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Strange events so far

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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Rob4590;204113]Big Smack Scott has just claimed to the press that he should be headlining SWF, saying he is the real star of the company and that he is not a main eventer because others feared his talents and were holding him back. His colleagues are said to be amused :p[/QUOTE] It's because Scott is so unbelievably modest and talented; His colleagues can't handle it. My most recent funny one is that Goldberg has been hired by the WWE. Here is the funny thing though, He is being pushed as a Jobber.
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Even stranger than that Big Smack Scott comment, about a week later, Tommy Cornell did a radio interview where he said that the more he gets pushed the more nervous he gets! Well bloody well stop hogging the World Title then Tommy ffs!!! :D No-ones forcing you to main event every show!
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Rob4590;205031]Even stranger than that Big Smack Scott comment, about a week later, Tommy Cornell did a radio interview where he said that the more he gets pushed the more nervous he gets! Well bloody well stop hogging the World Title then Tommy ffs!!! :D No-ones forcing you to main event every show![/QUOTE] Gotta love how great characters like Cornell and BS Scott are; One guy who is the best wrestler in the game and the other is the most deadly one.
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I just started a game as NOTPW, it is only Feburay, both Fern (something) and Blonde Bombshell have posed nude for XTC magazine. Fern's internet note said she would go in oblivion, were as Bombshell's said she get a mega push and then go into oblivion. Wonder if in March I can lobby for Victoria Stone?
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Does it occur to you that sometimes, destiny makes the cornellverse event quality suck a little sometimes? In my 5SSW show, 2008 year, my B+ show was called best card of the year? Wtf? There must be some AI fed that can pull off an A show, right? PGHW is doing awesome with a constant 'B'-flow. My Alicia Strong vs Sensational A* match was also MotY, as the only A* match of the year I believe. Come on, can't they do better? Sensational is friggin' 4th on the top100 list, and Thunder is 5th. Come...on... What a laugh for the wrestling world. :P (an uppermidcard worker like Saeko is even 14th on the list. She's an awesome worker, but still... Wtf?)
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Using War's End and trying to book a better InVasion (well, booking a BETTER InVasion won't be hard. . . booking a GOOD one, on the other hand. . .), I built up for a match between Tazz and Kane for the Intercontential title with the plan being for Tazz to win the strap and declare it the new ECW World title. Storyline heat was an A* at the time of the match, and they wound up having excellent chemistry leading them to the best match at the PPV with an A* rated hardcore match, Tazz winning due to interference from The Dudley Boyz. Second best match of the card was an A rated effort by Kurt Angle and Booker T for the WCW World title (won by Angle, who I plan to move to the WCW brand after they 'win' SmackDown! away from WWF).
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RVD failed a drug test, and the next night he jobbed to Danny Basham for the ECW title.:eek: Danny Basham has become quite the title hog holding the tag team (with Doug), world tag team (with Orlando Jordan) and ECW Heavyweight titles all at the same time. Ric Flair became ECW champion and had a reign lasting around 6 months. During this time the ECW title was the only Heavyweight title defended in WWE while the World Heavyweight and WWE titles sat around the waists of Batista and John Cena until they left the company. Triple H., John Cena and Batista have all told WWE "they're not big enough for them" and left to sit at home and do nothing. You know WWE is in bad shape when Triple H. jumps ship and Ring of Honor and TNA are the top two promotions in the United States. At this point my little regional promotion has more prestige than WWE. I'd think Linda would smarten up and replace Vince with a new head booker, but that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen any time soon.
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For the main event of my WCW Spring Stampede PPV my main event was Curt Henning defeating Ric Flair for the WCW Title and they put on a great match. The next day i look at the news ticker and both Ric Flair and Curt Henning have both passed away:( . And recently i fired Hulk Hogan from his contract and WWF signed him up and are pushing him as a jobber lol.
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[QUOTE=lfc1991;206849]For the main event of my WCW Spring Stampede PPV my main event was Curt Henning defeating Ric Flair for the WCW Title and they put on a great match. The next day i look at the news ticker and both Ric Flair and Curt Henning have both passed away:( [/QUOTE] Jeez that was one hell of a stiff match then :p
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;206745]RVD failed a drug test, and the next night he jobbed to Danny Basham for the ECW title.:eek:[/QUOTE] Continuing this breaking story... 2 months later... [QUOTE]Monday Week 1, December 2007 Once more, the passing of a wrestler has brought the drug-use in the industry to light. The tragic death of Rob Van Dam was announced last night, with initial medical reports hinting that his well-known usage of drugs was the main cause of death. The community is once again in mourning.[/QUOTE] But it gets better. Sabu died on the same day. I guess him and RVD were doing a little puff, puff, pass the night before. RIP.:(
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;206977]I guess him and RVD were doing a little puff, puff, pass the night before. RIP.:([/QUOTE] You'd have to smoke literally tons of pot in one sitting to get a fatal dose... but you know, given that it's RVD, I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if that's how he blew his pension. :D
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