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2020 Workers You Want To Watch

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<p>Two I'm curious about are Primus Allen and Marshall Dillon.</p><p> </p><p>

Primus has been a long term diary favourite and yet still hasn't made it onto the main roster. Could see him having been signed by TCW or someone else and getting a mega push into the bonefied star that SWF let slip through their fingers.</p><p> </p><p>

Dillon on the other has always jumped out as an interesting character that would feel right at home as a long term gate keeper of the SWF upper midcard.</p>

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Basically everybody from my CZCW save, but especially these guys:


The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy & Storm Spillane) - I didn't actually think much of this team when I started the save but got a year's worth of incredible matches out of them in a tag team division that became main event quality very quickly so they're legends in my mind now.


Velocidad - The Rey Mysterio of the C-Verse? I chose him as one of the guys to build the company around and he was my biggest star, he never disappointed. I expect he'll be in Mexico, but it'd be cool if he became the big lucha star in America.


Ernest Youngman - Basically Bret Hart, right? Perfect as an old school traditionalist who doesn't vibe with the flippy guys but is still capable of putting on mind blowing matches. Seems a great fit for TCW if they're still ticking.


Amazing Fire Fly - Great charisma, great look, insane skills. Should have at least made it to SOTBPW by now.


Greg Gauge - I mean, he's kind of self explanatory. Wherever he is, I expect he'll be a huge star, probably in Japan.

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No, there won't be any retconning of worker ages.


Does this include the Avatar clan of user characters? Asking because Masked Avatar or as I dub him in games, Mystery Mask, will be 46 when TEW 20 arrives and is maybe getting to be too old for his skill ratings. Wouldn't have noticed this but I just started dusting off an old save and noticed.

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US: Remmy Skye, Remmy Honeyman, Riley McManus, Seth Whitehead, Ricochet Ramone, Cali Slick, Ben Williams, Bradley Blaze, Cameron Jones, Xavi Ferarra, Ray Snow


CAN: Philippe LaGrenier, K-Squared, Alistair Shufflebottom, Raphael, Lion Heart, Rockin' Ryan Turner, Stan "The Man" Manna, Thomas Morgan, Eve Grunge and Romeo Romaro.


MEX: El Mitico Jr, Ajax The Skull-Splitter, Hijo Del Vigilante, El Orgulloso, El Hijo Del Neutron, La Bestia Purpura, Screamer, Jose Flamenco, The Luna Twins, Elsa Calvo & The Amazing Caballero Bros.


AUS: JT Ace, Adrian McGhee, D.O.A., Switchblade, Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr, Lone Rider, Lance Maddigan, Toasty Bonnar, Tyrant, Reed Buckfield, Tombstone, Craig Phoenix, Paul Reinhold, Brian Rampage, Vance Sturt, Fuzzy Freeman, Whirlwind Lee Wilkes, Lothar Prellinger, Harry Simonson


BRI: Curtis Jenkins, Louie Peyton, Stefan Raynor, Carl Edwards, Mister King, Ripper LeStat, Rave, Trance, The Damned, Glen Ward, Martin Heath,


EU: Acheron, Annihilus, Anders Thunder, Giancarlo Giabroni, Gunther Kinski, Manuel Dias, Ronny de Veuster, Pavel Vanzycha, Jacques DuPont, Pierre DuPont, Jeri Behr.


So yeah, for me it's like... the entire unemployed scene :p

Can't comment on Japan because I haven't really explored that area of the CVerse.

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The Bumfholes.



Did they break apart? Is Zimmy finally the singles superstar everyone thought he could be? Did they finally change their terrible name?


The last one is the one I'm most interested in honestly.


Probably not as they are second gen. Their dad, Tito, is in That 70's Mod

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  • 2 weeks later...

One for each of the old area.


USA - Jay Chord - I would like to see him if he had retired Ricky Dale Johnson and then winning a major American world championship.


Canada - Ricky DeColt - It seems he is the only member of the family to really save CGC from Alex DeColt's potential downward spiral.


Mexico - El Heroe Mexicano - He could really blossom into a major player in SOTBPW.


British Isles - Tommy Cornell - Will fans be able to see him wrestle and chant, despite being hated, "There's only one Tommy Cornell! One, Tommy Cornell!...".


Japan - Fuyuko Higa - She could be destined to develop into the very top overall wrestlers in the world.


Europe - Byron - Simple, will he still competing for the EWA Universal title?


Australia - Damian Dastardly - He is most likely RAW bound but maybe he could remain in ZEN to become a Master Champion.

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  • 2 months later...
Can't wait to see where guys like Logan Wolfsbaine, Xavi Ferrera and Ernest Youngman are. I feel like they will be part of a TCW youth movement probably with Greg Gauge as well. I'd love to see Sonny Wildside and Jacob Jett doing well. Jett should be in or about to enter the main event by now. Basically the entire Exodus company and roster. They had the talent and money to survive this tsunami aftermath so it will be interesting to see if they were able to step up into a larger presence.
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Damien Dastardly, I want him to ascend to his rightful place as ZEN's top heel.


If RAW has him, I riot.


Completely agree I am very curious to see where he is at.


Another that I’m curious to see is Ernest Youngman, he looked like a future star in 2016


Because of Historian’s The Climb, id like to see where the young Giant Zebediah ends up. Does he ever make it onto someone’s roster?


Then on the female side I have 3 that I’m most curious about. They are Laura Flame, Claire Winters and then down in Australia Kalliope Woodchuck. Each of these ladies were early in their careers.


One last one is Deborah Young. She looks like she could be the monster to replace someone like Gorgon nor a Killer Kass in a major company

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Basically all of TCW's younger super stars.


Rocky Golden will surely be at USPW, but will TCW managed to keep most (or, lord forbid, all) of Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord, Mighty Mo, Joshua Taylor - heck, even Sammy Bach?


Would personally love if Bach has taken over from Golden as the biggest face of the company, and TCW has brought in a few young talents like the Keith/Gauge brothers, Kirk Jameson, Frankie Perez, and Nelson Callum.


Would make sense if they did that after losing Golden and RDJ's (presumable) retirement.

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Zoe Ammis and Jamie Quine - I think they'll either be the Backbone of AAA (which I can't wait to actually play now that I'm not battling the Eisen house of torment every months) or possibly even in NOTBPW or USPW.


Joanne Rodriguez - She's in the downward stage, but I really hope she's in USPW for one last run, maybe even a fun drama narrative with Alicia Strong leaving because of it.


El Alborotador Confiado - big SOTBPW mark and I want him to be the man, my last 2016 save aside from my YouTube bit he's absolutely been killing it, especially with El Leon, but I figure its set in stone he'll be something big as well.


Champagne Lover - The biggest swerve in TEW history would be him going to one of the big three companies, a very unrealistic thing happening but that would be awesome to see first day of launch.


Kirk Jameson - I think he'd fit right in TCW, I know USPW always picks him up but I never really thought he'd work out there.


Roger Cage - he aint young, but I could see him maybe having spent some time in RIPW then on the SWF main roster.


Charity Sweet - She is all I hold dear in the C-verse, I really hope she's gone and done alot in QAW, maybe even a short tour in 5SSW.

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The Ring Generals, Seth Whitehead, Gidayu Katou, Akio, Austin Smooth, Stuntman, Chill, Hurakan, Martyr, Phobia, The Architect, American Elemental II, and Thomas Morgan. Very curious where these guys ended up. Brooke Tyler and Talia Quinzel as well.
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Riley McManus - I honestly see him being in USPW in 2020, but not being utilized to his full potential and either a) wanting out or b) being part of the youth push that USPW is probably going to need to be in.


Eve Grunge - She'll be the owner of now started CWWF which when the game starts is probably at Cult status in Canada. I'd see her starting it up to give more women a chance in Canada at a place to earn a solid job. She'll also sign Elsa Calvo, Winter Break (Claire Winters/Ariel Breaks), Eri Sato, Laura Flame and Thea Davis (PPA).


Thea Davis - Probably the most over women's wrestler outside of AAA, which is why she isn't with a bigger company because she makes way too much to be signed by a single company (USPW has too many old stars hogging up the resources).


The American Cobras - I believe they probably have gotten dinged for drugs (they almost always do when I've done any type of testing and signed them) and had to get clean before returning to the sport. Get dinged in 2016 when USPW sign them, go for rehab in 2017, come back and rebuild themselves up in 2018-2020 again in CZCW.


Marc DuBois - I believe good old Marc will be like the Cobras and have gotten clean and work his way to a main event position over in surprisingly, SWF. I say that, just because you know, SWF is probably flagging quite a bit.


Acid II - After his partner, Stuntman, had to retire due to another concussion suffered in 2016, dude's been striking it out on his own as one of top guys on the indies. He's in CZCW, he's in BCG, he's in Mexico's OLLIE. It is just no big company has signed him. Yet.


Logan Wolfsbaine - Got released by PSW like he does in 2016, but TCW has signed them and after four years of being being built up, is finally ready to ascend to the main event roster. Assuming someone doesn't try signing him out from TCW as contract is now coming up.


Motoyuki Miyake, Gidayu Katou, Eikichi Itou and MUSCLE (can't think of his full name) - If I recall correctly (been awhile since I did Japan only) whenever I put Miyake (who I call POWER) and MUSCLE together, put them against the team Katou and Itou, it normally resulted in them having good chemistry against each other and with their respective team mates. I'd honestly say they probably signed up with a company that needs a boost in the tag division. Actually bet they end up in BCG and are guys that JCW or WLW are looking to nab.


Okay, why JCW and not BHOTWG or PGHW? I wouldn't be surprised if we start up Japan and the two top companies are the 'new' JCW (which is basically the parts and pieces of BHOTWG and PGHW) and WLW but at Cult. Before you ask, that tidal wave that killed Japan's economy is going to knock everyone down a notch or two. Though that's me spitballing.


Americana II - Before you ask who this is, Americana is American Elemental's name in Japan, so American Elemental II is in Japan. I think both Americanas are in WLW, where most of the masked juniors went after BHOTWG's closed shop, but before BHOTWG and PGHW could form JCW. Like both closed up shop in 2017, JCW opened in 2019. I'd say that Americana II is probably now the hottest prospect and contract is coming up in 2020, so everyone's after him.


Hitomaro Suzuki, Morimasa Kato and Razan Okamoto - I honestly think that these guys are all in BCG, tearing it up as main eventers and pushing BCG to be the 3rd company in Japan (along with the aforementioned taggers).


Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge - Left Japan in 2018 for USPW and have been both working in USPW for 2 years. Part of the "youth" movement that's stalled in USPW. I don't think they are tagging, but still using their 2016 wrestling names. Are hugely over with the fans, but are still not main eventers (to give a fans vs push dynamic issue).


El Mitico Jr - Here's a twist for everyone. He's working as one of the top guys of CZCW and only now, in 2020, is anyone from Mexico trying to sign him. Why that is, no one knows, because dude's like the best of characters. Like just a weird "why is he not working anywhere else" type of issues. Dude's as popular as the most popular indies wrestler (Acid II).


El Neutron II - His American name and a top star of CZCW, though this guy only reached it in 2019 and I think he's also probably working over in OLLIE.


Amazing Fire Fly and Rapido - Is now the best tag team in all of Mexico if not the world, but not with SOTBPW. Again one of those cases that they make more money on the indies than they do if they sign with any one company.


Can I think of anyone else to write about? Not really... Oh wait. Ray Snow is probably like a main eventer for JCW and the top Gaijin in Japan. That's about it.

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Not a worker, but I noticed the sudden presence of the WWA in the game, supposedly stemming from a shade corp. Curious to see whether they make a move on a big promotion. They already have some big names from all over the world entwined with them (Larry Wood, Griffin, Cique Jr., Dark Angel,...).
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I mainly play as SNP and I'm looking forward to how a huge of the British guys get on.


Will Northern Lights split and Alton Vicious get his big singles push? What will become of Riddick Jordan


Padraig O'Hearne should have been snapped up by 21CW by now. Is there a new English promotion?


It's been 4 years since the last game and I am going to assume a lot of the old guard got together and made some form of promotion. ROF v2 I would guess.

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