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What grinds your gears?


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Um, guys? I'm, like, an anti-fan of South Park, but the censoring of Muhammad is the joke. They didn't start doing it until that whole Danish cartoon controversy. Having your gears ground over a censored Muhammad is sort of like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon and shouting "Daffy Duck isn't wearing pants! Why isn't he wearing pants?"
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This is my one politically-minded post to this thread.




Unions are the reason we have a forty hour work week. Unions are the reason overtime exists as a concept. Unions are the reason you were in school at the age of ten instead of working in a mill. Unions are the reason the place you work has windows and fire exits. Unions are the reason clean and safe working environments exist. Unions brought about the end of the Gilded Age and helped to usher America into its most prosperous decades of existence.


It's possible to argue that certain unions have too much power, or that reform is needed to prevent them from combating necessary change. But when you use the word "parasite" to disparage every union worker, you disrespect the hard-working men and women responsible for your quality of life today, and whose existence insulates you from having those freedoms taken away.


The last thing I ask you to consider is those who have been the opponents of labor unions throughout history. I, for one, would not want to be associated with the jackboot or the burning cross. I have a feeling you don't want to either.


Unions are also the reasons a lot of states are going bankrupt. I think for the most part they have outlived their usefulness. Especially if you are required to join a union in order to work in a certain industry. They make EVERYTHING more expensive. You could have a booth at a trade show for $X, but if only unions are allowed to perform that work, it's exponentially higher.

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People who can't take a joke, political correctness, religious people and people who say that they are offended by something. :mad:


The South Park censoring of Muhammed pisses me off. Once again the threats of religious fundamentalists are listened to and obeyed for some odd reason. Why can't we just stop this nonsense? It's the year 2010 and the world should be free of religion. Lets leave it in the history books, please. It's over. Religions are finished. It's a mental illness, nothing more, nothing less. Let's start treating it as such.


I am sorry to say this, and you can ask the many folks that I speak to on these boards. I am not a rude or vicious person.


You sir are a Jackass.

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When discussing anything on message forums, people who go on long tirades about how facts are needed, and who end up being hypocrites and spending their entire time telling you their opinions and assumptions. Then when you bring any facts into it, they try the usual online tactic of demanding links and "proof" because they're too lazy to find it themselves like everyone else. No one should have to list a directory of resources in a reply because the other person is too uneducated to follow along even though they stuck their noses into it.


This post grinds my gears. No offense dude, but you were doing this exact same thing on the TNA thread and now you criticize it? Right...

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Um, guys? I'm, like, an anti-fan of South Park, but the censoring of Muhammad is the joke. They didn't start doing it until that whole Danish cartoon controversy. Having your gears ground over a censored Muhammad is sort of like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon and shouting "Daffy Duck isn't wearing pants! Why isn't he wearing pants?"


I take it you didn't see the recent episode, not being a fan and all. Yes. The censoring of Muhammed's image was a major joke in the episode. The entire plot revolved around it. That's cool, and led to some amusement (his costume cracked me up every time) What we're talking about is how in Part 2 (and only part 2) of this 2-parter, the name 'Muhammed' was bleeped whenever it was said. It's a stark contrast to the first part (where the name was said freely and frequently) and the dudes who made the show have said this wasn't their doing. They say the network bleeped it. They could be lying. It could have been intentional. I don't know.


To me, the who, what or why isn't important. I found the bleeps annoying, because the name was said (and therefore bleeped) so frequently. It was distracting... which may have been the point "complex issues distracting from simple, harmless entertainment". Or maybe some threats were made, folks got scared, so on, so forth.

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EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I've seen people call off or request off of work due to MMO's like EQ and EQII and now WOW. I've also seen people tell their boss they needed to go home because their was a raid happening on EQ. I'll play MMO's every now and then but only the free to play ones. I just can't fathom spending $60 on a brand new game just to have to turn around and spend $15 a month just to be able to play something I've already purchased. To each their own I guess and if you've got the spare loot to do so more power to you.


Scale is off. MMO boxes rarely cost $60 (and those are only combo packs for ONE MMO. You can probably guess which one). The box sale is just like any other game. You don't get persistent worlds that are always on and available for the box sale. The monthly fee is for access to said persistent world that is always on. For so-called "free to play" games, it's a bit worse since while it is free to log in and play, you're going to have to pay something (and often far more than $15) to actually be able to play effectively (via "item mall" or "cash shop").


But then, I look at it the same way I do other recurring bills I have. Had to pay to get my (landline) phone installed and those people send me a bill every month! Same goes for cable/satellite and broadband (even if it's included in your rent).


I've never felt the need to call out from work to play. I play enough as it is heh. And since I can usually do the "boring" stuff (dailies, farming for tradeskill materials, PLing alts) while at work, my game time at home is clear to do "fun" stuff (if herding cats can qualify as 'fun').

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People who can't take a joke, political correctness, religious people and people who say that they are offended by something. :mad:


The South Park censoring of Muhammed pisses me off. Once again the threats of religious fundamentalists are listened to and obeyed for some odd reason. Why can't we just stop this nonsense? It's the year 2010 and the world should be free of religion. Lets leave it in the history books, please. It's over. Religions are finished. It's a mental illness, nothing more, nothing less. Let's start treating it as such.



Yup, something that more than 4 billion people practice on a daily basis is probably dead.To be perfectly honest I can understand why you say its a mental illness, religion is all about taking a leap of faith and beliving things fully, without any sort of proof is getting close to mental illness, but saying that religion is finished? I think some people in Jerusalem or Gaza would disagre...

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Unions are also the reasons a lot of states are going bankrupt. I think for the most part they have outlived their usefulness. Especially if you are required to join a union in order to work in a certain industry. They make EVERYTHING more expensive. You could have a booth at a trade show for $X, but if only unions are allowed to perform that work, it's exponentially higher.


I won't spend much time on this, given the outcome of our last discussion post-election, but the fact of the matter is that as union membership shrinks, so does the middle class. As union membership shrinks, worker's rights violations become more common. Like many other topics, this is more complicated than you're making it out to be, and I'd encourage anyone reading the thread to research the topic themselves using unbiased sources.

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I won't spend much time on this, given the outcome of our last discussion post-election, but the fact of the matter is that as union membership shrinks, so does the middle class. As union membership shrinks, worker's rights violations become more common. Like many other topics, this is more complicated than you're making it out to be, and I'd encourage anyone reading the thread to research the topic themselves using unbiased sources.


The middle class may grow, but at the expense of what? That's certainly open to debate. And perhaps my stance is too harsh, without further focus:


Government unions are worse than unions in the private sector, because unlike the private sector, the government can simply tax or confiscate wealth to give to them. At least in the private sector, most unions know that if their demands are too outlandish, the company closes and everyone is out of a job. Not so with the government.


As an example of a disastrous government union choice (in Florida): Teachers. Here, you're able to announce your retirement ahead of time (after having worked for 25 or 30 years, can't remember the exact time right now), and for those 5 years you can announce it ahead of time, you begin to collect your pension and you continue to collect your paycheck. If that's not the least bit curious, there's a problem.


Then again, government schools teach subservience to the government. That's by design. There's a lot of literature on that too. We'll agree to disagree on unions for sure.


To continue the "What grinds my gears" list:

People using the word "public" when it should be "government."


(i.e. such as with schools)

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Then again, government schools teach subservience to the government. That's by design. There's a lot of literature on that too. We'll agree to disagree on unions for sure.


To continue the "What grinds my gears" list:

People using the word "public" when it should be "government."


(i.e. such as with schools)


This is a lack of understanding of vocabulary. "Private" means "owned by that guy over there." "Public" means "we all paid into it, so we all own a piece of it." "Government school" is a term used by bad, bad men who want to scare you.

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Guest Instant Classic
This post grinds my gears. No offense dude, but you were doing this exact same thing on the TNA thread and now you criticize it? Right...


Nice to see you skipped over the part where I used factual numbers to back up my point against someone who was criticizing me for it and picking numbers for his argument out of thin air and testifying to the fact he was doing it.


In any event and on another subject, unions are desperately needed. Where I live there are few labor laws and all the worst companies in the U.S. flock over here because they can get away with everything. Part-time employees working over 45 hours a week on average a year which is against the law, not providing proper facilities or safe and healthy work conditions, forging documents and telling employees if they want their job to shut up and continue doing it. This was just my last job and just a small list of what went on there. Unions were made to protect the employees because the government labor laws are made to protect the companies only.


I once quit a job because they couldn't pay me. I received two checks and was told not to cash them until I was given the green light, and I told them I was no longer working until they paid me. I filed for unemployment the next day and the company had the balls to tell the unemployment office I abandoned my job. I drove down there, brought one of the office workers with me to the bank to watch my checks bounce, and then not only did I get my unemployment but a huge investigation was launched on my former employer. I also read they recently lost a huge trial where they would deny unemployment benefits for people even though they cannot provide the promised amount of hours.


Who ever thinks unions are terrible needs a good swift kick in the backside. Either that or they own their own company and they know how much the government and the labor laws protect them from all the crap they do.

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Guest Instant Classic
Yup, something that more than 4 billion people practice on a daily basis is probably dead.To be perfectly honest I can understand why you say its a mental illness, religion is all about taking a leap of faith and beliving things fully, without any sort of proof is getting close to mental illness, but saying that religion is finished? I think some people in Jerusalem or Gaza would disagre...


Religion itself only exists in its purest form these days in under-developed third world countries. I have read close to two dozen reports online and in the news over the last couple of years, and organized religion is slowly disappearing. Studies show developed nations like China, Japan and the U.S. have the least amount of religious people and it has been on a steady decline over the last decade and continues to go down. Only areas still living with technology from the 1980s or older are still massively practicing religion right now.


Oh and the Amish as well.

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Nice to see you skipped over the part where I used factual numbers to back up my point against someone who was criticizing me for it and picking numbers for his argument out of thin air and testifying to the fact he was doing it.


I was using numbers and had sources to back them up, you did to but our arguments were different. You were using averages and I was using the highest number of audience they have had versus the lowest they had. Really the numbers wasn't the issue as much as you citing all of these "people" that hated Batista and disliked these other things yet the only source you could use to back up these claims was the internet. No exodus at the live gates, no drop in ppv buyrates when these guys are the focus, etc. Anyway the argument is a dead in you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe I don't even care enough about either product to debate it any longer.


As far as religion goes I'm a big fan of the phrase "Where there is smoke there is fire". In other words I don't believe in large coincidences.


I don't know whats out there (nobody does) and I have about zero actual faith but whether its a God, multiple Gods, aliens, or who knows what other theories the fact is I seriously doubt we could become everything that we are if it was all just some big coincidence.


You seem like a decent yet radical guy Fin. I've seen you have some radical views on several different subjects that are a bit sensitive. Instead of just saying "you believe one way I believe another" you make it a point to insult the people that have different beliefs and views. Again I don't really know what I believe in but if someone wants to tell me their god is an alien named Zulu who imprisoned souls in a volcano thousands of years ago or whatever I'm going to think to myself "that sounds crazy" but I'm not going to tell the person they ARE crazy. Maybe you should practice a little bit more tact when dealing with people and their beliefs.

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Tea Partiers. Glenn Beck. Rush Limbaugh. Sarah Palin. All those people who are riding the "oh no we have a socialist/black/democrat president this is the end of america" hysteria wave and say the stupidest and most outrageous things. And then people believe them.
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Tea Partiers. Glenn Beck. Rush Limbaugh. Sarah Palin. All those people who are riding the "oh no we have a socialist/black/democrat president this is the end of america" hysteria wave and say the stupidest and most outrageous things. And then people believe them.


The world is full of these idiots no matter where you go.


My favorite idiots are the ones who put all the problems on Obamas head. Like he made them the minute he stepped into office. LOL

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Nice to see you skipped over the part where I used factual numbers to back up my point against someone who was criticizing me for it and picking numbers for his argument out of thin air and testifying to the fact he was doing it.




I was using numbers and had sources to back them up, you did to but our arguments were different. You were using averages and I was using the highest number of audience they have had versus the lowest they had. Really the numbers wasn't the issue as much as you citing all of these "people" that hated Batista and disliked these other things yet the only source you could use to back up these claims was the internet. No exodus at the live gates, no drop in ppv buyrates when these guys are the focus, etc. Anyway the argument is a dead in you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe I don't even care enough about either product to debate it any longer.


Instead of respondig, i'm gonna let these two quotes speak for itself. Thank you for your time.

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You seem like a decent yet radical guy Fin. I've seen you have some radical views on several different subjects that are a bit sensitive. Instead of just saying "you believe one way I believe another" you make it a point to insult the people that have different beliefs and views. Again I don't really know what I believe in but if someone wants to tell me their god is an alien named Zulu who imprisoned souls in a volcano thousands of years ago or whatever I'm going to think to myself "that sounds crazy" but I'm not going to tell the person they ARE crazy. Maybe you should practice a little bit more tact when dealing with people and their beliefs.


Holier-than-though 'intellectuals' who blast religion/politics and those who believe/subscribe to them grind my gears waaaay more than religion or politics themselves. Like you pointed out with the guy above, they're mostly very similar in that they feel the need to 'educate' the world as to why 'Religion X' is crazy/wrong/obsolete, usually in the most vitriolic way possible.


I'm a fully paid-up Anarchist (and have the tattoo's to prove it!!!), which has nothing to do with rioting, mayhem etc by the way, we're mostly a peaceful people. I'm wearing fluffy pink slippers as I write this. Point being, you wont find someone who despises organised religion or religious oppression more than me. At the same time, I absolutely advocate the right of the individual to believe in whatever they so chose.


Is your religion absurd to me? Absolutely. Am I going to call you mentally ill or wrong for believing in it? Absolutely not, the opposite infact. Everyone should be free to live their live however they want, without being told that it's wrong by someone who thinks they know better. In my experience the intellectual Atheists often have the least conviction, because they don't believe in anything.


Y'know what else grinds my gears? KFC gravy. Seriously, gravy is *not* that colour.

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Holier-than-though 'intellectuals' who blast religion/politics and those who believe/subscribe to them grind my gears waaaay more than religion or politics themselves. Like you pointed out with the guy above, they're mostly very similar in that they feel the need to 'educate' the world as to why 'Religion X' is crazy/wrong/obsolete, usually in the most vitriolic way possible.


I'm a fully paid-up Anarchist (and have the tattoo's to prove it!!!), which has nothing to do with rioting, mayhem etc by the way, we're mostly a peaceful people. I'm wearing fluffy pink slippers as I write this. Point being, you wont find someone who despises organised religion or religious oppression more than me. At the same time, I absolutely advocate the right of the individual to believe in whatever they so chose.


Is your religion absurd to me? Absolutely. Am I going to call you mentally ill or wrong for believing in it? Absolutely not, the opposite infact. Everyone should be free to live their live however they want, without being told that it's wrong by someone who thinks they know better. In my experience the intellectual Atheists often have the least conviction, because they don't believe in anything.


Y'know what else grinds my gears? KFC gravy. Seriously, gravy is *not* that colour.



Yup...you discribed pedfectly the portuguese nobel prize (And atheist) writer José Saramago. The guy is a comunist nut job and i really dislike his ideas.

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Tea Partiers. Glenn Beck. Rush Limbaugh. Sarah Palin. All those people who are riding the "oh no we have a socialist/black/democrat president this is the end of america" hysteria wave and say the stupidest and most outrageous things. And then people believe them.


The world is full of these idiots no matter where you go.


My favorite idiots are the ones who put all the problems on Obamas head. Like he made them the minute he stepped into office. LOL


I like you. Let's be friends.


I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not affiliated to any party... but, I also don't buy into fearmongering.

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I like you. Let's be friends.



I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not affiliated to any party... but, I also don't buy into fearmongering.


I like friends. :D


I just figure everyone has an opinion, you are intitled to have it


Just don't expect me to be all sunshine and butterflies if I don't like your opinion. :D



It is, however, delicious.


Fun fact: Those gravy packets you buy at the grocery store are a healthier drink than Coca-Cola.


But I love Coca-Cola. :D


I gave up Mt Dew about 3 years ago. Don't ask me to give THAT up too.

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I agree with you, and with the people you quoted but...people who overrated Obama when he was elected (some still do) also grinds my gears.



I admit people were pushing it so hard because it was going to be *The first black president* I'm all for that. I mean the guy is pretty good at what he does, but he isn't the best thing around. In all honesty no one put in his seat would have been doing any better IMO.


I do agree he is a bit overrated though.

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