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TEW2020 Discussion Thread

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Yes, NXT can not accurately be simulated in TEW right now. It's kind of its own thing, outside the restrictions of the binary world of a video game software. Though I feel like 2020 offers enough options and versatility to satisfy all the different schools of thought. If I ever play a modern day save file, which is very unlikely, I will set NXT up as a brand for sure. I will just run the shows at smaller venues as a self-imposed restriction and whatnot. Of course, unrealistic viewer numbers would still be an issue, but oh well. Not like I play modern day files anyway (or know anything about modern day wrestling, to begin with) so this really isn't a big deal to me.


You can get around this by running as a 'minor' brand and setting it to B-shows only. The attendance will be lower and popularity won't grow as fast. It will simulate what you want right now in TEW2016. I only know this from running global CVerse promotions with developmental companies and a minor brand to call them up to before hitting the main roster. TEW2020 will allow WWE and NXT to run properly because of what Derek_B said. NXT would be a developmental company that can be run by the user character in TEW2020. That's a major feature that I'm thrilled to use. That's how my user character's career is going to start, running a developmental company.

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You can get around this by running as a 'minor' brand and setting it to B-shows only. The attendance will be lower and popularity won't grow as fast. It will simulate what you want right now in TEW2016. I only know this from running global CVerse promotions with developmental companies and a minor brand to call them up to before hitting the main roster. TEW2020 will allow WWE and NXT to run properly because of what Derek_B said. NXT would be a developmental company that can be run by the user character in TEW2020. That's a major feature that I'm thrilled to use. That's how my user character's career is going to start, running a developmental company.

And if I ever play a modern day WWE save in 2020, I will use NXT as a brand and it will work perfectly well for me. If I didn't run NXT as a brand, I'd be forced to play a two player game, and that seems too clunky for me.

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Adam, is it possible new features could be added after release in patches? For things you don't have time for at release?


It would depend on the type of change. As with the previous releases, if it's something that doesn't require new artwork or significant database changes then it's generally viable.

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And if I ever play a modern day WWE save in 2020, I will use NXT as a brand and it will work perfectly well for me. If I didn't run NXT as a brand, I'd be forced to play a two player game, and that seems too clunky for me.


I was thinking NXT as a brand and then an "NXT Live!" developmental company to simulate all the Florida house shows they have with talent not yet on TV. This way you still have national TV brand NXT, and still have a developmental promotion you can send people / trainees to. It's NXT UK I'm always unsure of what to do... second developmental promotion, or just a company with people under exclusive deals that's partnered with WWE?


WWE haven't half made this complicated! At least it sounds like TEW20 will have a more flexible contract system to simulate all these companies like MLW, Evolve, Impact, AEW and NXT UK, where people are under exclusive deals but still wrestle certain promotions that don't have TV deals of their own.

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It would depend on the type of change. As with the previous releases, if it's something that doesn't require new artwork or significant database changes then it's generally viable.


Like the match type filter (even if it's just 1vs1 & 2vs2 that we could single out)? :p It's one of those things I lose a lot of time with as I try to figure out what someone's record is vs another worker.


I swear this is the third and last time I'll mention it, but it seems like it fits those criteria (though it might need a small gfx change).


Eager to see how the contracts work now. Before, it seemed easy to just borrow 'neutral' workers, have them debut with a nice match, and drain their momentum, only to have them respawn later that year. But then again, that's exactly how it works in reality so... :rolleyes:

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Adam is it possible to add the feature you used to have on the old TEW where wrestlers suggest who they want to work with or maybe you could do a feature where they say who they think they would have good chemistry against each other or as a team.

I know you have it on WMMA where you have fighters call out other fighters.

Is this feature going to be in TEW 2020?

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where they say who they think they would have good chemistry against each other or as a team.


In TEW16, workers will like it when you hire their friends. Their morale should get a boost (afai remember) and the locker room is better for it. Spamming messages that they want their friends to be hired - which is obvious - might turn off players.


If players care about the worker they'll look up who they like and hire them. If they don't they'll ignore the message. If they aren't friends with the worker they want you to sign, what's the point in asking? There's no gain at all for them. In MMA they want to gain fame or ranking. And in WMMA5 they only call out contracted workers. So I guess they can ask for a match with another worker (AJ can ask to work with Nakamure, for instance) but for what? A slight morale boost? And you'd have to put aside your storylines and planning? And I'm not strutting around in my workplace that they should hire my friends. :p


I see little gameplay here. This is one of those features that would be welcome for sure but will probably slow down the loading times somewhat if Adam wants to implement it properly (based on likenesses etc.). I don't know if this is worth it. If they're just randomly spouting potential chemistry or preference, how would they know unless they spoil the chemistry? It's just meaningless fluff.


It would be nice if it's a part of the "talk to worker" feature: then it's on demand and won't take up loading times.

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As it is the messages can get pretty annoying when every show has someone complimenting/burying a young guy. If they had gameplay links it’d be worth it to take heed to those warnings instead of feeling like spam mail.


Well, usually, there's a bit more to it, as there's usual mention of what trait the worker in question either does or doesn't have. So, if one of your main eventers thinks the hot prospect you've sunk a lot of time and money into "can't sell worth a damn", then you need to get that prospect into a program with someone who CAN sell really well and hope things rub off on the youngster.

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There are so many product types now that selecting one I want to play as seems exactly as daunting/confusing/abstract as the current drop down bars. Fewer clicks, but just as finicky.


Comparing them in terms of being confusing and abstract is like comparing night and day, to be blunt. Case in point, you could spend an hour or two fiddling with the current system to get a decent Lucha Underground product and still not get it right. The new system you're literally picking it from a list, getting a paragraph that sums it up in case you "get" the name, and you've even got a bunch of filters for things like "lucha influenced products" to help you narrow your search down. I can't really think how the two systems could be further apart in terms of levels of abstraction.


As for picking from a filterable list being finicky; if you want a system where you're going to have a good shot at getting an accurate product for the wide variety of styles that exist in reality then I'm afraid there's going to be a certain amount of looking at lists and filtering by its very nature. There's only so user friendly anyone can make that task.

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Well, usually, there's a bit more to it, as there's usual mention of what trait the worker in question either does or doesn't have. So, if one of your main eventers thinks the hot prospect you've sunk a lot of time and money into "can't sell worth a damn", then you need to get that prospect into a program with someone who CAN sell really well and hope things rub off on the youngster.


This could be true in the first few cases but you still get the messages when they’re upper midcard guys with very visible scouting levels. I have identified Alex DeColt has a lot of charisma which is why I pushed him :p

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Kinda not into the new products system how it's being represented now (through the text descriptions in the dev journal), either. It just seems like a hassle for the player, and the lack of customization seems like an issue.


I'm thinking there's a lot of testing that would have to go with each product to get it right, correct? Adam mentioned there will be a Lucha Underground product in the game instead of leaving it to the player or modder to get it right. But... what if it's not right? I think Adam has bigger things to do in making the game than fiddle with values and test the 60 products in the game. Does Adam even watch Lucha Underground? :o


Can there be some sort of insight into this major feature in the game? The behind the scenes coding is secretive. What EXACTLY are the variables in each product that is hidden from the player? How is each product being designed?


I am fearful that how precisely each product functions will have to be reverse engineered by the players, similar to how TEW 2005 was, because the behind the scenes of the feature isn't discussed.

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Kinda not into the new products system how it's being represented now (through the text descriptions in the dev journal), either. It just seems like a hassle for the player, and the lack of customization seems like an issue.


I'm thinking there's a lot of testing that would have to go with each product to get it right, correct? Adam mentioned there will be a Lucha Underground product in the game instead of leaving it to the player or modder to get it right. But... what if it's not right? I think Adam has bigger things to do in making the game than fiddle with values and test the 60 products in the game. Does Adam even watch Lucha Underground? :o


Can there be some sort of insight into this major feature in the game? The behind the scenes coding is secretive. What EXACTLY are the variables in each product that is hidden from the player? How is each product being designed?


I am fearful that how precisely each product functions will have to be reverse engineered by the players, similar to how TEW 2005 was, because the behind the scenes of the feature isn't discussed.


2016 already had a bunch of the preset products. It's just that most didn't use them and made custom products. So I'm waiting to see how these preset products impact gameplay differently than 2016's preset products. I think the best thing for 2020 would be to have all the preset products as they are, but maybe have an option to go in there and adjust them with sliders, or at the very least, keep Create A Product. It's hard to say until we play the game how this will or won't work.

I just want to be able to make promotions run as realistically as possible, whether that is through preset products or doing it manually.

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I'm thinking there's a lot of testing that would have to go with each product to get it right, correct? Adam mentioned there will be a Lucha Underground product in the game instead of leaving it to the player or modder to get it right. But... what if it's not right? I think Adam has bigger things to do in making the game than fiddle with values and test the 60 products in the game. Does Adam even watch Lucha Underground? :o


Does there need to be? All I'd do if I were making this is imagine what the core fan of that product would want and not want and make weighted value priorities based on that. How is that too complex? Any large amount of time spent on testing it would simply be to make it "more better," as is the case with every feature that's in the game. Also I'm pretty sure Adam said a long time ago that LU got him back into watching wrestling regularly, but I could be confusing him with someone else.


AND let's please not act like modders aren't capable of making the same or worse mistakes, or like they have some kind of beautiful democratic system in place for fans of their mod to "make things right" if they do something that the players don't like as opposed to Adam's tyrranical reign of code.


Can there be some sort of insight into this major feature in the game? The behind the scenes coding is secretive. What EXACTLY are the variables in each product that is hidden from the player? How is each product being designed?


I am fearful that how precisely each product functions will have to be reverse engineered by the players, similar to how TEW 2005 was, because the behind the scenes of the feature isn't discussed.


You say this as if any modder or player is able to concretely and with accepted collective accuracy define what the "Aerial" stat is supposed to mean. What the holy hell is "Star Quality?" Maybe you've been playing too much WMMA and forgot that a lot of this game is left to the imagination, which is weird since that's what it seems like you were arguing in favor of in the first half of the post.

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With the AI now being able to select gimmick matches, will there be a "set to debut" option for match Types to avoid anachronisms?


Or as a workaround, if we delete these match types pregame and then add them later on, would the AI also be able to use them from that point? As an example for a game starting in 1970:


Pre game: delete ladder match

1970 - 1994: No ladder matches

1994: create or add ladder match using in game editor

1994 onwards: ladder matches now available to AI or are the AI still restricted to the match types in the starting database?

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<p>According to Wikipedia:</p><p> </p><p>

"The ladder match could have been invented by either Dan Kroffat of the Stampede Wrestling organization out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada or British wrestler Kendo Nagasaki. In September 1972, Stampede Wrestling held the first ever ladder match between Dan Kroffat and Tor Kamata, where the object to be grabbed was a wad of money. In 1987, Kendo Nagasaki competed in a 'Disco Challenge' ladder match against Clive Myers on the popular [World of Sport](<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Sport_(UK_TV_series" rel="external nofollow">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Sport_(UK_TV_series</a>)). The aim of this match was to retrieve a gold coloured disco record suspended above the ring."</p><p> </p><p>

In those days, there were lots of crazy stuff - Indianapolis and Detroit featured wild brawls, hardcore bloodbaths, Memphis replaced ropes with barbed wire. It's not like Pre-1995 pro wrestling looked like High School Wrestling with a few suplexes, bodyslams, dropkicks, and chest chops.</p>

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<p>1. Would it be possible to allow users to create tags/attributes?</p><p> </p><p>

2. Would it be possible to use the Attribute System to give certain companies attributes as well? Maybe for the future or future versions? (</p><p> </p><p>

(Maybe interactions between promotion tags, audience region tags, and attribute worker tags, a harmony can be made?)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="thadian" data-cite="thadian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>According to Wikipedia:<p> </p><p> "The ladder match could have been invented by either Dan Kroffat of the Stampede Wrestling organization out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada or British wrestler Kendo Nagasaki. In September 1972, Stampede Wrestling held the first ever ladder match between Dan Kroffat and Tor Kamata, where the object to be grabbed was a wad of money. In 1987, Kendo Nagasaki competed in a 'Disco Challenge' ladder match against Clive Myers on the popular [World of Sport](<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Sport_(UK_TV_series" rel="external nofollow">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Sport_(UK_TV_series</a>)). The aim of this match was to retrieve a gold coloured disco record suspended above the ring."</p><p> </p><p> In those days, there were lots of crazy stuff - Indianapolis and Detroit featured wild brawls, hardcore bloodbaths, Memphis replaced ropes with barbed wire. It's not like Pre-1995 pro wrestling looked like High School Wrestling with a few suplexes, bodyslams, dropkicks, and chest chops.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Okay, maybe not the best example, but my question still stands.</p>
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