can see why the eye-catching comic book presentation is popular too - really sets this diary apart.

Historical Mods:

Is there a category in these awards for Historical games? If not, there should be!

Rise Of A Star by @Old School Fan: For the research and detail alone this deserves a nomination, but the storylines, the characters, the writing, it's the total package as far as dynasties are concerned.

WCW 1995 by @Henderson: Because it's the best damn diary on this forum and has been for quite a while.

Let's give these some love too:

The Great American Wrestling Company by @MidKnightDreary: this diary is shaping up to be a lot of fun - check that one out if you haven't already.

Watch out for Canadian Golden Combat 2007 by @GreatreDRagon in the CornellVerse side of things. That could be a very good diary and I'm really looking forward to what comes next on this.

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1 hour ago, dstephe4 said:

Historical Mods:

Is there a category in these awards for Historical games? If not, there should be!

Rise Of A Star by @Old School Fan: For the research and detail alone this deserves a nomination, but the storylines, the characters, the writing, it's the total package as far as dynasties are concerned.

WCW 1995 by @Henderson: Because it's the best damn diary on this forum and has been for quite a while.

As far as I've seen, there's never been a historical mods category for DOTM, but that sounds like a great idea (and thanks for the nom, BTW 😎 ).

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4 hours ago, dstephe4 said:

@Togg make it happen! Let's get a Historical Mods category going!

As great as a "Historical" category would be, we already dropped the "Rookie and Legendary" teirs because of low nominations. If nominations continue to be high, i would happily consider the idea 😀

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Thanks for the nod and the shout out @dstephe4. Let's gets some nominations going.

Real World

The Russian Federation Of Wrestling by @dstephe4. It deserves all the compliments it is getting and is hands down the best written comedy that i have read in the forums.

Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS: Go Beyond The Limit by @CGN91. A deep dive into the world of FREEDOMS and of course the master of puro CGN91 does full justice to it.



PGHW - The Other Beginning by @Willsky. Tackling PGHW in 1997 with many of today's legends in their early teens and i like the format very much.

LETHAL Steel Japanese Wrestling: Trial By Blood by @AboardTheArk. I love T-verse and more so T-verse puro so this one is right up my alley.

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Really appreciate the nom @dstephe4 although I don't think I should be eligible for May. Have taken quite a break so I've not posted a show yet this month so I'd feel like an imposter on the list. Also I've actually won 3 months in a row?! Personally I think there should perhaps be a limit when it comes to DOTM, I think there maybe used to be years ago. 


Although I will be cheeky and self nominate for Event of the month. Technically it was posted an hour before May began... but for SOME people elsewhere it would have been posted in May and that's good enough for me... 

FCW: Choked Out

Although not necessarily the end of their rivalry the Gonzales feud has been one of my favourites ever to write and this was a big show for that. 


Good to see plenty of choices I would have made already up, I want to have a proper think next few days but for now I want to nominate;


C-Verse Diary

@The Lloyd's 21CW: The Land of Second Chances

Clearly deserved, there's a lot of good stuff here over last few months but the boards in general always feel healthier when there's a Lloyd diary active so it's been great to see him back and on form!  

@Rhysrob's QAW Amazons

Was one of my favourites a while back and since the return has really upped the quality even higher. I often think it's the best compliment for a diary that now when I see QAW in game I fully picture this version, and the same goes for plenty of the characters. 

Event of the month

@AboardTheArk's CGC: Chamber of Horrors

The Chamber match itself was a great read but the other matches all served their purpose well. One of those events I could really imagine enjoying watching with a bit of everything. 


Edited by christmas_ape
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AEW 2019: FROM THE BEGINNING - For the first time I'm going to self nominate because this new diary is the first real world diary for me and I'm putting my best effort to create an alternative history for AEW's early days.



TCW - The Sheriff Is Back In Town by @vpower - One of the most underrated diaries here in my opinion.



Double or Nothing 2019 in AEW 2019: FROM THE BEGINNING - Again I'm going to self nominate this one based on the likes.

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20 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

C-Verse Diary

@The Lloyd's 21CW: The Land of Second Chances

Clearly deserved, there's a lot of good stuff here over last few months but the boards in general always feel healthier when there's a Lloyd diary active so it's been great to see him back and on form!  


Stop it :D For me, that's when there's an Ape diary on the boards! Keep up the great work everyone. I'm enjoying a lot of diaries at the moment. I read them when my newborn baby sleeps on me :D 

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4 hours ago, The Lloyd said:

Stop it :D For me, that's when there's an Ape diary on the boards! Keep up the great work everyone. I'm enjoying a lot of diaries at the moment. I read them when my newborn baby sleeps on me :D 

Nice to see I'm not the only one on here with kids lol

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On 5/22/2023 at 1:23 AM, The Lloyd said:

Stop it :D For me, that's when there's an Ape diary on the boards! Keep up the great work everyone. I'm enjoying a lot of diaries at the moment. I read them when my newborn baby sleeps on me :D 

Speaking of being slept on, I hear DirigoJoe is back writing USPW: Hegemony!  Rumor has it that he's extremely good looking, a booking genius and his powerpoint skills are epic! Don't sleep on him!


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MATCH OF THE MONTH: Stan Hansen defends the AWA World Title against undefeated Sam Houston - AWA ON ESPN - JAN. 1990 - 4th Taping Re-cap (Page 24)  - AWA 1989: https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/52672-awa-1989-a-financial-savior-is-badly-needed/page/24/#comments


DOTM: Rise of a Star by Old School Fan: https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/53694-rise-of-a-star/page/26/#comments


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Worldwide Wrestling League CV 77 - The League that came Before by @Willsky

The league continues forward into a new season, William Riley continues to be the king, while Kenny Maynard is rising up the ranks, guys like Angus McCloud, Leo King, and Mikel De Sota fill out the league with wrestlers who conceivably could win at anytime.

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I self nominated my AEW diary, but I've given up on that project. I really put my efforts there but the reception wasn't as good as I expected, so I decided to move back to C-Verse diaries. I think my diary doesn't deserve the nomination.

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2 hours ago, newbiezness said:

I self nominated my AEW diary, but I've given up on that project. I really put my efforts there but the reception wasn't as good as I expected, so I decided to move back to C-Verse diaries. I think my diary doesn't deserve the nomination.

If I didn't nom myself I'd hardly ever get a nom.

Good luck in finding the right fit for you.


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