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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Did I miss something or was Sheamus seriously only used during the latest backstage segment with Bourne and Nexus? He's the WWE Champion and he was involved in a shorter segment then the Brady Bunch crap... I just find it strange that the Champ wasn't even involved in the entire first hour of the show.
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Did I miss something or was Sheamus seriously only used during the latest backstage segment with Bourne and Nexus? He's the WWE Champion and he was involved in a shorter segment then the Brady Bunch crap... I just find it strange that the Champ wasn't even involved in the entire first hour of the show.


Would you rather the alternative where he's shoved down our throats? :p

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After the show, 3 thoughts came to me.


The SS/RKO was cool.


I kinda hope that header that Henry took means there's a question mark on the card again. For some reason, Henry + ladder doesn't seem to equal blockbuster match to me.


And most importantly ... what's the deal with erasing JR from the opening? I thought they gave him a new position within the company, ergo he's still an employee, thus allowing me a small, yet enjoyable moment where matches were called properly by someone who didn't giggle like a 7 year old watching Showtime!


*kicks the dirt* Stoopid WWE!

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Would you rather the alternative where he's shoved down our throats? :p


I didn't really like Sheamus, but now I have nothing against him. I just firmly believe that if someone is your top champion then he should be used pretty heavily. The segment he was involved in made him look weak (running away) and the ending didn't really help anything in my opinion. He should have hit Cena with the chair after Nexus left at the very least. Cena bleeding was a pleasant surprise.

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Someone should get fired for making Cena bleed.


We can't have the kiddies seeing blood.



I'm only halfway serious about that....



Bourne or Orton kinda botched it if you really watch it, but the camera man or production truck botched it worse.....

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Watched a full Raw for the first time in years.


Way too PG for me. Cena opening interview was funny to me because of how waterred down it was (did he actually say "I'm gonna put your butt where your face is"?). Not to mention the whole brady bunch thing and what not.


A few random thoughts questions....


What happened to Koslov? when I last saw him he was getting a goldberg push and now he's coming out with Santino and golddust and fighting doink and friends? huh? I take it that push is dead.?


The whole nexus thing is interesting, but they could have at least made marketable merchandise? People might buy the arm band, but nobody is gonna buy those shirts and that's missed opportunity as they are creating a lot of buzz.


Mark Henry in MITB? unless he picks up and throws a ladder while two other wresters are on it to show off his strength, I'm not sure where this is going. Maybe he'll just knock himself out again.


The mystery GM thing is interesting, but I don't get what the host's role is then.


And wow, what a serious beat down on Bourne. I think Nexus slapped him once and dropped him to the ground and yelled at him for being Cena's friend. That's pretty weak.


The Orton vs Edge segment and the aftermath was decent, but had too many consecutive spots for me at the end. And everyone keeps talking about it, but unless I just blinked at the wrong time I didn't really see the SS->RKO. I saw Evan jump and flip and then Orton getting up after the announcers stated what happened. Not saying it didn't happen (by the crods reactionyou can tell it did and was pretty sick), just that I'd like a better angle on it or at least some replays.


Would have like to have seen Cena hunt the nexus Marine style and take out a member or two before the ME to build up and even the odds a little.

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The Orton vs Edge segment and the aftermath was decent, but had too many consecutive spots for me at the end. And everyone keeps talking about it, but unless I just blinked at the wrong time I didn't really see the SS->RKO. I saw Evan jump and flip and then Orton getting up after the announcers stated what happened. Not saying it didn't happen (by the crods reactionyou can tell it did and was pretty sick), just that I'd like a better angle on it or at least some replays.


The original camera angle was awful. I almost think WWE either did that on purpose in case they botched it or they actually screwed up what camera to use. They did end up showing a few replays of it and it's really just Orton picking himself up a little bit and then falling back down with Bourne. Which is why I considered it really cool, but not extraordinary.

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Yeah, the Kozlov push was gotten dead and rotten for a while now. World title program with Triple H which resulted in a dreadful match at SurSer, small program with Taker and they completely soured on him afterwards. Sent to ECW, drowned there and where he is now. It's a shame because I would've liked him as a headliner.


As for the Nexus, I think it's better the way they appear, instead of looking flashy or marketable. The attention should be on the assaults they do, and the black shirts with the uniform logo makes them come across as more... cultish. I like.


And unless you saw last week's replay, Cena actually did what you suggested [somewhat], taking out one of the Nexus last week in brutal fashion, to make it 6 vs. 1 instead of 7.

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Way too PG for me. Cena opening interview was funny to me because of how waterred down it was (did he actually say "I'm gonna put your butt where your face is"?). Not to mention the whole brady bunch thing and what not.


Hate to tell you what's been told to me many, many, many (MANY) times: it's not meant for you.


What happened to Koslov? when I last saw him he was getting a goldberg push and now he's coming out with Santino and golddust and fighting doink and friends? huh? I take it that push is dead.?


That push has been dead for years. They gave him a chance, he sucked, they moved on.


The whole nexus thing is interesting, but they could have at least made marketable merchandise? People might buy the arm band, but nobody is gonna buy those shirts and that's missed opportunity as they are creating a lot of buzz.


Their merch is perfect. Being the closest things to badasses in the entire promotion, simplicity sells better than the kaleidoscope stuff that Edge and Orton have. It's basically a uniform. Unless you work at Disneyworld or somewhere, uniforms are typically simple.


Mark Henry in MITB? unless he picks up and throws a ladder while two other wresters are on it to show off his strength, I'm not sure where this is going. Maybe he'll just knock himself out again.


If you watch previous MITB matches, you'll notice that several people spend much of the match "laid out" outside the ring. They get up for a little sequence then return to the mats somehow. That's a role Mark Henry can play perfectly.


The mystery GM thing is interesting, but I don't get what the host's role is then.


Marketing. It's the same concept as main events. If you care about the person being advertised to appear, you're more likely to tune in/buy the PPV.


And wow, what a serious beat down on Bourne. I think Nexus slapped him once and dropped him to the ground and yelled at him for being Cena's friend. That's pretty weak.


Yoshi Tatsu took four knee lifts and a forearm across the back and writhed like somebody shot him. I think the message came across nonetheless.


Would have like to have seen Cena hunt the nexus Marine style and take out a member or two before the ME to build up and even the odds a little.


And while watching a full Raw, you missed the replays they showed of what he did to Darren Young last week?


Yeah, the Kozlov push was gotten dead and rotten for a while now. World title program with Triple H which resulted in a dreadful match at SurSer, small program with Taker and they completely soured on him afterwards. Sent to ECW, drowned there and where he is now. It's a shame because I would've liked him as a headliner.


Seriously? You would PAY to see KOSLOV wrestle? "I would've liked him as a headliner" kinda implies that. Just clarifying. Not judging, mind you, since I'd pay to see Regal wrestle (operative word here: wrestle).


And Logan, Sheamus couldn't be onscreen a whole lot. The theme of the show was Cena (face) vs The Nexus (heel). Overwhelming odds and all that. You can't have a heel champion fighting a heel stable. You'll confuse the fans and/or have them cheering the wrong person (both of which are 'the wrong person'). If he wasn't fighting The Nexus (the overarching theme of the show) and he wasn't in a match, he shouldn't have a ton of screen time. That's for the faces.


One thing I did notice though. The Dibiase-Morrison segment was GODAWFUL. Ted couldn't get through his lines without flubbing at least twice and it was about as compelling as trying to start a 30 year old lawnmower. And am I the only one to notice that Maryse has fewer curves than a no. 2 pencil? She's built like an 11 year old boy. I wonder who they'll pull out of mothballs to team with Morrison against Dibiase and Maryse.

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And Logan, Sheamus couldn't be onscreen a whole lot. The theme of the show was Cena (face) vs The Nexus (heel). Overwhelming odds and all that. You can't have a heel champion fighting a heel stable. You'll confuse the fans and/or have them cheering the wrong person (both of which are 'the wrong person'). If he wasn't fighting The Nexus (the overarching theme of the show) and he wasn't in a match, he shouldn't have a ton of screen time. That's for the faces.


True. I just don't understand why they didn't give him time for a promo of some sort. The last image on RAW is of two guys who are in the main event at MITB working together. Perhaps the build for their match has already had enough time, but having your champion on-air for about 6 minutes total on the show before the PPV? Didn't seem logical to me.

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True. I just don't understand why they didn't give him time for a promo of some sort. The last image on RAW is of two guys who are in the main event at MITB working together. Perhaps the build for their match has already had enough time, but having your champion on-air for about 6 minutes total on the show before the PPV? Didn't seem logical to me.


Well, Sheamus isn't particularly charismatic and he doesn't have a catch phrase. He's known more for being pale than anything else. I think they're trying to feed him to the fans in small doses. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but when Orton was last champion, he didn't spend a ton of time onscreen either, did he?

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Well, Sheamus isn't particularly charismatic and he doesn't have a catch phrase. He's known more for being pale than anything else. I think they're trying to feed him to the fans in small doses. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but when Orton was last champion, he didn't spend a ton of time onscreen either, did he?


Shouldn't that be done before someone is a champion?

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Well they've been doing that too. Overall, champion or no champion they're feeding him to us slowly. I always realize they're doing segments with him that they would likely not do with other superstars. Same with The Miz, and McIntyre, kinda.


When Orton was last champion, I think he had a fair amount of screen time, especially due to the whole Legacy stable.

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Shouldn't that be done before someone is a champion?


I wholly agree. If they're the champ, they should frequently be the focus of your shows. I honestly like Sheamus, but he doesn't seem quite yet to the point to where they're willing to let him carry a show... so... yeah, he probably shouldn't be champ, and neither should've Orton that early in his career.


But whatever, not like I can do anything except bitch about it on the internet, hehe.

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No problem with Mark Henry in MitB. When you've got Morrison and Bourne flying around off of ladders, it's nice to have a big target they can land on. Variety is the spice of life. 8 flippy-floppy guys is boring.


P.S. I too like Sheamus. Not 'there' yet, but I enjoy him.

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I was disappointed that WWE didn't follow up on Cena's destruction of a Nexus member last week. Yeah, they showed the replay, but he didn't do anything this week about it really. As for me, the whole Nexus beating up everyone is starting to wear extremely thin, kind of like when NWO was dominating every show in WCW with the faces made to look like total wusses except for Sting.


I didn't like what they did with Sheamus either. Last week he is all, 'Let the Nexus take out our opponents for us' and this week, he runs when Nexus says boo, and is out supporting Cena. It just didn't make a lot of sense and made him come off as weak as well.


About the only thing that was truly entertaining was the build for the MiTB ladder match.

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.... They did end up showing a few replays of it and it's really just Orton picking himself up a little bit and then falling back down with Bourne. Which is why I considered it really cool, but not extraordinary.


Here's what I thought of:


To whose credit does being in the right spot go? Was there a canvas-mark for Orton to be laying on? Did Bourne/Sydal have to hit a specific distance? Did they have to practice that maneuver a lot?


I'm always interested in how you set up and perform a spot like that.... lots of planning, but how much? How long? Technical details that have to go right during a live performance; placements, precise measurements and movements, etc.

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If you watch previous MITB matches, you'll notice that several people spend much of the match "laid out" outside the ring. They get up for a little sequence then return to the mats somehow. That's a role Mark Henry can play perfectly.


Yep. There's 8 guys in the match. There's time for just about every type of wrestler to do something. Mark Henry is there to pick up a ladder with 4 people on it, catch somebody jumping from the top of the ladder to the outside, etc.


And while watching a full Raw, you missed the replays they showed of what he did to Darren Young last week?


I assumed he meant taking out one or two more on THIS Raw...could be wrong though.


One thing I did notice though. The Dibiase-Morrison segment was GODAWFUL. Ted couldn't get through his lines without flubbing at least twice and it was about as compelling as trying to start a 30 year old lawnmower. And am I the only one to notice that Maryse has fewer curves than a no. 2 pencil? She's built like an 11 year old boy. I wonder who they'll pull out of mothballs to team with Morrison against Dibiase and Maryse.


I can't stand DiBiase. The sound of his voice alone puts me to sleep. I don't mind him in the ring, but they need to stop putting a mic in front of his face. Never been a fan of Maryse either. It's got to be Melina that teams with Morrison, assuming she's healthy enough to return...and she should be, since she's wrestling in FCW tomorrow night. Seems almost too obvious.

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Yep. There's 8 guys in the match. There's time for just about every type of wrestler to do something. Mark Henry is there to pick up a ladder with 4 people on it, catch somebody jumping from the top of the ladder to the outside, etc.


Yeah I don't know why people are shocked by inclusions like this. How many MITBs has Kane or Henry or Finlay won? But one of them is in nearly every one of these things.



Never been a fan of Maryse either. It's got to be Melina that teams with Morrison, assuming she's healthy enough to return...and she should be, since she's wrestling in FCW tomorrow night. Seems almost too obvious.


Remi, you can hate on Maryse's curves, and Candy, you don't gotta be a fan, but she is so good at drawing heat as a heel: everything she does gets genuine heat: her mannerisms are some of the best in WWE today. I mean I compare her against Alicia Fox and it is night and day. They're both green in the ring but Maryse is an infinitely better heel.

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My thoughts on WWE as of late.


State of RAW


A lot of attention on The Nexus? Good, until they are fed to either Cena or Triple H. If they can avoid those two pitfalls, then it'll be awesome. I'm all for young talent getting TV time and a major angle.


WWE Title on Sheamus? I like it. Already been done, but it's fresher than any other current main event champion would be.


Evan Bourne's "push"? It's a fad. I like Evan, but unfortunately, I see Creative killing him before too much longer. It's making me think of the start-stop push of Kofi Kingston on RAW.


Tag division? Really confused on how the Uso's just show up and get title shots. I understand they are props but WWE needs to at least pretend that belts matter a little.


Ted DiBiase Jr? PLEASE less talk and more wrestling. Loving the guy's in ring work but his mic work leaves a lot to be desired for me. Don't like the arm candy either, but it fits the gimmick.


State of SmackDown!


Don't watch a lot of SmackDown, though I am aware of what's happening. I'm enjoying the Taker angle, I just hope it doesn't lead where it's rumored to go. Kane vs Taker has been done to death. Here's hoping that the Nexus did it. I am loving the stuff with McIntyre. This guy is feuding with Kofi Kingston, Teddy Long, and Matt Hardy all at once. You may not like him, but that's talent to keep the crowd interested in three different angles with the same guy. Like Punk and the SES, but we need something more. I don't know what, but it needs a twist, something unexpected.


State of NXT


Awful. Only standouts are Kaval, Alex Riley, and Joe Hennig. Kaval doesn't have the charisma to make it in WWE. Joe Hennig is saddled with an awful name. Alex Riley is the winner and will shine in WWE.

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you do know that Kofi killed his own push, when he was supposed to go over Orton right?


I dont see bourne being anything more than a Rey Mysterio minus the WHCs to be honest. But he would be good in that spot.


Makes for a credible, but still underdog and can be fed to guys like Sheamus to keep them strong (just not HHH damnit)

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