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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It's a shame, indeed. But it's something which won't go away anytime soon. Even these days, the WWE make it specifically so we don't rely on reports, coming up with random swerves every now and then, which I like for the most part. Because of that, reports have dwindled a tad today. Just a few years ago, they had reports shelling out of which Mania matches were pegged to happen when we were only around Armageddon-Rumble season, who was pegged to win the Rumble, even crucial future feuds such as "X is penciled to work a program with Y". I've always found that irking me and really steered clear off it. At least now, it's toned down a bit. You see some of that here and there, but not as much. Now, the buzz is pretty much only who Taker's gonna face at Mania, and maybe potential Mania main-events although they need to get rid of that too.
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Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


According to a WWE source who would have full knowledge of the situation, Bret Hart has indeed signed a short-term talent contract with World Wrestling Entertainment,


The WWE Hall of Famer signed the this past week and it will cover the period from 1/1 to 4/10, or through WrestleMania and about two weeks after the 3/28 show at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, AZ.


Hart simply told a reliable source that he wasn't going to lie about anything and thus wasn't going to comment on this story.


It was said that Hart wanted his signing to be kept quiet and his return to be a surprise, but that WWE couldn't help itself but all but announced it publicly on the first RAW after the ink was dry.

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I've just finished reading Mick Foley's first book and I am starting on his second one (and yes, I am behind the times :rolleyes: ). Anyways, on to my point. After reading his book I've realised that the majority of things that us smarks think is going on backstage are usually 80% not true, 15% over exaggerated, and 5% true (and no, Mr. Foley didn't say any of that in his book, it is my own opinion). And seriously, Punk being in the doghouse for not wearing a suit? That doesn't even sound like fact IMO. Wrestlers have NEVER worn fancy suits around everywhere! As a matter of fact, the only place that I've every seen wrestlers dressed up nice was at the HOF ceremonies and at angles! Just my two cents.....that don't mean crap! :p


Actually, unless it contradicted with their gimmick, almost every major wrestler had to wear a suit in the 80's, 90's, and this century.

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Dress code was laxer a few years ago, but around 2003 or so it was required of all wrestlers to wear smart clothes (basically shirt, trousers, maybe a suit for really formal stuff). Wrestlers like Undertaker, Cena and Austin weren't required to conform due to their characters not being suit-wearers, but for most wrestlers it's the expected standard when on public duty otherwise representing WWE.
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There's one thing I don't get with they way Shaemus is presented at the moment. With this short buildup coming into a main even title match, I wonder why they didn't use his ECW past to put him over ? I know, most of the time, they want us to forget that ECW exists and they have a sense of continuation in their stories, so in that regard they were logic with themselves. This time though, it would have make sense to refer to the past so we could care more about Shaemus. A good body, beating up comedy jobbers, an annoucer and a non-wrestler... that's all we needed to tag him as the generic heel monster #387. Maybe I'm a little harsh on the guy, he's got talent, but they didn't do enough for me to really care about him.
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CM Punk is a great example of how smarks think they know the full extent of the business yet have as little information as any other fan. Right now you can believe the reports that CM Punk is in a "doghouse" over a supposed attire incident or you can believe the reports that the WWE are trying to get R-Truth into the main event by feuding him with Punk. It can be logically argued either way but the bottom line no one can say for sure.


That sounds like something WWE would do. Push a 37-year old guy you could have pushed 10 years ago. He has what... maybe two OK years left? He'll probably be released by the end of 2011. :rolleyes:

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Truth? I doubt it. He looks young, he wrestles young, he's pretty over, and he's got above average mic skills. I'm not saying he's "going places" but I wouldn't be surprised to see him mix it up in the main event a few times.


Quoted...for Truth.


I mean if I could do what R-Truth is doing at 37, with those corkscrew kicks and all that athleticism plus those chiselled abs I think I'd be pretty happy with myself and so would my employer.

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There's one thing I don't get with they way Shaemus is presented at the moment. With this short buildup coming into a main even title match, I wonder why they didn't use his ECW past to put him over ? I know, most of the time, they want us to forget that ECW exists and they have a sense of continuation in their stories, so in that regard they were logic with themselves. This time though, it would have make sense to refer to the past so we could care more about Shaemus. A good body, beating up comedy jobbers, an annoucer and a non-wrestler... that's all we needed to tag him as the generic heel monster #387. Maybe I'm a little harsh on the guy, he's got talent, but they didn't do enough for me to really care about him.


This is what bothers me the both about even having brands. They mix these brands so much it doesnt even seem like they are different.


They could have easily had Shameus built up like a complete monster that was destoying everyone in ECW and then have him come to RAW and destroy the Champion in a surprise way.


Instead he just shows up on RAW for no apparent reason, wins a mid card battle royal and his now the champ.

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This is what bothers me the both about even having brands. They mix these brands so much it doesnt even seem like they are different.


They could have easily had Shameus built up like a complete monster that was destoying everyone in ECW and then have him come to RAW and destroy the Champion in a surprise way.


Instead he just shows up on RAW for no apparent reason, wins a mid card battle royal and his now the champ.


It's easier to watch without your smark lenses on.

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It's easier to watch without your smark lenses on.


Im about as far from a smark as you will actually see in this forum. I dont watch ROH and I have no idea who a lot of these guys are and what they've done in the indys.


While a lot of people were calling for CM Punk to get a huge push from the WWE I was hoping to see him come out of his shell and act like a Main Event talent which he eventually did.


I tend to look at things from a fan perspective and a TEW player perspective.


About the only smark in me is actually understanding a little bit about how the business works and coming to this forum.


I am pretty sure the 'smarky' fan actually knows who Shameus is and believes he is main event material while the fan has no idea who Shameus is or why he has the belt.

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That's where you are wrong. My viewpoint isn't special. It's normal. But it is CORRECT.



This is a sure sign you argument was going downhill fast.


The WWE markets who they think will be stars and have had many successes and many failures.(Ken Kennedy anyone?) The E has the money to market these guys but they dont make the performer. He still has to produce results.


You really think the WWF could have become what it was without Hulk Hogan? He was given a great gimmick and he ran with it and made the WWF a hit. Hogan also just was in a very popular movie prior to the megapush.(Rocky III) Vince McMahon is a creative genious but he has had a lot of luck a long the way. Do you think Bob Backlund could have turned the WWF into the #1 company in the world?


Stonecold came out of no where to become a star. They tried to push the Rock and he was hated so that kind of throws your theory out the window. It was when they stopped pushing him he became the superstar.


Cena is just well respected within the company and works his tail off. He has a gimmick the kids love and a look the women love. It was the thing to do 4-5 years ago to hate on him but I think most people have realized what a professional he is and have learned to give him a break for some of his in ring flaws.


Besides its entertainment and at the very least he always has charisma and it appears he shows emotion.


To make a long story short. The E has never made anyone that couldnt produce on his own. If it were that easy the WWE would have 25 International superstars right now.


A creative genious with a lot of money can turn a National Star into an International icon however.


The one guy that McMahon may have made you didnt even bring up from what I seen. The Undertaker. That gimmick made his career. Of course he had to play the gimmick to perfection for people to believe it but that is as close as I can think of as to the E creating a superstar.

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Please explain what part of his post made it a "smark" comment. Being critical of a decision made by the WWE doesn't automatically make someone a cynical smark, you know.




Of course, it has quickly become apparent that SaySo has nothing of quality to add to any discussion related to the WWE. His contributions are typically limited to "blah blah blah smark"... as if there was something wrong with being critical and vocal about an entertainment product that a consumer once enjoyed.

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Of course, it has quickly become apparent that SaySo has nothing of quality to add to any discussion related to the WWE. His contributions are typically limited to "blah blah blah smark"... as if there was something wrong with being critical and vocal about an entertainment product that a consumer once enjoyed.


That's because i have nothing negative to say about the WWE. Status Quo Yo.



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It's easier to watch without your smark lenses on.


I'm actually going to defend this comment a bit. We smarks (term used with love) tend to watch wrestling from the back-seat-booker armchair, we look for 'strong builds' we worry about 'drawing' and 'star quality' and all sorts of stuff that never even enters the mind of a mark (term used with love).


To a mark, I'm sure Sheamus makes a lot of sense. He's a surprise, sure. He's a guy who has shown up and, through logical means, become champion. Maybe in the back of their subconscious something doesn't feel 'right', but I'm sure they don't dwell on it. To a smark, the Sheamus thing sticks out because we wouldn't have booked it this way. It's not the 'normal' way to do things, so it's 'wrong'.


RAW is very much easier to watch without your smark lenses on. Most wrestling is. If you watch with your heart and not your head, it's always easier to get emotionally invested in the action.

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Watching ECW. They changed the Dudebuster's music. It's gone from awesomely ridiculous to the illegitimate love child of Evan Bourne & the MCMG's music. So generic I think I might cry.


On the plus side, their gear matches now. Different colours. Same design. That's an improvement.

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I'm actually going to defend this comment a bit. We smarks (term used with love) tend to watch wrestling from the back-seat-booker armchair, we look for 'strong builds' we worry about 'drawing' and 'star quality' and all sorts of stuff that never even enters the mind of a mark (term used with love).


To a mark, I'm sure Sheamus makes a lot of sense. He's a surprise, sure. He's a guy who has shown up and, through logical means, become champion. Maybe in the back of their subconscious something doesn't feel 'right', but I'm sure they don't dwell on it. To a smark, the Sheamus thing sticks out because we wouldn't have booked it this way. It's not the 'normal' way to do things, so it's 'wrong'.


RAW is very much easier to watch without your smark lenses on. Most wrestling is. If you watch with your heart and not your head, it's always easier to get emotionally invested in the action.

Does anyone actually think about stuff like 'drawing' and 'star quality' while watching the show? Seems like it would suck all the fun out of watching in the first place. I might sit back and think about stuff like that after the fact, but while I'm watching, I just want to be entertained.


That's because i have nothing negative to say about the WWE. Status Quo Yo.



Nothing wrong with not having anything negative to say. If you're enjoying it, great. But that doesn't automatically make someone who feels differently a smark.

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