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SWF: Supreme World Challenge (CVerse 2020)

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American Machine vs Atom Smasher

 - The super wacky gimmicks are hit or miss for me, I guess I am a fan of a genetically altered nuclear madman certainly more than ...whatever American Machine is. He's never done much for me.

Charger Siaki vs Steven Parker

 - Coin flip.

Darryl Devine & Nicky Gilbert vs The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee)

 - Seems TPA are putting newbies over right now, which is fair. DD & NG are certainly more talented in the ring and need to get out of the blocks fast.

Jungle Lord vs Huey Cannonball

 - Jungle Lord is older and I do love The Awesomeness but I think Huey will struggle with the experience and intensity in one-on-one action, and Jungle Jack could use a W.

One Man Army vs Spencer Spade

 - I know OMA is a big new signing, and could see him picking this one up as a challenger for the new title ...but I believe I said before, someone like Spade shouldn't be losing on TV a whole lot. If he did here however I'd very much understand it but I hedge my bets with a sneaky win.

Main Event:

Brandon James vs Joey Morgan

 - My instincts in recent big matches featuring him has been go against Joey, my instinct here says Big Money wins, and so I am going directly against that and inevitably dropping points when he does in fact lose.

(BONUS 1) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? YES on the back of a big title change and the Netstream debut.

(BONUS 2) Will SWF top the TV ratings this month? NO. 

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(Tuesday, week 4, March 2020. Calihan Hall, Detroit, MI. Attendance: 8089)




Atom Smasher def. American Machine (77)

The feud that started with the first match of the year in Supreme TV ends in this match to kick off the new broadcasting deal with NETSTREAM... and it was the best in the trilogy. American Machine was able to match Smasher's impulse in the first couple of minutes. American Machine did a great job to work the crowd and his determination earned the sympathy of the fans but then The Radioactive Wrecking Machine took over. It ended in a total annihilation by Smasher, who destroyed American Machine with two Radiation Blasts before the Mushroom Cloud just for the sake of it. The crowd booed Smasher loudly while he did poses to celebrate his victory.




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ANGLE: The new SWF World Heavyweight champion Remo is in the ring. Remo says "I'm now a 4-time World champion. I'm an undeniable legend in this company. I'm the one you'll talk to your grandson about. I'm the one who's been carrying this entire company for the last decade. I'm that guy". Remo was practically convincing the crowd with his energetic speech...




Duane Fry yelled at the announcers table "Valiant is here!". The Californian all-American made his entrance to Los Angeles' band Red Hot Chili Peppers' hit "Otherside". As soon as the music started to play the entire building in Detroit sang "How long, how long..." while the charismatic Valiant made his way to the ring in a cool attire with the American flag style. Valiant acted like a politician running for president of the United States, randomly pointing at people in the crowd and waving, even stopping to take a picture with a young fan.


Valiant mini.png Valiant: I've been dreaming of a rematch since Nothing To Lose. Now it'll be much more interesting! (Valiant points at the SWF World Heavyweight belt). This segment was an early candidate for segment of the year (92)




Steven Parker def. Charger Siaki (56)

The Samoan wrestler was accompanied by BJ O´Neill as usual and she cheered her client as much as possible while the fans booed her. Parker and Siaki tried to steal the show but they fell short in this match. The Samoan was looking for his first victory in 2020 but "The Sensational" had other plans. After an initial domination by Siaki where Parker looked like the underdog, Parker used his superior agility and dynamism to make his comeback and finish his opponent with the Future Shock.




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ANGLE: After becoming the first NETSTREAM Intercontinental champion at The World Is Watching, Hollywood Bret Starr is in the ring for a promo. The fans began to boo him off before he even started speaking. "Didn't you like Californian stars? Here you have the greatest one, that's me! What's better to kick off Supreme TV on NETSTREAM than the NETSTREAM Intercontinental champion, uh? Now that I think of it... actually that makes this show MY show!".


The crowd booed him louder and started to chant "ZWB! ZWB!". Bret Starr replied "Shut up! Do you know why you like Zimmy, losers? Because he's another loser like you! I don't want to waste my time talking about losers! I'm here to present my new friends. A group hand-picked by the greatest mind in wrestling, that's me!"


Hollywood Bret Starr continued his speech: "First of all... my sidekick, my man, Justin Sensitive! Then... the next superstar in SWF and Zimmy's worst nightmare... Mainstream Hernandez! And the last one... my fellow hollywoodense is finally unchained... "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown! This is our prime, this is... HOLLYWOOD UNCENSORED!" (63)


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Darryl Devine & Nicky Gilbert def. The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee) (55)

"Mighty Fine" and the aussie prodigy were making their debut in Supreme TV in this match. It was the worst match of the night but it was a good opportunity to see that many fans are getting behind Nicky Gilbert. The aussie had a good exchange with Kurt Laramee. Then Mighty Fine showed his technical skills to disarm Big Smack Scott, before Gilbert got tagged in again to finish Scott with the Fisherman's Suplex.




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ANGLE: Suddenly Zeus Maxmillion comes out, making a shocking debut in SWF! Nobody knows what he's doing in Supreme TV. The announcers table notice that there's a sign of The Olympus Order (Zeus's stable in his former company) on the floor. Zeus Maxmillion enters the backstage again and comes out seconds later with a hammer! Supreme TV's announcer Duane Fry asks "What is he going to do with that?!?". Zeus Maxmillion breaks The Olympus Order's sign with a hammer blow!  (54)





Jungle Lord def. Huey Cannonball (66)

After Jungle Lord eliminated Huey in the Battle Royal match at The World Is Watching, Randy Unleashed and Jefferson Stardust (the rest of Unleashed Awesomeness) combined to eliminate Jungle Lord. The heat between them didn't finish with the eliminations and this match was an opportunity to resolve their differences. Huey was great at setting a fast pace to control the first minutes but finally Lord got his hands on Huey and pinned him after the Jungle Jack-Jammer. Huey kicked out at 2 and tried to react before it was too late, but a couple of minutes later Lord connected another Jungle Jack-Jammer and this time the referee completed the 3-count. Huey was very angry with this result.




One Man Army def. Spencer Spade (65)

Spencer Spade didn't even participate in The World Is Watching and The Supreme Star wanted to make his presence felt in Detroit, but it was also One Man Army's first singles match in SWF, so both of them had high motivation for this bout. Spade soon realized One Man Army's superior power and used some dirty tricks to even the match. Spade was able to pin his opponent with a roll-up attempt but One Man Army kicked out at 2. Spade behaved more and more cowardly as the minutes passed and the crowd began to boo him louder. One Man Army punished him with a Superbomb before the Guided Missile to achieve his first win in the company.




Main Event:


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Brandon James def. Joey Morgan (78)

It was the match that every SWF fan in Detroit was waiting for, and not only Michigan fans, many fans from Minnesota made their way to Detroit to support Joey "Minnesota" Morgan and make their presence felt in the crowd. "Joey! Joey!" chants to begin the match while Brandon James' manager Krissy Angelle mocked the fans, making them go louder. Brandon James silenced the crowd with an astonishing Brandon Bomb Drop, but Joey kicked out at 2 and the crowd went nuts.

Morgan was able to even the match with an spectacular takedown double leg takedown before trying to submit James with a boston crab with knee but finally James pulled Joey's leg to make him fall. Later James damaged Morgan with a DDT and a knee strike before finishing him with the Big Money Move leaving Detroit in silence. Krissy Angele stepped in to raise Brandon James' hand.




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Edited by newbiezness
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Brandon James def. Joey Morgan (78) in the Main Event of Supreme TV and SWF managed to lead weekly and monthly ratings. The company seems to be on a roll because this marks the third consecutive month that SWF wins the monthly ratings war. Three out of three months in 2020, impressive.


Joss Thompson & Trent Shaffer def. Enygma & Rick Law (84) in the Main Event of USPW American Wrestling, enough to tie SWF's weekly rating but USPW was trailing in this month's ratings and fell short for the big prize.


Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond def. Mighty Meaty (81) in TCW Presents Total Wrestling, which tied USPW American Wrestling. The three shows were separated by just 0.3 points in the monthly average, proving the fierce competition at the top of the wrestling industry.


SWF booker Eric Eisen was seen pouring champagne with the likes of Krissy Angelle or the new Hollywood Uncensored faction and even NETSTREAM executives, who probably think they have struck gold with this broadcasting deal at this point.


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But all that glitters is not gold in SWF land and the company finished behind USPW in March's PPVs ratings. SWF has yet to top a USPW event in 2020.


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Despite this drawback, a tipsy Eric Eisen made an unexpected announcement when he said that their developmental territory RIPW has struck a deal with the new subscription service WrestleWorld to start a new TV show called RIPW Next Gen. It'll be a big opportunity for many young prospects.


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This was the last show for Big Smack Scott. The 44-year-old veteran has worked for SWF since 2006. According to our sources, Eric Eisen made the announcement to the NETSTREAM executives who laughed and asked "who?" before they kept pouring champagne.


Edited by newbiezness
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I'm such a sucker for cocky heels factions lol we stan Hollywood Uncensored!


Congrats on winning the monthly rating for 3 months straight, the three promotions are so close that no one can take a breath honestly.


I think a big indicator of the future of this war will be when Gauge, Hawkins, Cornell, Chord, Mighty Mo contracts are set to expire 'cause usually USPW has the upper hand on signing them. 

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for your predictions. Congratulations to @Charasmatic Enigma who was the best in the last round and is still the leader for total points, now with @KyTeran and @Wrestling Machine three points behind. @Dawn,@Shmoe II and @DAVEFAN95 are among the highest predictions percentage.


Let me remind you that there will be a reward for the total points but there will be also a reward for the highest percentage (with a minimum participation) to make sure everyone can join the predictions contest at any point.



Predictions results for Supreme TV episode 12


@Charasmatic Enigma 5/6 + 2 bonus
@kanegan 5/6 + 1 bonus
@KyTerann 4/6 + 2 bonus
@Wrestling Machinee 4/6 + 1 bonus
@Shmoe II 4/6 + 1 bonus
@DAVEFAN95 4/6
@StanMiguel 2/6 + 2 bonus


Predictions leaderboard


@Charasmatic Enigma 56/86 + 7 bonus

@KyTeran 55/86 + 5 bonus

@Wrestling Machine 54/86 + 6 bonus

@Shmoe II 44/65 + 2 bonus

@kanegan 42/71 + 3 bonus

@Martel123 41/66 + 3 bonus

@StanMiguel 24/48 + 5 bonus

@Dawn 19/27

@Toby0618 17/33 + 1 bonus

@DAVEFAN95 17/26

@DexterXSR 15/22

@angeldelayette 4/10 + 1 bonus

@The Lloyd 4/5

@Theheel 4/5 + 1 bonus


Predictions highest percentage 


@The Lloydd 80% (1 predictions)
@Theheel 80% (1 predictions)
@Dawn 70% (5 predictions)
@DexterXSR 68% (4 predictions)
@Shmoe II 67% (11 predictions)
@DAVEFAN95 65% (5 predictions)
@Charasmatic Enigma 65% (15 predictions)
@KyTeran 63% (15 predictions)
@Wrestling Machine 62% (15 predictions)
@Martel123 62% (11 predictions)
@kanegan 59% (12 predictions)
@Toby0618 51% (6 predictions)
@StanMiguel 50% (8 predictions)
@angeldelayette 40% (2 predictions)



On 3/25/2024 at 12:15 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Comments on diary / last event: Last event was good! Didn't expect that title change in the main event, it was a huge W by Remo. I read your explanations and it makes sense ;)  Nice to actually see Hollywood taking the new title strap!

On 3/25/2024 at 8:56 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Comments on diary / last event:

Like some others I was surprised to see Remo get the win, but looking forward to seeing what you have in store for him!


Remo already had an unfinished storyline going on with Valiant and Rogue (who turned face during this storyline) and it was great to see that 92 rating in that segment with Valiant in the first Supreme TV episode on NETSTREAM. It's a great start to Remo's reign and I also see other potential challengers for him.


On 3/25/2024 at 8:56 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Darryl Devine & Nicky Gilbert vs The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee)

Need to set up Devine and Gilbert as threats in the SWF

10 hours ago, Shmoe II said:

Darryl Devine & Nicky Gilbert vs The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee)

 - Seems TPA are putting newbies over right now, which is fair. DD & NG are certainly more talented in the ring and need to get out of the blocks fast.


Nicky Gilbert had 0 pop in USA but on the positive side he has the groundswell of support note. A 2vs2 match teaming up with another rookie like "Mighty Fine" was a good way to debut and Big Smack Scott's contract expiry was the perfect chance for Gilbert to start gaining popularity. I found no reason to extend Big Smack Scott's contract by the way, he is 44 years old, his best days are gone and he's also a heel (I had an unbalanced roster full of heels to begin).


On 3/25/2024 at 8:56 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

One Man Army vs Spencer Spade

You don't seem too high on Spade, and One Man Army got a special entrance for the battle royal which suggests he will be treated as a big deal

10 hours ago, Shmoe II said:

One Man Army vs Spencer Spade

 - I know OMA is a big new signing, and could see him picking this one up as a challenger for the new title ...but I believe I said before, someone like Spade shouldn't be losing on TV a whole lot. If he did here however I'd very much understand it but I hedge my bets with a sneaky win.


Yeah, basically it was One Man Army's debut and I've already hyped him a little bit so I chose to make him beat someone with a similar popularity to have some real impact and Spade was good for the job. I do like Spade, he was just the best guy to put One Man Army over IMO (not too big but still relevant enough).


On 3/25/2024 at 8:56 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Main Event:

Brandon James vs Joey Morgan

Big win for Big Money

10 hours ago, Shmoe II said:

Main Event:

Brandon James vs Joey Morgan

 - My instincts in recent big matches featuring him has been go against Joey, my instinct here says Big Money wins, and so I am going directly against that and inevitably dropping points when he does in fact lose.


Enigma nailed it. You'll see in the next predictions that it was a big victory for Brandon James to put him over for next episode's Main Event. I like a lot Big Money's role in the diary so far to be honest, I wanted him to feel legitimate and I think it's working pretty well.


5 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

I'm such a sucker for cocky heels factions lol we stan Hollywood Uncensored!


Congrats on winning the monthly rating for 3 months straight, the three promotions are so close that no one can take a breath honestly.


I think a big indicator of the future of this war will be when Gauge, Hawkins, Cornell, Chord, Mighty Mo contracts are set to expire 'cause usually USPW has the upper hand on signing them. 


Thank you @Wrestling Machine! I've never like The Rat Pack because those characters didn't belong together in mind. But at the same time I liked Bret Starr to lead a stable. My only option was to disband The Rat Pack and start a new faction. The NETSTREAM Intercontinental Battle Royal was a perfect chance for Bret Starr to make new friends. "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown has to be a bad guy IMO, when I read in his bio that he was from Hollywood I knew he was perfect. Mainstream Hernandez... you know you need to go to Hollywood to become Mainstream. And I see Justin Sensitive as Bret Starr's sidekick. Also we'll see what happens with those TCW big names you mention, they can make a big impact anywhere they go. Probably it's still too early but I'll inform you about any big move even if it's not to SWF.

Edited by newbiezness
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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 13


Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids


Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion


Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)


Charger Siaki vs Rogue


Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant


(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating?


Comments on diary / last episode:


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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 13


Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro 


Oliver Kobb 


 The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)




Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James


(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating? Brandon James vs Valiant, surely!

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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 13


Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids

Can't see Atom Smasher or Davids taking the fall here

Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion

Zeus is an interesting pick up. Looking forward to seeing where he slots in the pecking order.

Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)

Primus Allen is the biggest name here

Charger Siaki vs Rogue

Rogue is still a star

Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant

I'll go for Remo to get involved and cost Valiant, only for it to be made a Triple Threat down the line


(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating?

Main Event

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Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids

 - My indifference to Robbie Retro is overcome by my allegiance to Angry. I think he picks up the win here to maybe set up another go round at Davids' belt.

Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion

 - New signing boost. I think Zeus has the tools to really be a nice player for SWF.

Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)

 - They're bigger, they're badder, and using a six shooter would be a DQ.

Charger Siaki vs Rogue

 - Rogue, baby, Rogue.

SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant - Draw/No Contest

 - I think Remo either destroys both or just general chicanery. Obviously Valiant made his case and seems very cut and dry, but white meat babyface usually needs to jump a few hurdles.


(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating?

 - Common sense says the main event ...and I certainly do not pick with common sense. Angry Gilmore and Des Davids was an absolute sleeper hit last time, so I think they help their partners attain the top rating this week. Gilmore & Retro vs. Smasher & Davids.

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Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids

Retro is the odd man out here

Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion

Big Zeus fan but at 42 he's well past it

Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)

Allen deserves more than being a tag guy

Charger Siaki vs Rogue


Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant

Seems like the only outcome

(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating? Opener


Comments on diary / last episode:

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Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids


Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion


Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)


Charger Siaki vs Rogue


Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant


(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating? Brandon James vs Valiant

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Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids


Oliver Kobb vs Zeus Maxmillion


Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)


Charger Siaki vs Rogue


Brandon James vs Valiant


(BONUS) Which match will have the highest rating? Main event

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(Tuesday, week 1, April 2020. Founders Park, Columbia, SC. Attendance: 8242 SELL OUT!)




Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro def. Atom Smasher & Des Davids (82)

The SWF North American champion Des David teamed up with The Radioactive Machine to face his last challenger Angry Gilmore and The Disco Stud. The heels dominated the first minutes with Smasher annoying the crowd in South Carolina with his poses after every hit on The Disco Stud. But finally Retro was able to tag Gilmore while Smasher did another pose. Davids demanded his partner to enter the match to face Gilmore. They went all out in and got the crowd much hotter. Past the 10 minute mark and no pin attempts yet. Smasher got tagged again but still no team had a clear advantage. After failing to connect with the Radiation Blast on Gilmore, The Disco Stud celebrated with some dance moves, making Smasher angry. Smasher went to the corner to face The Disco Stud but he turned his back on Gilmore in the process. Gilmore showed Smasher he had a bad idea and rolled him up for the victory. The faces celebrated an unexpected big win in the middle of the ring leaving the crowd in ecstasy. Match Of The Night.




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ANGLE: SWF booker Eric Eisen is in the ring to announce that Ranger, who was injured by Demolition's Avalanche before The World Is Watching, is now cleared to compete. The Dallas Cowboys missed a title match for the SWF World Tag Team belts because of this injury. Demolition's Chill remains injured by the way. Eric Eisen books a 2vs2 match for tonight between The Dallas Cowboys and Demolition (56)




Zeus Maxmillion def. Oliver Kobb (57)

Zeus Maxmillion's debut against "Fast Ball" Oliver Kobb. The friendly character that is Kobb probably made some fans think of a squash in this match, but it wasn't that easy for Maxmillion. Kobb made up to two comebacks and got to pin Maximillion another two times. Being frank, Maxmillion kicked out at 1 in both attempts. The match got too long for the little doubts about the result. Maxmillion punished Kobb with two Zeus Hammers and he never went for the pin. After 15 minutes, Maxmillion submitted Kobb with the Olympian Clutch to debut with a victory.




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ANGLE: Eric Eisen is again on the ring to talk about the complete success that the new NETSTREAM Intercontinental title was at The World Is Watching. He says that it will be a great title to defend in Supreme TV episodes and he hopes that the first NETSTREAM Intercontinental champion Hollywood Bret Starr will be a fighting champion. Suddenly ZWB comes out. Zimmy was the undeniable hero of the Battle Royal match that crowed the first champion at The World Is Watching. ZWB says he "should be the first challenger" (67)




The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) def. Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) (67)

With Ranger cleared to compete, The Dallas Cowboys wanted revenge after Avalanche's botched move caused the injury in their last match. But Chill is still out of action, so Demolition's manager Kristen Pearce had no option but to make Avalanche and Primus Allen team up again. Not a bad idea after all. Avalanche and Allen showed their incredible power in a match that featured four heavyweights. Marshall Dillon hit Primus Allen with a cowboy lasso, but Allen replied lated with a fantastic military press. But it was Ranger who finally got his revenge when The Dallas Cowboys connected the Rodeo Driver on Avalanche and Ranger made the cover. Solid win for The Dallas Cowboys in 10 minutes.




Rogue def. Charger Siaki (63)

Rogue's babyface version faced the Samoan heavyweight Charger Siaki. Siaki is performing well and showing tremendous strength in all of his matches, but he's still young at 24 and needs to work on his match plans, something that concerns his manager BJ O'Neill. Siaki had a strong start of the match and pushed Rogue to react after a rear naked choke submission attempt that ended in a rope break. Rogue woke up in this match to made his comeback and finished Siaki with the Crashin On.




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ANGLE: We see Jungle Lord walking down a hallway. Suddenly Unleashed Awesomeness come running from behind toward him. Jungle Lord notices it and tries to scape but they finally catch him. Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball take turns to attack Lord. Finally The Awesomeness hold Lord and Randy Unleashed hits Lord with the Running Enziguri, leaving Jungle Lord beaten on the ground. It seems Jungle Lord's victory over Huey has heated up this rivalry between Unleashed Awesomeness and Lord that started in the Battle Royal match at The World Is Watching even more (65)




Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match


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Valiant def. Brandon James (81)

A big match to decide the first challenger for the recently crowned 4-time SWF World Heavyweight champion Remo. On one side Valiant, who lost to Remo at Nothing To Lose but then pinned Remo to win a Triple Threat at Awesome Impact in a match where Rogue turned face. On the other side Brandon James, who is 5-1 in singles matches this year, he hast only lost to Rocky Golden. With the crowd already hyped and chanting Valiant's name from the beginning, they could have gone all out from the start but they chose to take a more strategic approach and the storytelling of the match was rewarded. Krissy Angelle used dirty tricks to distract Valiant and it worked for some time but the referee finally banned Angelle from the ringside. Valiant tried to capitaliza with a Patriot Missile but James somehow kicked out at 2.

Emma Chase was praising James' form at the announcers table, assuring that he'd be the next challenger for the World title, when James tried to finish his opponent with the Brandon Drop Bomb... but Valiant kicked out at 2 too. They continued to push their limits. With 18 minutes on the clock, Valiant connected a California Roll on James... 1... 2... 3! The fans in South Carolina erupted with Valiant's victory. Valiant will face Remo at Master Of Puppets in less than 3 weeks!




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Valiant def. Brandon James (81) in the Main Event of Supreme TV while Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond def. Aaron Andrews & Jay Chord (88) in TCW Presents Total Wrestling.


Alicia Strong def. Melody (83) in the Main Event of USPW American Wrestling.


RIPW Next Gen debuted last Wednesday on WrestleWorld. Deever Arnold def. Hoss Handley (53) in the Main Event of the first episode. Eric Eisen wished best of luck to RIPW CEO Mean Jean Cattley and reminded him he has the next generation of SWF talents in his hands. It is believed that even some current SWF wrestlers could land on RIPW soon.


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We are getting closer to the end of the first predictions cycle and it can't be more exciting. Thank you for your predictions and comments as always! Congratulations to @Wrestling Machine, @Shmoe II and @DAVEFAN95 who were the best in the last round. @Charasmatic Enigma is still the leader for total points, but only more bonuses differentiate him from @Wrestling Machine, who is one point behind, and @KyTeran who is two points behind. @Dawn,@Shmoe II and @DAVEFAN95 are among the highest predictions percentage.


Let me remind you that there will be a reward for the total points but there will be also a reward for the highest percentage (with a minimum predictions that will be announced soon).



Predictions results for Supreme TV episode 13


@Wrestling Machine 4/5
@Shmoe II 3/5 + 1 bonus
@DAVEFAN95 3/5 + 1 bonus
@StanMiguel 3/5
@KyTeran 3/5
@Charasmatic Enigma 2/5


Predictions leaderboard


@Charasmatic Enigma 58/91 + 7 bonus
@Wrestling Machine 58/91 + 6 bonus
@KyTeran 58/91 + 5 bonus
@Shmoe II 47/70 + 3 bonus
@kanegan 42/71 + 3 bonus
@Martel123 41/66 + 3 bonus
@StanMiguel 27/53 + 5 bonus
@DAVEFAN95 20/31 + 1 bonus
@Dawn 19/27
@Toby0618 17/33 + 1 bonus
@DexterXSR 15/22
@angeldelayette 4/10 + 1 bonus
@The Lloyd 4/5
@Theheel 4/5 + 1 bonus


Predictions highest percentage 


@The Lloyd 80% (1 predictions)
@Theheel 80% (1 predictions)
@Dawn 70% (5 predictions)
@DexterXSR 68% (4 predictions)
@Shmoe II 67% (12 predictions)
@DAVEFAN95 64% (6 predictions)
@Charasmatic Enigma 63% (16 predictions)
@KyTeran 63% (16 predictions)
@Wrestling Machine 63% (16 predictions)
@Martel123 62% (11 predictions)
@kanegan 59% (12 predictions)
@Toby0618 51% (6 predictions)
@StanMiguel 50% (9 predictions)
@angeldelayette 40% (2 predictions)



On 3/29/2024 at 2:29 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids

Can't see Atom Smasher or Davids taking the fall here

On 3/29/2024 at 4:49 PM, Shmoe II said:

Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids

 - My indifference to Robbie Retro is overcome by my allegiance to Angry. I think he picks up the win here to maybe set up another go round at Davids' belt.

On 3/29/2024 at 6:41 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Angry Gilmore & Robbie Retro vs Atom Smasher & Des Davids

Retro is the odd man out here


I think @Shmoe II will be happy with this result. Don't sleep on Angry Gilmore. I understand that The Disco Stud's presence make most of you think he was there to eat the pin, although Retro is performing better than I expected in this diary.


On 3/29/2024 at 2:29 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)

Primus Allen is the biggest name here

On 3/29/2024 at 4:49 PM, Shmoe II said:

Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)

 - They're bigger, they're badder, and using a six shooter would be a DQ.

On 3/29/2024 at 6:41 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Demolition (Avalanche & Primus Allen) vs The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger)

Allen deserves more than being a tag guy


I wasn't looking for another loss for Demolition but Ranger's injury in their last match cost The Dallas Cowboys a title match at The World Is Watching. I needed to put The Dallas Cowboys over to finally have their title match at Master Of Puppets. Avalanche and Primus Allen are in the same faction but I think their lower experience as a tag team justifies the result a little bit.


On 3/29/2024 at 2:29 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant

I'll go for Remo to get involved and cost Valiant, only for it to be made a Triple Threat down the line

On 3/29/2024 at 4:49 PM, Shmoe II said:

SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant - Draw/No Contest

 - I think Remo either destroys both or just general chicanery. Obviously Valiant made his case and seems very cut and dry, but white meat babyface usually needs to jump a few hurdles.

On 3/29/2024 at 6:41 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match

Brandon James vs Valiant

Seems like the only outcome


After Remo/Valiant segment worked so well in the previous episode I had to pull the trigger and make Valiant beat Brandon James clean. I decided to ban Krissy Angelle from ringside during the match to make it a little bit easier for Valiant. @Shmoe II has a point but also Valiant has been in what it was almost a 2vs1 triangular feud (until Rogue turned face) and he lost his match vs Remo thanks to Rogue before that. I think Valiant had a few hurdles already, but of course I could have put more hurdles in his way.

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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 14


Rocky Golden vs John Greed


Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker


Brett Biggins vs The Crippler


Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)


Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)


Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week?


Comments on diary / last episode:


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Rocky Golden vs John Greed

Rocky is like the best candidate for champion. You know like when Stone Cold always said he preferred to be the hunter instead of the hunted, Golden is like the best man to be hunted. Ala Jack Bruce circa 2009 in the Man Under Pressure storyline

Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker

Bear has promise but Parker could be a star if SWF used him properly. Maybe you could make him into the star he deserves to be

Brett Biggins vs The Crippler

Brett should just go to TCW. Crippler is old but can still contribute. I'd love a Lobster Warrior return in the twilight of his career

Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)

I'm not a big fan of the tag team scene in SWF. This isn't DAVE 2005. I'll give it to Fame and Money

Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)

The Awesomeness need to break away from Randy, they could be mega stars 

Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe

My Anti Mikey Lau rant a few shows ago should explain this

Edited by DAVEFAN95
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Rocky Golden vs John Greed


Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker


Brett Biggins vs The Crippler


Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)


Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)


Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? No


Comments on diary / last episode: Wasn't expecting a 15 min match against Kobb to present Zeus, and I'm not even sure I like it that much booking-wise. Also, congrats for another solid main event!

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Rocky Golden vs John Greed


Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker


Brett Biggins vs The Crippler


Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)


Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)


Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Yes

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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 14


Rocky Golden vs John Greed

Despite losing the strap, Rocky is still THE guy in the SWF

Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker

Parker can be a big deal, I can see Bear dominating the match before Parker gets a flash rollup/pulls the tights kind of win

Brett Biggins vs The Crippler

Brett's in a weird spot where he needs to be a tag guy, but his brothers in TCW.

Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)

Fame & Money are in a new faction, and need a win to re-establish themselves

Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)

The Awesomeness are awesome...

Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe

Scythe has dropped off versus his positioning at the start of the game, he needs the win here to start building him back to being an unstoppable force down the road


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Yes



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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 14


Rocky Golden


Bear Bekowski 


The Crippler


Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon)


Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) 


Mikey Lau 


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? yes


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Rocky Golden vs John Greed


Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker


Brett Biggins vs The Crippler


Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)


Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)


Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe



(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Yes

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Rocky Golden vs John Greed
Yeah, give it to Rocky. This could be the start of a longer storyline; I like the idea of this being a revived Man Under Pressure style story. Maybe there's a bounty put on Rocky.


Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker

Parker is a useful wrestler but Bear could actually be heated up to be a good monster of the month type. He'd be a good foil for someone like Lau, ZMB, or even Valiant down the line. Maybe even a Bear vs Rocky for a good TV match.


Brett Biggins vs The Crippler

Not close. Biggins is just picking up a pay check to put people over and honestly? A Crippler-Lau feud could be workable.


Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)

I have a soft spot for Monty Trescarde; he's a useful heel but not entirely the greatest. Perfect in a tag team and Huntingdon is a good partner for him as a more charismatic counterpart. I don't rate the Rock City Stars high enough to beat Fame and Money yet.


Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)

Yeah...I like Masked Patriot and Jungle Lord is useful but uh...I think Unleashed Awesomeness together still have mileage.


Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe

Come on...Scythe is going to be a monster around the top of the cards with a touch more development for a long time. Lau's just here to get a good match out of him.


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? To quote Matty's father, I have faith. Yes.

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Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 14


Rocky Golden vs John Greed

 - even without the strap, he's always going to be right on the cusp and is such a major player.

Bear Bekowski vs Steven Parker

 just more talented all around I guess. 

Brett Biggins vs The Crippler

 - The Biggins' were basically on the cusp of being jobbers in the 2010 database ...this is 10 years later and Brett is on his own. The Crippler does what he does.

Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna)

 - As said above, they're in a new situation and have to pull some heel hijinks to prove they belong.

Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) vs Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball)

 - Another Awesomeness fan here. As much as I wanna always vote for a guy called 'Jungle Lord' (also a very underrated guy in the cverse for my money) I balk at supporting "Masked Patriot." It's just so ...blah.

Main Event:

Mikey Lau vs Scythe

 - I like Mikey, a bunch. It's cool to see him rubbing shoulders with these guys BUT Scythe is a monster who needs to reclaim a little mystique. He's also a more surefire thing as far as a SWF product goes, with the look & star power.


(BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Yes

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Posted (edited)




(Tuesday, week 2, April 2020. Williams Assembly Center, Jackson, MS. Attendance: 8000 SELL OUT!)




Rocky Golden def. John Greed (76)

Rocky Golden faced John Greed in the opening match in Mississippi. It was Rocky's first match since he lost the SWF World Heavyweight title to Remo at The World Is Watching and Rocky put on a show early on the match with great combinations that dismantled John Greed. The best we can say about The Eighth Deadly Sin is that he showed some resilience to stay in the match after a first pin attempt. But when they reached the 10 minute mark, Rocky finished John Greed with the Rocky Road. The crowd passionately celebrated Rocky's victory.




Eric Eisen mini.png     stable_hollywooduncensored copia.pngimage.pngJS Hollywood Uncensored copia.pngimage.pngLB Hollywood Uncensored.png


ANGLE: In the backstage, we see SWF booker Eric Eisen talking to Hollywood Bret Starr and the rest of Hollywood Uncensored. Eric is saying that ZWB was the runner-up of the Battle Royal Match and has already asked him to be the first challenger for Bret Starr's NETSTREAM Intercontinental belt. Bret Starr replies that he won't defend the title against someone who isn't on the same level like ZWB unless he can defeat all the members of Hollywood Uncensored first.

Eric says that's nonsense, he reminds him he is the booker and the title is meant to be defended on Supreme TV frequently. Bret Starr surprises Eric Eisen when he replies that it is not a SWF title, it's actually a NETSTREAM title and explains that he spoke to NETSTREAM's owner after The World Is Watching when they were all drinking champagne and he invited them to his Hollywood's mansion. Bret Starr tells Eric that "the guys and I are going to his house this weekend, we can talk to him if you need further explanation". Eric decides not to take the matter any further and accepts Bret's conditions. ZWB will have to defeat all the members of Hollywood Uncensored before facing Bret Starr for the title  (64)




Steven Parker def. Bear Bekowski (62)

Bear Bekowski was the favorite in this match because he beat Parker in Supreme TV episode 4 earlier this year. It was a wild brawl where Bekowski started dominating his opponent with his aggressive style until he got Parker into the Bear Trap, but Parker finally got rip of Bekowski. The Sensational managed to change the complexity of the match with a double axe handle and a crossbody. In 10 minutes, Steven Parker hit Bekowski with the Future Shock to win the match.




Eric Eisen mini.png     Marshall Dillon copia.pngimage.png     image.pngimage.png


ANGLE: Eric Eisen is in the ring to announce that he will reward The Dallas Cowboys' momentum with another title shot at Master Of Puppets after they were unable to compete at The World Is Watching. The crowd salutes The Dallas Cowboys, who are in the ring with Eric Eisen. Then the current SWF World Tag Team champions Hawaiian Crush como out to raise their belts (62)




The Crippler def. Brett Biggins (62)

The Crippler entrance gets one of the biggest pops of the night. This was Brett Biggins' first match of the year. It was a complete squash in which The Crippler showed a total superiority in terms of strength, skills and in-ring psychology. The Crippler ended the match with the Tombstone Piledriver.




image.png     Des Davids mini.png    Angry Gilmore mini.png


ANGLE: Ana Garcia interviews the SWF North American champion Des Davids, who will defend his title again vs Angry Gilmore at Master Of Puppets. Davids insists that he is "the best North American champion in the history of this company" and assures that "Gilmore won't become a 4-time North American champion while I am the champion". Angry Gilmore interrupts the interview to demand "respect" and the tension between the two is very evident. Both wrestlers have the fans in the palm of their hand in this feud and the segment got the crowd much hotter (89)




The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna) def. Fame & Money (Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon) (62)

This was Fame & Money's first match as a tag team since Hollywood Bret Starr disbanded The Rat Pack. It was a very open match where everyone got involved. Stan Manna and Paul Huntingdon started the match and Huntingdon had the advantage. Later Ryan Turner and Monty Trescarde were the legal men and this time it was Ryan Turner who was in control. The Rock City Stars teamed up for The Cover Version and Stan Manna pinned Trescarde for the victory. The Rock City Stats won their third straight 2vs2 match, they are on a roll since they joined SWF.




Unleashed Awesomeness (Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball) def. Jungle Lord and Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) (75)

The feud between Jungle Lord and Unleashed Awesomeness continues in this match where Lord teams up with Faith & Old Glory. Jungle Lord and Randy Unleashed opened the match and the crowd quickly started supporting Lord. Jungle Lord's passionate performance was full of powerful moves highlighting a Jungle Liana. Lord was going for the Jungle Jack-Jammer but Randy avoided it crawling to tag Jefferson Stardust. Then the match changed completely and The Awesomeness controlled most of it. The Awesomeness hit Matty Faith with the Shock And Awe and Huey Cannonball pinned him. A match that stole the show and finished with Unleashed Awesomeness celebrating in the middle of the ring and getting booed by the crowd.




image.png     image.pngKrissy Angelle copia.png     Joey Morgan mini.png


ANGLE: Ana Garcia interviews Brandon James and his superhot manager Krissy Angelle. Garcia asks them about James' defeat against Valiant last week, but Krissy dismisses the question and brags about James' win against Joey Morgan two weeks ago. Joey Morgan is listening to everything at a short distance and finally decides to step up. Morgan says that if he is so sure about his superiority then he wouldn't mind to face him again at Master Of Puppets. Krissy Angelle laughs at Morgan while Brandon James defiantly stares at Morgan (75)




Main Event:


Scythe mini.pngvst white.pngimage.png


Scythe def. Mikey Lau (82)

Mikey Lau's entrance got the biggest pop of the night (tied with The Crippler). The fans in Mississippi heavily supported Lau in this match. Someone as cold as Lau usually is was able to connect with the crowd this time. But Scythe remained unfazed and showed no emotions before the match began. Lau tried to keep the distance and launched a few kicks here and there, making Scythe kneel and the crowd went crazy. It was a good start for Lau that had another big moment when Lau connected a great side kick, putting the crowd on their feet and Lau pinned Scythe, but he kicked out at 1. Lau maintained the same strategy and was quite successful for the first 10 minutes.

Around the 13th minute, Lau missed a flying kick and Scythe had a perfect opportunity for a powerslam. Scythe became more and more dominant: a running powerslam, a powerbomb and the Choke Slam. Scythe won the match in 20 minutes. Mikey Lau made a good impression but fell short against The Reaper.




Cap episode 14.png

Edited by newbiezness
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