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I'm running a watcher game where, by January 2018, BHOTWG has bought out PGHW, BCG and GCG.


Also, they signed Champagne Lover.


Don't feel too bad for SOTBPW, though. They had 2 of the top 4 wrestlers in the world last year -- Rich Money and Nicky Champion.


And don't feel too bad for USPW, who'd be feeling those losses more if they hadn't gotten such amazing work from Wolf Hawkins and Sean McFly.


You can feel bad for TCW, though. In addition to Hawkins, they named Sammy Bach their figurehead in April '16, only to lose him to SWF that December. In May 2017, they had to vacate the world title after Freddy Huggins (!) jumped to USPW. Eddie Peak, Benny Benson and Jay Chord also made the jump to USPW, Aaron Andrews is in SWF, and Rocky Golden has fit surprisingly well into NOTBPW. Bryan Vessey, Brent Hill and RDJ are retired, and both Troy Tornado and Danny Fonzarelli are on the shelf with long-term injuries.


Their main event: Joshua Taylor, Mighty Mo, Nate Johnson, Eddie Chandler and Davis Wayne Newton.


Also, Jeremie Courtney is dead.

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Playing TNA I'm 2004. Now I'm doing alright at my goals so far. My intention is to slowly build up my stars and then hope my company follows in their footsteps. I'm looking to phase out Raven, Sandman, BG James and Scott Hall who I'm currently depending on to get my new crop over. CM Punk, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Abyss and maybe Jeff Hardy if he'll ever get clean are all rapidly gaining popularity. Hall left just this week to "concentrate" his efforts on some Puerto Rican promotion and so he put over Joe on his way out. DDP has announced his plans to retire in the next three months and will be losing to Jarrett and then likely Abyss on his way out.


My stars are rapidly gaining popularity and as a result my show ratings are increasing. So that's a good sign I hope.


Which Mod are you using?

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Just finished my first year as MAW.


I hired Sayeed Ali and Fro Sure to start, and immediately made Fro my figurehead. They went to the finals of the RCI and Sayeed came out on top. Midway through the year, Sayeed took the belt off Greg in a cage match in their second match after the first one ended in a DQ win for Greg after Sayeed flipped out and broke the ref's five count.


At Where it All Begins Again, Fro won a #1 contender match between him, Greg, and Roderick, and went on to the belt at Night of Champions in a 67 rated match with Sayeed. Despite Sayeed breaking his toe, it was my highest rated match yet, and officially kicked off the era of Fro Sure as figurehead.

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3 Months into WCW '91 game I royally messed up.


Not fully understanding how broadcaster coverage works and wanting to expand my exposure to Canada I cut a deal with the only broadcaster who would deal with me and has coverage in Canada, WGN.


Problem is: WGN also has coverage through the US which meant I wasn't able to renew my deal with TBS. So now instead of having 'big' coverage in the US, I have 'tiny' coverage and I am stuck in this deal for the next year.


I tried getting Nitro on the air, but broadcasters don't think I can manage 3 shows at my level. I tried elevating Main Event to an 'A' show since it's still on TBS but I can't change the type of an active show.


Ric Flair and Sting are both at a popularity rung where they won't negotiate with me and both their contracts come up in 3-4 months. I am in DEEP trouble.


In other news:

~Due to shenanigans in a Ric Flair/Sting world title match The WCW World Title has been vacant for a month while I resolve a 30 person tournament (Ric Flair and Sting both had byes). The tournament has seen the arrival and cameos by many names in the wrestling world, like Nikita Koloff, Paul Orndorf, Terry Funk, Ricky Steamboat and Rick Rude, who shocked the world by beating Sting in the second round.


~Sid Vicious has been ejected from the Four Horsemen by Arn Anderson, who then went on to beat Sid in a series of matches. Sid has now left WCW altogether. (Thankfully no scissors were involved).


~After (finally) beating Stan Hansen in a grudge match after 2 failed starts, Big Van Vader has set his sights on the US title held by Lex Luger.


~Due to Jimmy Garvin being a drunken mess, he has been replaced in the Fabulous Freebirds by a returning Terry Gordy. Gordy however, has had misgivings about Micheal Hayes' affiliation with manager Diamond Dallas Page. Especially now that The Diamond Stud Scott Hall has come to WCW and united with "The Diamond Dude" Kevin Nash. Page insists that Stud has left the nest but Gordy remains unconvinced.


~One Man Gang seems to have been all but unstoppable, destroying everybody in his path including his mentor Kevin Sullivan. But Sullivan has returned and dealt Gang his first singles loss in months in the WCW World Title Tournament. Gang is currently TV champion but can he keep it from Sullivan?


~Backstage Dusty Rhodes' clique increases, including protegee Cactus Jack and Magnum TA in addition to Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes. This cabal has succeeded in driving Tom Zenk from WCW. (Which I really don't mind).


~Stan Hansen's future in WCW is cloudy, as his obligations and loyalty to AJPW prevent him from being present at most major WCW shows.


~The feud between Paul E. Dangerously and Missy Hyatt has ended with Heyman in a dress. As if that wasn't embarassing enough he's drawn the affections of Norman the Lunatic.


The next year is going to be rough. If I lose Sting and Flair and WWF signs them I can pretty much kiss National goodbye for the forseeable future.

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I've done the rumble and fast lane pay per views. And now just starting wrestlemania month.

I'm still very much figuring out what works and what doesn't when booking shows and figuring out where I want to go with everything.

I find playing wwe with a recent day mod is a challenge considering the sorry state it's in with barely any 'stars' around except like cena and undertaker.

So I figured I can push bray through the roof and he'd be a good top heel so I'll probably have him go over taker at mania.

I think ambrose has really good stats including microphone ability to be an 'A' grade player I could rely on so I need to build him.

I guess I need to build guys who are young and good workers too so Kevin Owens and Sami zayn and such.

For an extra challenge I wanna see how over I can get fandango or Adam rose / Heath slater or Damian sandow.

I hired Steve Austin and have him doing some angle spots with bray to help get bray in 'A' grade segments. Which is working. So all in all, my storyline with 'bray wyatt, Austin and undertaker' is the best thing I got going.

Booking mania is gonna be a train wreck though cow I'm still not sure of how best to some matches work for which individuals.

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Playing as TCW week 3 of February 2016


Marat Khoklov has been signed and added to the feud between Rocky Golden and Aaron Andrews. Sean McFly came over on loan from NOTBPW and he has great chemistry with Andrews so they were facing eachother while Rocky and Marat were mainly feuding.


Andrews got a big win over RDJ to get some overness and was around 86. I booked him and McFly in a ladder match at the War to Settle the Score (moved it up a bit) and forgot to set a winner, thinking Andrews was the obvious choice, well apparently not, as McFly wins the match (an 84, best of their series) in the co-main event. McFlu only had 2 appearances remaining and so i made a speciall PPV event simply called "The Rematch" in which Andrews won back his championship, but before McFly left, Andrews turned face and shook his hand, he is still feuding with Rocky and Marat.


Rocky and Marat fought in a Steel Cell match in the main event of War to Settle the Score and had a Wild Brawl and got a 90 rating! Rocky won but Marat didn't lose any overness as their hype videos are killing it! At "The Rematch" Sammy Bach defeated Marat Khoklov after botched interference by Wolf Hawkins (feuding with Bach)


So now Andrews is at 85 overness, Sammy Bach is at 90-92, Wolf is still at 84, Rocky is at 92 (think he is capped :/), and Marat is at 89-92.


On the midcard side of things, Edd Stone holds the brand new TCW X-Division title and is doing awesome and is up to 65 overness just from having great matches. Massive Thunder (of EXODUS fame) are on PPA contracts and are jobbing alot but have gained about 30 overness since joining, my user character Jack Avatar is around 45, having jobbed alot but with one ppv win over Killer Shark.


The amazing thing is, no one is really flopping other than Eddie Peak who I believe is capped at 70. Nobody has lost a bunch of pop that didn't absolutely have to.


My owner goals are i can't get in debt, cannot fall under #3, Joshua Taylor has to reach 77 overness, same with Danny Fonzarelli (why Kyle why?), and Bryan Vessey can't fall below 71 overness. I cannot hire people with under 53 basics (even local guys which sucks) and can't hire guys with law problems (so no Marc Dubois)


The only big steal I've made is Jefferson Stardust as Kyle doesn't want me spending money. I have a dev company with Magnus Ivansson as owner and had JD Morgan as booker until he gave himself the world title, fired him and put Ray Snow in charge until I likely pull him up to the main roster. i am loving the new set up, I am teaming Gargantuan & Annihilus, as well as Donte Dunn & El Orgulosso. X-Division champ there is Austin Smooth. notable names that are there: Amazing Fire Fly, Extraordinario Jr, Bulldozer Brandon, Cali Slick (just working there for now, not development), Logan Wolfsbaine, T-Bone Bright, the Good Ole Boys, The Viking Raiders, and obviously the two teams mentioned earlier)

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I simmed a C-Verse game out to October of 2017


Valient, Nicky Champion, Giant Khoklov, Remo, Tyson Baine as the Demon from the Deep and Ana Garcia have all been lured to Mexico by SOTBPW.


Tyson Baine debuted as a surprise entrant into SOTBPW's Batalla Real 11, their Royal Rumble style event.


Nicky Champion is the current Campeonato del Mundo.


SOTBPW are fight and winning a national battle with TCW over the USA.


Edit: In CGC, The DeColts put all their chips into a 2 and a half year Alex DeColt run which was finally ended by Christian Pierce. What happens next? Pierce almost immediately leaves for USPW.

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I'm going to play as Cameron Vessey and take over booking for NOTBW. I think that's the right acronym. I've never really played C-Verse, but I'm going to give it a whirl until there's a good real world mod released. I thought the NWA alliance and titles defended within would be easier to set up. (Meaning: I know the world, tag, US, was sort of defended in different territories, but for the lesser titles, a la Alabama Heavyweight, World Junior, etc. I don't know whether or not they were company specific or defended in different regions in the '83 converted mod). This should be interesting nonetheless.
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Well, Deborah Young helped make the decision a lot easier when she got popped for steroids and I fired her. I kind of want to bring her back someday, but the steroid thing turned her into a negative influence and I'd rather not deal with any locker room headaches.


After a pretty awesome nearly 8-month reign with 11 defenses, Connie Morris finally dropped the belt to Claire Winters. Pretty awesome to have a fairly lengthy reign for one of my games. I think I may trim down how many defenses I do, but I'm not too sure. 11 in 8 months feels like overkill, but at the same time, I kind of like it too. Not sure.


Managed to score Amber Allen and Sally Anne Christianson from NOTBPW after they left. So with Eve Grunge probably heading down the card soon and probably Connie Morris as well in a few months, it'll be nice to have those two replace them. I imagine by the time I hit July or even late 2017, my main event scene will be: Claire Winters, Laura Flame, Sally Anne Christianson, Amber Allen, Maria Guest, and maaaaaaybe Connie Morris. Possibly Aguila Azul Celeste or Sandra Shine if I focus on them.


Had a fantastic 2017 and after holding back, I hit Regional in December 2017. And 2018 is already a struggle. In July 2017, SWF bought out NOTBPW and that meant all of their women division hit the market. So right off the bat, I brought in Sara Marie York. Another 8 month reign, this time with Claire Winters and she lost it to York.


Unfortunately, Sara Marie York's reign was only 3 months long after USPW scooped her up in early February. So my plans of giving her a monster reign were killed quickly. I totally forgot that USPW was the only Cult-sized promotion with a women's division to take her away. I scrambled a bit (aka put on a few more days on her contract) and handed the belt off to Amber Allen in my highest rated match (83) yet. With Amber as my champ, I don't really know who I'm going to pass it off to when the time is right. Maybe Laura Flame? Maybe someone else.


It'll be another few years before I hit Cult, but I hope I can get a proper figurehead before I do. Maybe Amber Allen could be that one, but I'm not too sure. But now that I've hit Regional, I'm absolutely terrified for what USPW could do to my roster.


My main event scene prediction was pretty off. Right now it's pretty bare bones. Amber Allen, Laura Flame, and Tiffany Jade are my current main eventers. Ideally getting Claire Winters back up is a goal as well as Sally Anne and Maria Guest. I've got Lauren Easter waiting for a big push too. I'd like to not steal anyway or use any AAA/5SSW/QAW talent and just use unemployed wrestlers.

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In my RTG game champion Logan Wolfsbaine and Xavi Ferrera have great tag chemistry together in the first ever tag match I felt I could afford. This makes me disproportionately happy.


So I meddled in their relationship and they're now strong friends. :) Which no doubt means they'll both leave for USPW within the month

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So i'm in April and playing as USPW and i had quite a good tag team going with The Force and Greg Black, who had quickly become the cornerstone of the division (thanks to some lucky booking, they both had positive momentum, but they didn't have any bonus chemistry notes or anything) so i decided to get behind it. Then SWF came in for The Force when his contract came up... I was an offer that was seriously considered, and he went ahead and took SWF's offer! he was at 71 overness US wide, so i have to come up with a new plan for the tag division, which is being built up and no one really is in a position to take the belts. Eddie Howard is injured, Towers of Power are fueding with the up and coming Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Findlay O'Farraday team, which is no where near enough over yet. The only other teams I have are T-rex and Tyson Baine (who's 10 years in decline btw) and the McWade Brothers, who i only signed to help build other talent. What do i do guys??
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Alright well I'm having fun with my TNA 2004 game. I'm slowly replacing the old guard who are either complaining about being old, literally popping their hips out during matches or have serious drug problems.


I sent Jeff Hardy to rehab. He's been gone for eight months. Eight months that i've been paying for him. That's $100k I would really love to have back. My popularity is going up very slowly. I wish there was a way to speed that up.





Here's the difference I've made in 6 months. It's not huge but for some reason my main successes, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Abyss haven't made it to the top of the list yet. Glad to see Daniels really making a good showing though. Also I've been losing roughly 100k every month. Despite this issue I've still managed to outbid the WWE on a contract that recently came up. I'm really looking forward to his debut.



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that F+ :D


good show


that is a good roll, Morisue isn't declining?


Two shows later, Morisue torns his ACL :D First it was 12 months, surgery repaired it to 3 months. We'll see if he'll agree to do those Deathmatches in the future :( All in all I've had four shows with WEXXV with 4-5 injuries now.


After firing most of the old folk (Henry Lee, McWade's, Wayne, Kajiwara etc.) I have no one in the declining list! So Sakata and Morisue are good to go. BB Colossus dominated and buried Lee in that match that got the F+. :rolleyes: The last event I had scored C+ overall with two C matches and a B+ & B- angles.


EDIT: Make that EIGHT (8) injuries in FIVE (5) shows. Amazing. Last event had BB Colossus suffers Strained wrist, Findlay O'Farraday Bruised bottocks (caused by Senmatsu) and JOJI with Retrousse nose done by Hyotaru. Before that Morisue out for the Torn ACL for 3 months + Zeshin Makioka with Broken ribs, Shichirobei out for Swollen calf muscle. -.-

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Been playing as TCW. In the middle of April.


I just debuted a new stable called Poison of God lead by Samael The Accuser. it is a cult like stable featuring Martyr, Eddie Peak (found a great psycho alt of him) and Hellcat Hernandez to fill out the female role. Samael just made his first target the young up and coming Cobra. They will have their match at Total Mayhem.

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