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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;371619]Nice addition for today. It'll make things a lot simpler for a lot of mod makers. Will it mean that I can set the starting date of the default Cornellverse data to e.g. August 2010 and all the workers who have debuted up until that point will be available?[/QUOTE] It should do. Likewise all presently active players should have debut dates available, so if you start back in 1999, say, then workers like Frankie Perez and Wolf Hawkins would be yet to debut. It's not quite at the point of having one super-database that you could play through for a hundred years (there'd still have to be a mechanism for debuting workers to start with lower stats, while having their existing stats available if we start after their debut date) but it's still a great feature.
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;371619]Nice addition for today. It'll make things a lot simpler for a lot of mod makers. Will it mean that I can set the starting date of the default Cornellverse data to e.g. August 2010 and all the workers who have debuted up until that point will be available?[/QUOTE] Yes, but all of the workers would still be in their standard TEW 2008 starting positions. You'd have to believe that there wasn't one death, retirement, title change or skill development in the two years between TEW 2008 and your 2010 start date. Fortunately, the skip-ahead feature will alleviate all of that. Sim for two years, then get into the game. Problem solved!
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;371246]So far so good. I'm pretty happy about the national struggle, and the personality pluss. I'm looking forward to what else is going to be included.. [B]I am hoping for the worker area and new worker area to be combined [/B](so that you can include all the relations and such with them). Several other things as well. Really great suggestions in the suggestion area, and I'm feeling like he is including several of them.[/QUOTE] WOOT!!
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[QUOTE=sprinklefurball;371638]One thing I want to know is, is it possible for mod-makers to make their own personality templates? That would be so helpful.[/QUOTE] I honestly don't think so... but he said that there would be easy to follow templates already in it. Like "Greedy Owner" or "Egotistic Superstar", "Demanding Diva". Not actually like this, but something how the WMMA setup is with their worker's skills, I'm guessing. I CERTAINLY think that would be an excellent suggestion though. For all actually. If you could make your own generic types, it would bassically give you your's and the ingame ones to use to get even more diverse worker's without having to take a ton of time doing it.
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A legendary card will probably just be an A* match or card. I like the HoI, but the legendary match note should be put pretty high, or either the difficulty to attain A* must rise (like a suggestion i once did: make A* 98% or higher). The only thing I see missing is managers not being able to attain that status unless they are icons. If a manager is involved in a 'legendary match', doesn't he get the credit too? He obviously would've helped the match attain that status.
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I'm sure the last two additions (new worker and HOI) are great for some but they aren't really mind blowing to me. I don't make mods so the New Worker integration doesn't really do anything for me one way or the other. I also barely pay attention to the top 100 and the end of year awards (probably because I like playing small feds) so a Hall of Immortals isn't really anything that interests me.
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;372035]when he says legendary cards I think he meant a major PPV with legendary or historic importance. So if they headline wrestlemania or even the royal rumble they get some points.[/QUOTE] Oh right. :) Probably that then. I'd like to request Adam that one PPV of NOTBPW (MidSummerMadness is my Mania) would rise one rank in prestige since it takes at least some years to up it, even when producing A* events :( . I understand if it stays like is it though, given the nature of their product (constant match quality, no real culmination in events). I'm also waiting for some gameplay additions that actually improve the game other then its presentation, but we still have a long time to go so it's best not to complain yet. :P
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;372077]I'm sure the last two additions (new worker and HOI) are great for some but they aren't really mind blowing to me. I don't make mods so the New Worker integration doesn't really do anything for me one way or the other. I also barely pay attention to the top 100 and the end of year awards (probably because I like playing small feds) so a Hall of Immortals isn't really anything that interests me.[/QUOTE] I think you don't see the interesting feature that was unintentionally given away with the HOI, national iconic status.
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One thing I see the HOI feature doing is possibly making people play longer games to see if they can get their favorite wrestlers into the HOI. Even though I play a few of games out 10+ years or so, most game usually only go 4-5 years before losing interest and starting over and I think a lot of others may do the same thing. Having the HOI to shoot for gives one more reason to keep playing a specific game longer just to see if you can take someone like Dusty Bin :D to the HOI.
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When I first heard about this game I thought 'TEW 2007 2' . As much as I like TEW (spent every waking hour this week tweaking the Hurryzone for maximized playability) I just am not gonna pay for it again. Then I had some lag time in travel and checked out the Journal... There is no way I am not getting this game.
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[QUOTE=BuddyGarner;372187]What's to stop someone from creating a fluffer main event title and having The Minor Annoyance attain it and defend it a bunch of times in the undercard to get into the Hall of Immortals?[/QUOTE] Nothing. But, firstly, what on earth would be the point? There'd be no benefit to the player, just a lot of hassle. Secondly, if you wanted to "cheat", why not just use the editor to add them in yourself and save yourself the bother? Thirdly, you might as well ask "what's to stop someone giving their wrestlers nothing but 100% in every category and giving them such a God-like push that they end up in the HOI?" - if people are that desperate to put a guy in the Hall, who cares? It's their game. If they're dumb enough to cause themselves that much hassle to "achieve" something by manipulating stats, then they might as well just be left to get on with it.
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I agree with Dragonmack's point that this would encourage long-term play and sticking with games for generations of gameplay. This, paired with multi-day advance, is a huge step forward. "Heidenreich Challenge" games will become much more frequent now, and I think that's a good thing. I know I'll give it a shot.
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