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Official UFC Undisputed 2010 Thread


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Thanks for the tips on the transitions, I'll try them out tomorrow. Any tips on achieving submissions? Even on the easiest level, tired and battered opponents seem to able to resist my submissions even when I'm a guy with high submission skills - is there a special "trick" to spinning the right stick in a certain way? Or is it just "spin it as fast as you can"?


The devs said that a smooth, clean 'shine' is more important than a fast one this year. Something along the lines of "If you can hear it, you're doing it wrong". Speedy but smooth, without ripping your stick off seems to be the rule of, ahem, thumb.


Also the level of the sub is important. Level 3 subs are the way forward.

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If I had last years version, and I grew tired of it due to the ground game mechanics; ie spinning the stick around randomly... would/should I be intrested in checking this new version out??


It's got an update roster, all of whom are body-scanned this year (so no Amir Sadollah/Heath Herring/Thiago Silva made with the games CAF tool), as well as an expanded range of moves/positions.


Tournament mode is cool, as is event mode. The former lets you run an oldschool tourney and the latter lets you set up a full PPV, which plays as you see it on TV with intro vids and fighter talking heads etc.


Title fight mode is just a series of fights, one after the other and the Ultimate Fights mode has been expanded a little.


The career mode is a hot topic...personally I think it's about as much fun as a kick in the nads from Anderson Silva, but there are others who seem to be enjoying it. As far as I can see, it's identical to 2009 with two exceptions: 1) You get to visit camps and learn individual moves, rather than packages of a certain style and 2) Your stats decay, rather than staying the same.


If you didn't like the stick work in 2009, I'd say stay away. More positions = more transitions = more stick twiddling.

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well i dont know if anyone has found this out yet but shaq's in the game...i have to say i think thats a little sad, i dont know if he actually fights but y put such a old guy into the game?


It was posted a while back. Basically he is a 'friend' of the UFC...he's always at the shows, always has good things to say about the company and has been legitimately training to fight for a couple of years. He's been lobbying hard for a fight with Chuck before he retires for some reason. It'll probably never happen, but the two parties maintain a close relationship.


The TapouT crew (Mask, Punkass and Skyskraype) are in again as well I believe.

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I'm a big sports guy (graduated w/ sports mgmt major) and I've watched things before on Shaq and he actually seems surprisingly good. From a pure technical/MMA stand point he is def. bettter than say a Herschall Walker who has fought professionally. Apparently he also likes doing RNC's. If Shaq retired healthy there is def. money for a freak show that could win on size alone (Shaq vs. Choi New Years Eve in Japan next year anyone?)


I plan on doing a review of the game on IGN to get the community posts to which I'll link here for anyone that cares but so far for me without trying to sound too pessimistic this game is a let down. 09 got a lot of slack b/c it was their first year, here we are a year later and basically the only additions are aesthetic. Sure your guy now gets poked in the eye and if you KO a guy he sometimes wont be with the ref at the end cuz he's still groggy but Career mode still stinks (eventhough I've got the hang of it and am doing really good, 17-0) event mode is fun with friends, nothing special alone, and Ultimate fight mode bugs the crap out of me, I hate it when they make you try to get a decision victory, this mode would be better if they just focused on greatest KO's/Subs. Updated roster, new subs and a few other key moves (salaverry), and cage are about the only real positives I can put on it, def. not a 10/10 much improved game like the TEW's seem to be where things are new and improved, UFC game seems more like the Madden franchise.

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Dammit, my retailer here in Finland still states that they wait for the game to their stock. I saved 2 euros by choosing them over the more accomplished company who shipped already theirs yesterday. :mad:


edit: And an hour later still irritated I went to check if there's progress, and it now has been shipped. :)

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Thanks for the tips on the transitions, I'll try them out tomorrow. Any tips on achieving submissions? Even on the easiest level, tired and battered opponents seem to able to resist my submissions even when I'm a guy with high submission skills - is there a special "trick" to spinning the right stick in a certain way? Or is it just "spin it as fast as you can"?


Just work their body and stamina down until they have absolutely no chance of stopping you. Just do body kicks, knees from clinch/muay thai, slams (if whoever your fighting as can do them), and strikes to the body from mount or side control, you know there body is worn down when you can rock them with a body kick and you need the stamina to be as low as possible, then try and get them in a submission. I dont think there is a way to describe how fast you have to spin the stick, its not really fast but not slow either, so just experiment until you have found something that works. And while your learning just go for easy fights such as Ninotauro Nogueira vs Shaq, or Demain Maia vs someone not very good.


Ive grown to love submissions on the second difficulty, whatever the one after begginner is i used a Flying Armbar as Demain Maia to get Vitor Belfort to tap, it even went slo-mo when he fell to the ground and tapped.


My problem is escaping submissions, anyone got any advice on that, i had a fight as Maia against Anderson Silva and the second difficulty and he made me tap with ease, i took him down 2 mins into the fight and he pulled me into a submission and i tapped within a few seconds...all my losses so far in the game have come by submission.

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Thanks for the tip - I finally got a submission, and as you said it was after spending four rounds working the body and was directly after rocking him with a takedown (don't think it was a flash submission though, as the rocked state seemed to have finished before the tap).


I'd prefer them to be a little easier to pull off though, seems a bit of a waste to have such great submissions in the game but to have to spend three rounds beating them up to have any chance of applying it! Especially when the AI seems to be able to pull them off at a moments notice - every defeat I've had so far has been getting caught in a triangle when I'm on top, when I'm not even remotely tired or beaten up. :(

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I'd prefer them to be a little easier to pull off though, seems a bit of a waste to have such great submissions in the game but to have to spend three rounds beating them up to have any chance of applying it! Especially when the AI seems to be able to pull them off at a moments notice - every defeat I've had so far has been getting caught in a triangle when I'm on top, when I'm not even remotely tired or beaten up. :(


I think it has to do with one of the big gripes from the PS2/Dreamcast UFC games, where you could literaly end a fight in seconds by taking it to the mat and pressing two buttons.


Not so great on the realism side of things though. Tired arms/legs and sweaty bodies in round three doesn't make for a whole lot of submissions. That said, if I can't RNC Frank Trigg at a moments notice I won't be happy. :D

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the submissions do need a bit of a sorting..


the AI locks me in anything, and provided its past the first minute of the first round ill tap like a baby.. yet I have to batter them for three rounds and stop myself everytime I get close to a (T)KO just so I can lock in a submission (that never works anyway)...


seems a tad broken really...

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I hate to sound arrogant, but I'm literally having none of those problems with submissions. I'm playing career on expert, and the only submission loss I have came against Demian Maia (who has a 90 in Off. Subs) when I had 50 Def. Sub.


I subbed Vitor Belfort in 19 seconds. Ran over, single collar, pulled him into my guard, rubber guard, gogoplata. Again, on expert. So, it's possible.


I've found Rubber Guard actually to be the best position overall for me, even better than mount. The strikes from Rubber do tremendous damage, and subs are easier. Even my Lvl. 1 Triangle works, albeit usually in the second round.


It should be said though, that I played a lot of 09. My win/loss ratio online was 5-1, so I have a lot of practice against some of the top tier players out there. Guys who handed me my ass several times before I evolved my game.


I implore you folks who are struggling with submissions or ground games to give it a little more time. It will get easier for you, with a little practice. And online, you'll be laughing like hell when the button-mashing hang-and-bang types are sending you hateful messages because you kept them on their backs for ten minutes before dropping the hammer on them.

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Trashbear, can you describe your circling technique? From reading other boards, there seems to be a handful of people who are really good at submission and everyone else is completely useless, so I'm guessing there must be a natural technique to it that some people have. For example, do you roll the stick around the outer edge of the hole? Or avoid touching the sides? Do you do it more for speed or more to try and keep a good rhythm? I've been experimenting with different styles, but so far no joy, I can barely even get the camera to begin zooming in.
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I palm the stick with my left hand, and rotate clockwise, slow and steady, full rotations around the outer edge. Granted, I've only had a dozen fights with the demo, but Submissions have come thick and fast for me thus far.
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Here's a small guide for career mode:


Keep fighting in the amateur circuit as long as you can. There's no skill decay while you do it and it lets you get more stats and skills to the 30 threshold. There's still stat decay though (strength, speed, cardio) so try to squeeze in training sessions for them every once in a while so your stats don't decay.


While fighting in the amateur circuit start getting stats and skills up to 30, starting with the most important. If you're a striker, that's your punch, kick, and takedown defense stats. If you're a grappler, takedown offense, grappling and submissions.


Until you've got a reliable way to hurt the computer, auto spar.


When you have the stats and skills you think are important up to 30, start going to fight camps to learn moves.


Watch what moves you learn. You only get one per command and you can't remove moves once you've learned them.


Focus sparring is insanely useful when your stats start getting really high. You get points for doing things specific to what you focused on and you get very few of them but every point spent gives you a point in that skill, rather than the scaling with regular points for high stats.


Take it sloooooow. Career mode lasts for 12 years and you'll just shoot yourself in the foot if you take the highest ranked guys and end up fighting mega-Carwin in your sixth fight.


The computer is a huge cheater in #1 contender/title fights. If you're a ground fighter you'll circumvent this somewhat as you won't get rocked by the first hook he throws but it's still a pain when they escape on the second (blocked) transition.


(The rest of this is very grappler specific as that's what I've been playing as)


Instantly go to Minnesota and get the suplex from double underhooks. It's extremely useful not just in fights but training almost everything that has to do with the ground game. It's a super reliable way to get a guy down for a submission or within one transition of N/S which is the best place to train Gn'P moves at. If you get this suplex you won't be able to get the body lock from double underhooks though (they use the same command) so if you really want that you should train something else.


The best submission for quick taps is the arm triangle from side control as you can use it directly after suplexing someone. With 30 in submissions and a level 2 arm triangle I was able to tap my sparring partner in under 20 seconds and get 100+ points in every spar.


Training transition is a huge pain because the computer blocks everything and you get like 20 points every spar. I've found the best way to max these is just to suplex to side control, let go, flick the right stick and get into the open guard, go up, go into the guard, go up etc.

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Here's a small guide for career mode:


Keep fighting in the amateur circuit as long as you can. There's no skill decay while you do it and it lets you get more stats and skills to the 30 threshold. There's still stat decay though (strength, speed, cardio) so try to squeeze in training sessions for them every once in a while so your stats don't decay.


While fighting in the amateur circuit start getting stats and skills up to 30, starting with the most important. If you're a striker, that's your punch, kick, and takedown defense stats. If you're a grappler, takedown offense, grappling and submissions.


Until you've got a reliable way to hurt the computer, auto spar.


When you have the stats and skills you think are important up to 30, start going to fight camps to learn moves.


Watch what moves you learn. You only get one per command and you can't remove moves once you've learned them.


Focus sparring is insanely useful when your stats start getting really high. You get points for doing things specific to what you focused on and you get very few of them but every point spent gives you a point in that skill, rather than the scaling with regular points for high stats.


Take it sloooooow. Career mode lasts for 12 years and you'll just shoot yourself in the foot if you take the highest ranked guys and end up fighting mega-Carwin in your sixth fight.


The computer is a huge cheater in #1 contender/title fights. If you're a ground fighter you'll circumvent this somewhat as you won't get rocked by the first hook he throws but it's still a pain when they escape on the second (blocked) transition.


(The rest of this is very grappler specific as that's what I've been playing as)


Instantly go to Minnesota and get the suplex from double underhooks. It's extremely useful not just in fights but training almost everything that has to do with the ground game. It's a super reliable way to get a guy down for a submission or within one transition of N/S which is the best place to train Gn'P moves at. If you get this suplex you won't be able to get the body lock from double underhooks though (they use the same command) so if you really want that you should train something else.


The best submission for quick taps is the arm triangle from side control as you can use it directly after suplexing someone. With 30 in submissions and a level 2 arm triangle I was able to tap my sparring partner in under 20 seconds and get 100+ points in every spar.


Training transition is a huge pain because the computer blocks everything and you get like 20 points every spar. I've found the best way to max these is just to suplex to side control, let go, flick the right stick and get into the open guard, go up, go into the guard, go up etc.


All of this, every single word, is excellent advice. Double Underhook Suplex to Side Control is bread and butter for sparring. I got 356 points in one session, 8 submissions. That's one sub every 15 seconds.

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Thanks for the tip - I finally got a submission, and as you said it was after spending four rounds working the body and was directly after rocking him with a takedown (don't think it was a flash submission though, as the rocked state seemed to have finished before the tap).


I'd prefer them to be a little easier to pull off though, seems a bit of a waste to have such great submissions in the game but to have to spend three rounds beating them up to have any chance of applying it! Especially when the AI seems to be able to pull them off at a moments notice - every defeat I've had so far has been getting caught in a triangle when I'm on top, when I'm not even remotely tired or beaten up. :(


I agree and would go further...


Having watched two CPU controlled fighters on a UFC card, I counted 23 failed Kimura attempts in a row during the second round. Obviously thats a flaw in the AI, but I think it also shows that submissions are borked to some degree.


Maybe it is just me, but it seems much easier to train striking moves than many of the grappling/submission moves.

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Julio Rodriguez is currently 25-8 and is about to headling UFC 182 against GSP for the Welterweight Title.. 7 of my defeats have come by submission.. most of which have been when I was dominating the stand-up; and then tapped instantly...


take my first fight against GSP (before he regained his title) - beat him up standing, but he took me down and transitioned straight to side control and then full mount before taking my back in about 15 seconds.. that happened 3 times in the first round but I somehow survived.. causing damage with my fists..


second round came.. caught him a few times, even stuffed a takedown.. then when he got me down, straight to mount.. took my back and locked in a rear naked choke for an almost instantanious tapout.. I hadnt even rotated my stick once before I tapped.. I had stamina left as well..


thing is.. my sub defense is now about 55.. but theres no difference between now and when it was 0.. im still getting tapped out straight away...


got about 4 and a half years left as the Chainsaw in this career.. but Im ready to start a new career so I can actually start it well and not be in a situation where all but 4 stats were 0... :rolleyes:


@Daffanka: by amateur circuit, do you mean the WFA?

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@Daffanka: by amateur circuit, do you mean the WFA?


No, you can choose not to turn pro after your first exhibition fight. I think you have about three or four more fights (with ~8 weeks in between) to get them stats up to 30 before the fights start meaning something.


Though you should stay in the WFA as long as possible too.

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I can simply not get into an online game. I have had one online fight where the opponent quit and haven't been able to get a fight since. Every time I try it says that the session ended or the session is no longer available and that is without me even getting in a room!!??
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Same, London. I've had all of one fight (I destroyed the guy by GNP from Mount, but that's beside the point) and since then have been staring at the 'searching' and 'this game is no longer available' screens. Dull. Back to career mode with me. Are you on PS3 or Xbox?
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Same, London. I've had all of one fight (I destroyed the guy by GNP from Mount, but that's beside the point) and since then have been staring at the 'searching' and 'this game is no longer available' screens. Dull. Back to career mode with me. Are you on PS3 or Xbox?


I'm on PS3, yourself?

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any tips in learning submission moves? You have to actually submit the guy to get the points...seems ridiculously hard. I learned the suplex to side control lvl 1 and 2 each in one training session but learning the arm triangle from side control seems near impossible since even if i do submit him ill only get 10 of the 100 points needed
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