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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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On 8/27/2023 at 10:16 AM, tspang66 said:

I had a worker that I very much didnt want to die die in a game. He passed by a kenny death only 42. Is it possible to go in the editor and set him to active and by the looks of it set all his stats back and not have any consequences for the save?

If you want to undo something like that you could use the recovery feature when you load the save to bring it back to the previous sunday of game time. Though this won't work if you've already advanced past the next sunday in your save as the recovery file only saves the most recent one.

Edited by Tiberious
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I'm 4 years, almost 5 years into a C-verse save and I notice that I'm having issues with some workers who've slid in popularity, or just stalled, that I can't seem to get back up. I've had them in hot storylines, had them win matches, had them beat more over people and it doesn't seem to be doing anything to their overness, despite being on ppv, and on tv. I managed to take my promotion to 3rd largest in the world and I've got people who slipped from high 90's to 70's, or have just stayed in the 70's.

Weird thing is, these specific people have white hot momentum, and great rated gimmicks. So it's not that. For example. Payaso Jr was a guy who was at the top of my cards for years, featured with all the heavy hitters in hot storylines. Then I notice his pop slipped. I turned him heel, gave him a new gimmick, and months later, still no change. Meanwhile, Phoenix IV, has stayed like 77/79. Despite the fact I get notices that I should push him (and I do). He's featured in storylines, angles, winning matches.. Still 77/79.

Is there some way around this?

Edited by Michael Wayne
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2 hours ago, Lostwolfnesbit said:

Going for a TV deal, but the broadcaster aren't keen on me having a particular timeslot, but are willing to let me have it for financial compensation. How do I offer financial compensation? I don't see any buttons or drop down scrolls to offer them compensation.

They won't let you have the slot because you aren't big enough to warrant it. As for the compensation, that happens when you finish the process of completing the contract. There is no area where you input payment. The amount they'll want is listed in their demand. Your other option is to select a different timeslot and try to change it when you've risen in size.

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I am simulating the cornellverse to test a scenario I want to play, I am in 2037 and I am experiencing a strange behavior from almost all dojos/training centers. They stopped creating the adequate amount of new workers each year. It seems something starting in 2029 which is having more and more impact as we go on in the simulation.


For example in the screenshots I have WWA Europe which stopped producing the 3 students a year reported in the information by 2024, started producing just 1 in 2027 and stopped in 2029:



Additionally  The Air Attack Weasel school created in 2031 never had a single graduate while we should se "roughly 2 students a year" graduating:



Even the Big dogs like SWF and their Training Facilities are not producing the 8 students a year:



I did not change any setting in regards of dojos and training centers, but this lack of new workers is affecting the simulation,

Is it something planned?

Am I missing something?

can you please tell me how to have the "advertised" number of students graduating in each dojo/TC?


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16 minutes ago, TheStroke7 said:

I am simulating the cornellverse to test a scenario I want to play, I am in 2037 and I am experiencing a strange behavior from almost all dojos/training centers. They stopped creating the adequate amount of new workers each year. It seems something starting in 2029 which is having more and more impact as we go on in the simulation.


For example in the screenshots I have WWA Europe which stopped producing the 3 students a year reported in the information by 2024, started producing just 1 in 2027 and stopped in 2029:



Additionally  The Air Attack Weasel school created in 2031 never had a single graduate while we should se "roughly 2 students a year" graduating:



Even the Big dogs like SWF and their Training Facilities are not producing the 8 students a year:



I did not change any setting in regards of dojos and training centers, but this lack of new workers is affecting the simulation,

Is it something planned?

Am I missing something?

can you please tell me how to have the "advertised" number of students graduating in each dojo/TC?


If you have picture requirements turned on then you likely ran out of valid pictures; if the game can't generate new characters then naturally dojos can't produce any graduates.

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42 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

If you have picture requirements turned on then you likely ran out of valid pictures; if the game can't generate new characters then naturally dojos can't produce any graduates.

That is a great guess thanks!

To further support that I noticed the only new graduates are referees or managers, which probably are roles who have not finished all the free pictures yet.

Thanks a lot for the quick answer Adam

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The best I have ever done on gaining popularity for an insignificant company show is .2% (please notice the decimal in front of the 2). So going by that, starting at 0% popularity, it would take roughly 8 years to gain enough popularity running one show a month to get to tiny. Is there a faster way? Considering that running more than one show a month would likely lose me money.  Any tips on how to raise my popularity faster?

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6 hours ago, Lostwolfnesbit said:

The best I have ever done on gaining popularity for an insignificant company show is .2% (please notice the decimal in front of the 2). So going by that, starting at 0% popularity, it would take roughly 8 years to gain enough popularity running one show a month to get to tiny. Is there a faster way? Considering that running more than one show a month would likely lose me money.  Any tips on how to raise my popularity faster?

Set tickets to Free. That increases popularity gains quite a bit, and it doesn't cost you much at small sizes because you don't have much attendance anyway.

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On 9/20/2023 at 6:45 PM, Lostwolfnesbit said:

How do you track a worker's status at the performance center?

Also, can you use those at the performance centers in your shows?


I'm pretty sure there's no way to track any status or improvement directly from the PC's ... at least none I've ever noticed.  Only thing I've noticed is on a wrestler's page, you can see if they've been assigned to the PC.  With that, yes, if they are assigned to your PC, you can still use them on your shows.

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I've asked this before and never got an answer. 

Are talents on developmental deal eligible to be traded to a non parent company via talent trade agreement or alliance trades?  The AI run promotions I mean. 

I have an original universe that will hopefully have a few different alliances and trying to set the Ai up how I want it to run.

Edited by Jaysin
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On 9/20/2023 at 9:45 PM, Lostwolfnesbit said:

How do you track a worker's status at the performance center?

Also, can you use those at the performance centers in your shows?


Yes. You can use people assigned to your performance center. Outside of checking every month in their stats for a difference, no there is no way to monitor progress.

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Is there any consequence to ignoring developmental requests i.e. workers asking to be called up because the developmental company is too small for them? For example, if a worker repeatedly asks to be called up but I ignore it over and over again because I'm not ready for them yet, will they eventually develop poor morale or will they just keep asking without consequence until I finally call them up?

I searched for this but couldn't find anything.

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15 hours ago, Almaida said:

Is there any consequence to ignoring developmental requests i.e. workers asking to be called up because the developmental company is too small for them? For example, if a worker repeatedly asks to be called up but I ignore it over and over again because I'm not ready for them yet, will they eventually develop poor morale or will they just keep asking without consequence until I finally call them up?

I searched for this but couldn't find anything.

Ignoring them will make them develop poor morale. The more you ignore them, the worse it'll get. You could call them up and send them on a short vacation to get around using them. 

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Does anyone know, as in not "I think this" or "It probably is" or anything, what the Dirty Tricks do?  It seems likely (hypocrite) that sponsor attack lowers their sponsorship money, but that isn't entirely true.  I succeeded against YEPW, and they didn't noticeably lose money.  Mind you, I did it at the beginning of the month, so...


Point is, what do they do?  I don't need to know specific numbers, or the likelihood of success, but just...this lowers prestige, this lowers money, this releases David Stone so that I can have him come to India...

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