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Finances are delaying the release date??????


One more reason to have simplified finances.


I think finances should be streamlined enabling more focus on booking. What fun is it to penny pinch over $100.


That's not what was said. He actually said that in the current testing the new finance system is working really well.


The later mention of finances as a 'trickier element' was about balancing the game when testing with the fully updated database, something that cannot be done until the database has been fully updated. Creation of the new default data was under Sept-Dec so hasn't even started yet.


So no, finances are not delaying the release. :)

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It'll come when it comes. I have zero problem with it being delayed. The next one after that, if ever there would be one, would be years apart from the 2020 release so I want this iteration to be the best TEW game there ever was.


“A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”

― Shigeru Miyamoto


True. Games that miss their start - especially AAA games - could have a disastrous effect on he public perception of their future titles, even if it eventually turns out good (think that space exploration game, which I'll never play because of the initial backlash).


As for these games, there's always those that don't frequently update their games and might complain on whatever forum that features don't work, etc. Better to have as good a v1.0 as you can get.


In my experience the first playthrough is often the most epic and memorable (after the first playthrough players also tend to powergame). At WMMA5's release I can't remember my fun being spoiled or my playthrough halted by any major bug. After the public beta, pretty much all major bugs were gone, which is quite frankly a rare sight nowadays. It would be nice to have the same thing for TEW20, no matter how long it'll take.


Considering the release date: this is apparently a very delicate issue nowadays (if Steam is a reference, and it is). It's probably better to play it safe and give yourself another year and end up releasing public beta in half a year. Pretty crazy actually how you can mention a date once, and everybody will hook their expectations on that one statement.

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Finances are delaying the release date??????


One more reason to have simplified finances.


I think finances should be streamlined enabling more focus on booking. What fun is it to penny pinch over $100.


I'd love to have a better financial system where I'm really thinking about how to afford that big name star and keep my homegrown talent. I want a bidding war over my ace to be a cause of concern for me. I'd like shareholders to make demands if it's a publicly traded company. I would love to be able to project how much an individual worker will add in value to my company based on things like house show draw, PPV buys, publicity, etc. Conversely, I find booking every TV show to be tedious, especially when I'm booking a large company with 2 - 3 shows every week.

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Finances are delaying the release date??????


One more reason to have simplified finances.


I think finances should be streamlined enabling more focus on booking. What fun is it to penny pinch over $100.


Finances are all running a business aka a wrestling company are about. Entirely. It should be the number 1 priority, or close to it, for this next game.

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unmodified TEW2016 database that has been converted over, and so not all new features are enabled, .
So i get it right if we then game realeases and use converted databases so not all features will work ? could we get what features list that will not work ?
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So i get it right if we then game realeases and use converted databases so not all features will work ? could we get what features list that will not work ?

I'm sure what Adam means is that in order to get the full experience, you do need to tinker with the converted 2016 database because there will be data in the new TEW 2020 game that doesn't have an equivalent in the old 2016 game. So, it's not like features will be disabled, per se; it's just that you need to edit certain data in the editor first.

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So i get it right if we then game realeases and use converted databases so not all features will work ? could we get what features list that will not work ?


Old mods would be imported based on 2016, before some features were taken into account


It wouldn’t have the fleshed out company relationships or touring schedules, for instance.

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I'm sure what Adam means is that in order to get the full experience, you do need to tinker with the converted 2016 database because there will be data in the new TEW 2020 game that doesn't have an equivalent in the old 2016 game. So, it's not like features will be disabled, per se; it's just that you need to edit certain data in the editor first.


Yeah, this. It was the same way with previous versions. For TEW 2016, you could convert a 2013 database and play, but certain things would be... off. Broadcasters wouldn't work ideally without some editing. Everyone would have an Average build. Things like that.

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True. Games that miss their start - especially AAA games - could have a disastrous effect on he public perception of their future titles, even if it eventually turns out good (think that space exploration game, which I'll never play because of the initial backlash).


You mean No Man' Sky? I've yet to play it but it's a wholly different game from what I've heard. Waiting for the VR update :cool:


One recent game that flopped totally was Battlefield V. Man that game still sucks so bad.



As for these games, there's always those that don't frequently update their games and might complain on whatever forum that features don't work, etc. Better to have as good a v1.0 as you can get.


Yup. I mean TEW2016 is on patch 1.58 now, right? And it's been years since that game was released originally.



Considering the release date: this is apparently a very delicate issue nowadays (if Steam is a reference, and it is). It's probably better to play it safe and give yourself another year and end up releasing public beta in half a year. Pretty crazy actually how you can mention a date once, and everybody will hook their expectations on that one statement.


Same thing happens with Kickstarter boardgames. People go absolutely mental due to delays either due to problems in production or the Chinese New Year which always screws up the shipping every year :D


However, there's the total opposite, when a game is in production for years and years with no release date being issued and people start to get hostile and resentful towards the game. Looking at you, Mount & Blade: Bannerlord.

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True. Games that miss their start - especially AAA games - could have a disastrous effect on he public perception of their future titles, even if it eventually turns out good (think that space exploration game, which I'll never play because of the initial backlash).


As for these games, there's always those that don't frequently update their games and might complain on whatever forum that features don't work, etc. Better to have as good a v1.0 as you can get.


In my experience the first playthrough is often the most epic and memorable (after the first playthrough players also tend to powergame). At WMMA5's release I can't remember my fun being spoiled or my playthrough halted by any major bug. After the public beta, pretty much all major bugs were gone, which is quite frankly a rare sight nowadays. It would be nice to have the same thing for TEW20, no matter how long it'll take.


Considering the release date: this is apparently a very delicate issue nowadays (if Steam is a reference, and it is). It's probably better to play it safe and give yourself another year and end up releasing public beta in half a year. Pretty crazy actually how you can mention a date once, and everybody will hook their expectations on that one statement.


From what I'd heard, No Man's Sky had a poor reception because it wasn't as people expected. The developers lied during development and made people think the game would have things like great multiplayer where you'd run into other people around the galaxy, and that the universe would be infinite and it'd be impossible to complete the game.

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Seeing as no-one has commented on today's announcement yet, I'll start :D


Booking Analysis: I see this as a definite positive change. Getting all the way to a complete show being booked, only to find the button orange rather than green, is pretty frustrating! Glad I'll be forewarned going forward. Also, worker overuse being forewarned is a nice little aid. :)


Complete All Signings: Awesome, massive time saver, especially early in a save.


Audience Boredom: While this is a good-sounding feature, I wonder if it'll include the potential for a WWE situation to happen, where the product is stale, the audience is frustrated, but they're still making more money than ever before? Seems like a situation that'll be tricky to replicate with this new feature in place.

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From what I'd heard, No Man's Sky had a poor reception because it wasn't as people expected. The developers lied during development and made people think the game would have things like great multiplayer where you'd run into other people around the galaxy, and that the universe would be infinite and it'd be impossible to complete the game.


It was pretty much this, as well as being quite a letdown visually. I wasn’t necessarily on the hype train so I had no expectations and enjoyed it for ~40 bucks shortly after it released. I personally thought it was a good game at launch regardless, just not what the devs made it out to be. The universe was “infinite” but sometimes incoherent. It’s like when TEW generates an A* charisma rookie who is ripped, but has E in star quality.

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Complete All signings is a huge time-saver for a classic over-hirer like myself! Nice little addition.


I'm all for an expansion to the booking analysis screen, this is a screen that has already helped so much. Nice to see it expanded upon 😁


On top of that, the Audience Boredom feature will add to immersion for my very long-term games.


Every week of the developer's journal carries weight. :cool:

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Cool. Hoping that Audience Boredom applies to AI companies as well, and that it generates news stories. Would help immersion to hear fans complaining about a company's latest disappointing string of shows. Likewise, hoping Audience Boredom can inspire an AI owner to trigger a change of bookers.
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With the worker overuse feature, will that be something the AI tell a you that it knows 100% that it would would be overused? It feels weird having someone tell you with 100% certainty that someone is overused, unless it was in extreme cases, feels like it'd work better if you got that warning even if you're approaching overuse, so sometimes you might reduce a segments time even if you'd have actually been fine.


Or am I misreading it, is it feedback during a show? I know you can edit shows as they're running now so is it more a road agent note allowing you to change future segments?

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So I've been thinking about the lack of png support in the game -- that means that the game is still being written in Visual Basic 6, a 20 year old language that went out of support 10 years ago. VB.NET, the current version, definitely has support for pngs.


So I'm curious why the language hasn't been updated? The way it works and the syntax is mostly the same, so an upgrade shouldn't be hard.

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