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Adam explained to me that this wasn't a bug and didn't have anything to do with the size of the promotion but I'm still unsure as to how I should avoid getting this penalty. Anybody know?


I'm possibly shooting into the breeze here, but judging from the way the game works, I'd say everytime your storyline heat is significantly lower than the grade the angle/match was going to get you'll be getting this penalty.


So you may have a 70 rated storyline, but your angle was going to hit an 85 so it actually brought the rating down.


That's my assumption anyway.

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Quick Question: Match Aims


I never really change the aims for my TV shows. Should I? How does it impact my show? Can I turn them off?


They're not required (unless your product literally requires them), you can do fine without them. But once you learn what they do, they do help a bit. Mostly with crowd management (formerly perfect show theory).


Is there a list somewhere of what all the skills do specifically. Like, what do respect and reputation actually do.


Brawling - Pretty obvious, how well the wrestler utilises strikes, slams, powerbombs, basic suplexes etc.


Puroresu - Japanese style wrestling, stiff strikes and painful submissions. One of the most finicky stats to explain. It's KINDA replaced the old 'stiffness' stat. Kinda. But not exclusively.


Hardcore - Ability in hardcore matches, use of weapons, etc.


Chain Wrestling - Ability to chain holds together in sequences and reverse moves into other moves seemlessly. Most often displayed by luchadores and 'catch'/technical wrestlers.


Mat Wrestling - Knowledge and execution of wrestling holds and techniques, the more complex suplexes and tiger bombs and such. Common misconception: Use of the word "mat" does not necessarily mean both guys are rolling around on the ground the whole time.


Submissions - Knowledge of and ability to execute and adapt a variety of submission holds. Just because a dude has a submission finisher doesn't make him an amazing submission wrestler. Knowing how to do a camel clutch doesn't cut it. :p

Aerial - Knowledge of and ability to perform variety of aerial moves (not necessarily from the top rope).


Flashiness - Inventiveness and ability to do "cool stuff". Modern 'indy darlings' are usually highly rated here. It's the ability to pull off moves that look new and interesting. Low ratings here mean the worker is considered bland or boring, even if they're technically very gifted (I hate to use Lance Storm as the example because ECW Storm was anything but, but it was LITERALLY his gimmick for a while). Flashiness is generally linked with aerial ability, but it's not exclusively so.


Basics - Knowledge of the basic fundamentals of wrestling. Well trained workers will score highly, badly trained spot monkey yardtards would not. This is one of the stats that improves most just by wrestling. A fresh-faced rookie straight out of training camp will have a C+ or so if he's really well trained, B- if he's one of the best. Very rarely higher than that out of training. In-game, it's very important for every wrestler to know how to wrestle - obvious, right? You get some pretty stiff penalties if you can manage the basics.


Psychology - The ability to tell a story and keep a match flowing without it falling apart. If a worker has to use a lot of rest holds in a match that isn't all that long, it's usually because he's forgotten what he has to do next, which is a potential sign of bad psychology. A worker with good psychology will KNOW what to do next instinctively by how the fans are reacting and what's been done already. This is THE most important stat for turning a "good" wrestler into a "great" wrestler, and workers who aren't good in this should probably not be main eventing your shows. A match that's better than the best psychology rating before penalties are applied will be penalised for poor psychology (this does NOT mean it's impossible to get a rating better than the best worker's psychology, the maths are complicated, but psychology is REALLY IMPORTANT). Most rookies start in the D range for this and build from there. Well trained rookies (especially second-generation stars who grew up with wrestling) might start in the C range.


Safety - How safe a wrestler is, this mostly affects botches and injuries. An unsafe wrestler will cause more injuries, both to himself and his opponents. Below D- is getting dangerous. Above B- is safe. Y'know, safe for wrestling.


Consistency - How consistent the worker is, affects how often he has 'off days'. Also affects how often he lets his bad habits (like drink and drugs) affect his matches. Note that, despite what people often theorise, you can't benefit from being inconsistent. If you suck, you don't have "good days" if you're inconsistent. :p You're either performing at your best, or varying degrees of worse than your best.


Selling - How well you sell moves. At least one worker in a match needs to be non-crap at selling, otherwise you'll get a penalty.


Athleticism - How athletic you are. Mostly used for gimmicks and determining stat changes.


Power - How powerful you are. Mostly used for gimmicks and stat changes.


Stamina - How long you can go in a match before you start to tire. There's a great post somewhere that lists the amount of stamina needed for certain lengths of match, but a general guide is that you need B- to go over 20 minutes (without any road agent notes).


Toughness - How big and tough the worker is. Has numerous minor effects backstage, don't think it's important in-ring but I could be wrong.


Resilience - How resistant to injury the worker is. Workers with poor resilience will get injured more. B- and above is the norm, A*s are iron man types but not 'rare'. Anything below a C is dodgy, usually if a worker is below C there's a reason for it. This is usually one of the first stats to fall off a cliff as a worker gets deeper into time decline.


Microphone - The worker's confidence and ability on the microphone, purely their competence at talking to crowds. Workers who "umm" a lot and stumble over words would be rated low. Workers who are completely confident and able to give long speaches without issue are rated high. It's effect in-game is pretty obvious: Angles rated on Mic Skills, and part of the score for angles rated on entertainment.


Charisma - The worker's natural charisma. This one is harder to pin-point than their mic skills, but it incorporates all forms of non-verbal communication. A guy like The Rock is so expressive that he barely needs to speak (he just happens to also be excellent at it). A guy like Lance Storm had good mic skills, but average charisma. Most WWE backstage interviewers over the years didn't have much charisma at all, regardless of their mic skill (the obvious exception being Jonathan Coachman). In-game, charisma helps in match ratings (especially those where working the crowd or storytelling are more important), and helps set the worker's popularity cap at game creation (HELPS set the worker's popularity cap).


Acting - Used to determine which workers might get movie deals, but it's main use is in angles where the worker is rated on acting, and as part of the 'entertainment' rating for angles. The lest important part of said rating, though. Generally speaking, this will be in line with the worker's other entertainment stats, and except where a worker is terrible on the microphone this'll usually be the worst one. (unless the worker IS an actor, obviously). You know those super-cringe backstage segments WWE did in the attitude era where people had to act out soap opera type stuff? Yeahhh... that's why. Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson... not tremendous acting talents. #RIPAlWilson.


Star Quality - One of the hardest stats to explain. Star Quality just 'is', you know? It's how much of a star the guy obviously is or should be. It's hard to give examples, because most actual wrestlers will be tainted by the fact that they either are, or are not, already stars. Just because a guy has star quality, does not mean they're GOING to be a star. Dolph Ziggler has it, all of it. But... meh. They don't ALL pan out... Generally, you don't have star quality without charisma (GENERALLY), but the opposite is definitely not true (you can have plenty of charisma with zero star quality, can't you Mick?). Some guys "feel" like they should be kings. Some guys "feel" like they should work at Burger King. It's hard to explain so I'll stop trying. In game, this is one of the most important stats for larger companies, as it dictates how much merch a guy can sell, and is one of the main contributors to their popularity cap, as well being really important for national battles as the company with the most star power (star quality x popularity) generally wins.


Sex Appeal - How conventionally attractive the worker is. In '16, men and women are rated on the same scale. This is only really important for angles based on sex appeal and for gimmicks.


Menace - How 'scary' looking a worker is. Either because they're big and monstrous, or because they freak you the hell out. Gameplay effects are the same as sex appeal.


Announcing - How good the worker is at announcing, obviously. If a worker retires and decides to become an announcer they'll get a random boost to their skill, so that they can be useful. Generally this only improves by working as an announcer (though it can improve glacially if an announcer is unemployed).


Colour - How good a worker is at colour commentary. When a worker retires or when a database is converted this is based on their charisma and random factors, but it's different from their charisma in TEW2016 to simulate the fact that not all entertaining wrestlers make good colour commentators.


Refereeing - How good they are at refereeing matches. ...what? What else do you want from me on this?


Respect - How well respected the worker is in the industry, from the point of view of their past accomplishments and what they've given to the industry. Not surprisingly this is higher for veteran wrestlers, and starts off at basically nothing when they're a rookie. Most helpful for Road Agents as it's part of what they're rated on (along with psychology, which is the main part), but also helps out backstage.


Reputation - A measure of how much of a dick the worker is, basically. Starts at A* if they've done nothing wrong, and goes down from there when workers are involved in scandals, negative backstage incidents (being caught with drugs, sterioids, turning up drunk), etc. It can go up over time if they've gone a while without being caught doing anything, but very slowly. Workers with too low rep won't tend to be hired by the AI, as they're blacklisted and known to be a scumbag.


Brief note on scale. Derek B's mod guide goes into much more detail, but for most of the "top row" stats, B-/B is amongst the best in the world. B+ is 'great'. A or above and you're getting into legendary, era-defining best-ever category. Below the top row, this tends not to apply (and is outright incorrect for some categories which work completely differently, like Reputation).

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Toughness - How big and tough the worker is. Has numerous minor effects backstage, don't think it's important in-ring but I could be wrong.

I believe* that Toughness is primarily used to determine how quickly a worker recovers their energy after a match. So for example, if a low Toughness worker is used two nights in a row, you'll probably get a note saying they're fatigued and should be given a lighter workload for a while (or they may get lightly fatigued but you don't get a note). A high Toughness worker can work three or four grueling matches a week (although that kind of schedule will catch up to anyone eventually).


Toughness doesn't directly affect match ratings but fatigue does.




Reputation - A measure of how much of a dick the worker is, basically. Starts at A* if they've done nothing wrong, and goes down from there when workers are involved in scandals, negative backstage incidents (being caught with drugs, sterioids, turning up drunk), etc. It can go up over time if they've gone a while without being caught doing anything, but very slowly. Workers with too low rep won't tend to be hired by the AI, as they're blacklisted and known to be a scumbag.

Rookies start with Reputation at 50 and need to work their way up to 100.




*I only have hearsay and personal observation to go on.

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Hey there guys,


I just bought it via the downloader. Let's say I have to uninstall the game for a reason or another... If I reinstall it, will the game still work as is? I'm assuming so, cause I'd not be deleting the games files/folders from the PC. I've read bad experiences about it via Viatech Inc.


I have no plans to get a new computer anytime soon so I may not have problems there. I am saving my receipt for purposes, though.


Also, does anyone know when mods will be made for TEW 2016?


Thank you!

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Hey y'all, I've got a question about brand splits. I've noticed that AI companies I create brand splits for tend to end them after the first day. I highly suspect this is due to balancing issues on my part as they tend to trade a bunch of workers around, saying they don't want one vastly superior brand. So, I guess the question is how does one balance brands? Is it in-ring ability, push, popularity, or role related? Or is it something else I'm missing entirely?
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Can somebody enlighten me and tell me how I can improve worker relationships via mediation? I know you can do it and I've read of others doing it but for the life of me I can't find it.


When booking a show, there is a button called locker room controls in the same place where you deal with pre-show incidents. If you click it will bring up a list of things you can do, including the meddle feature. You have to take care of any incidents first, of course. :)

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Hey there guys,


I just bought it via the downloader. Let's say I have to uninstall the game for a reason or another... If I reinstall it, will the game still work as is? I'm assuming so, cause I'd not be deleting the games files/folders from the PC. I've read bad experiences about it via Viatech Inc.


I have no plans to get a new computer anytime soon so I may not have problems there. I am saving my receipt for purposes, though.


Also, does anyone know when mods will be made for TEW 2016?


Thank you!


Personally, I think the Mods are fine as they are if you just pick a TEW2013 mod and convert it. I like the fact that people are obviously going to great lengths to perfect them for the new game, but I don't see anything too serious holding the 2013 ones back to be perfectly honest.

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When playing as a booker under an ai owner, has anyone had any success with changing their product settings? My owner blocks everything even moving match danger down 1 tick from 55 to 54. I don't really have time to test various owners/personalities to see what's possible.
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When playing as a booker under an ai owner, has anyone had any success with changing their product settings? My owner blocks everything even moving match danger down 1 tick from 55 to 54. I don't really have time to test various owners/personalities to see what's possible.


Some Owners aren't as bad as others. If you really MUST change Product settings, use the Editor.


I had to for 1999 WWF because Vince wanted me to book one eye candy show per match and there's no way WWF had a women's match EVERY SINGLE SHOW.

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What is everything needed to make someone a trainer at Dojo. I would like to use Sensational Ogiwara as a trainer and as far as I know she has every qualification. The dojo is a Technical dojo for Women. My UC is Ogiwara but I don't think that is the problem. Just kinda stumped on this one. Until I figure it out Thunder Hike will have to do.
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What is everything needed to make someone a trainer at Dojo. I would like to use Sensational Ogiwara as a trainer and as far as I know she has every qualification. The dojo is a Technical dojo for Women. My UC is Ogiwara but I don't think that is the problem. Just kinda stumped on this one. Until I figure it out Thunder Hike will have to do.


User Characters can't be Dojo Trainers.

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http://s32.postimg.org/ltchjs9xd/wut.jpg' alt='wut.jpg'>


Is this normal? Important to know because I don't want to carry on in this game if the mod didn't translate well or something. I had a bad run at the start, but feels like the last 3 months I've been gaining popularity after the shows (80-87 all times), then I look at this. My workers are gaining popularity.


I've just fallen to cult size.


I'm using latest patch.

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Is this normal? Important to know because I don't want to carry on in this game if the mod didn't translate well or something. I had a bad run at the start, but feels like the last 3 months I've been gaining popularity after the shows (80-87 all times), then I look at this. My workers are gaining popularity.


I've just fallen to cult size.


I'm using latest patch.


How is the economy and the wrestling industry in your area? (to check go to 'Game World', the globe icon)


Do you have industry and economy effects turned on? (to check, options > user preferences)

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How is the economy and the wrestling industry in your area? (to check go to 'Game World', the globe icon)


Do you have industry and economy effects turned on? (to check, options > user preferences)


Economy is 48 (falling)

Industry is 70 (rising)


The effects are turned on.

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Economy is 48 (falling)

Industry is 70 (rising)


The effects are turned on.


It shouldn't be that then. To be honest, I have no idea what it could be other than maybe a scandal, though I haven't seen the effects of one so I can't really comment. I'm completely baffled :confused:

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It shouldn't be that then. To be honest, I have no idea what it could be other than maybe a scandal, though I haven't seen the effects of one so I can't really comment. I'm completely baffled :confused:


I'm also baffled.



I changed the product around a bit right at the start, but I got no warning about the product change being too drastic. It was only small changes. I might be reaching. I'm looking at WCW and their popularity is going down as well. Only difference is, their Nitro ratings have earned the decrease. I'm killing them. :p

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I'm possibly shooting into the breeze here, but judging from the way the game works, I'd say everytime your storyline heat is significantly lower than the grade the angle/match was going to get you'll be getting this penalty.


So you may have a 70 rated storyline, but your angle was going to hit an 85 so it actually brought the rating down.


That's my assumption anyway.


Thanks for the explanation. Seems counter productive to me but either way the penalty is excessive. I did an experiment last night and ran the exact same event and the same card and location twice. I did one with my storylines active with heat in the upper 70's and one with without any storylines. I turned momentum effects off so that it would not have any bearing on the outcome. The one with storylines that received the low heat penalty scored an 85. The one without the storylines scored a 99. That's a pretty big hit. I think I'm gonna not play with storylines from now on. lol

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