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TEW2020 Discussion Thread

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I hope that truly awful industry and economic periods have the potential to be devastating to the landscape of companies. If both are absolutely in the toilet, even big companies should be able to completely collapse if they haven’t prepared for the lean periods. A company like WWE should have enough in the bank to take a big hit, maybe drop from Global/International (or the equivalent of) to National (or the equivalent of) but have deep enough pockets to take the hit, readjust, scale back, and go again. Whereas WCW should feel the impact of not planning for such a disaster and be completely ruined when their media deals fall through because they’ve not got a contingency plan. I know that is revisionist history but the premise is what I’m hoping for... industry giants should be able to collapse rapidly and completely, which didn’t seem possible in ‘16. If you got to Global, you were basically free to spend, spend, spend even in low periods.
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<p>April is going to be the best month of my life.</p><p> </p><p>

Not only is it WrestleMania. NXT. Hall of Fame. </p><p> </p><p>

But we get a TEW demo... </p><p> </p><p>

And...</p><p> </p><p>

I wrestle my first professional match in front of 125+ people on WrestleMania weekend. Pretty insane.</p>

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I hope that truly awful industry and economic periods have the potential to be devastating to the landscape of companies. If both are absolutely in the toilet, even big companies should be able to completely collapse if they haven’t prepared for the lean periods. A company like WWE should have enough in the bank to take a big hit, maybe drop from Global/International (or the equivalent of) to National (or the equivalent of) but have deep enough pockets to take the hit, readjust, scale back, and go again. Whereas WCW should feel the impact of not planning for such a disaster and be completely ruined when their media deals fall through because they’ve not got a contingency plan. I know that is revisionist history but the premise is what I’m hoping for... industry giants should be able to collapse rapidly and completely, which didn’t seem possible in ‘16. If you got to Global, you were basically free to spend, spend, spend even in low periods.


It would help if broadcasters were more fluid in general so that you won’t just be home free once you get a tv deal. Maintaining a certain SQ for your roster causing you to overspend on has beens or something. Requiring bigger stars for networks to enter negotiations, which gets tougher as the industry plummets.


It’s not fun how you can just book your tv shows as you did your local events and have the same success rate. You pretty much win the game at high cult. I doubt it’ll be the case in 2020 but there’s still going to be a size where you’ll hit the point that you have no incentive to just not book the best matches ahead of anything else. Ideally it would be International+ but more outside influences can always help this as well.

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Anybody able to tell me if 2020 will let you specify how a brand splits product is presented? Like in 2016, you only get the original product & some vague options like "Old School Rasslen" or stuff like that. Can't remember the terms but my point is, anybody know if it lets you make very different types of product for each brand? More importantly, anyone know if it does a better job at explaining exactly what that product style expects the company to book? In 2016, you had to go & book a show, then go back & fiddle with the match intensity, amount of sex appeal being used & other things without it explaining what's expected. You'd just start the show & get penalized for not having the product set exactly how the product somehow expects you to just know. Hopefully this has been addressed or is either getting fixed but he hasn't made a post about it.
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Anybody able to tell me if 2020 will let you specify how a brand splits product is presented? Like in 2016, you only get the original product & some vague options like "Old School Rasslen" or stuff like that. Can't remember the terms but my point is, anybody know if it lets you make very different types of product for each brand? More importantly, anyone know if it does a better job at explaining exactly what that product style expects the company to book? In 2016, you had to go & book a show, then go back & fiddle with the match intensity, amount of sex appeal being used & other things without it explaining what's expected. You'd just start the show & get penalized for not having the product set exactly how the product somehow expects you to just know. Hopefully this has been addressed or is either getting fixed but he hasn't made a post about it.



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I think a good way around the TV Ad Revenue is to assign it based on popularity points. I'm sure it is to a degree, but assuming mod creators will make a WWE level company about 70 across the US, and AEW would be around 50, the revenue can kinda be scaled. I believe WWE is getting 200 million a year for Raw and Smackdown(make it 100 million per show per year), and AEW is getting 40 million. It'd be about $3 million per popularity point over an average overall of 50 through the US per A-level TV Show.


In my opinion, a company shouldn't make 1 million in Ad revenue until they've at least reached a medium level, or 40 across the country. But I also think WWE's Ad Revenue is super inflated in real life and that its a bubble that will eventually burst and be split in half because their ratings have nearly split in half. I think AEW's Ad Revenue is pretty realistic however for this time period. Its amazing to think that 20 years ago when RAW and Nitro were getting 4 million viewers that hardly any Ad revenue was being generated, and WWE even paid to have Smackdown on UPN/MyTV for years.


I'm also curious as to how the Sponsorship aspect will come into play, because sponsors could also be heavily apart of the ads that are played during a show, possibly making it redundant for bigger companies. If a company has Ad revenue coming in that could possibly be scrapped.


One of the local companies here has sold sponsorships in the past ranging from $75 to $150 per show with 3 sponsors featured on their flyers, and they routinely do about 300 people per show, 800 for the big one of the year, and their tickets are usually $20. They'd probably be considered a tiny company, but not insignificant in game standards. They don't have TV, about 90% of the roster is local to the city, never any international guys, and they have a training school that is generating them a decent amount(costs $3k to become a wrestler for a 6 month class). Maybe the game will be able to use training schools for income at some point because I think its expenditure only if I recall correctly.

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The April release hasn't been confirmed yet by the way.


True, but last month Adam said things were looking good for April and hasn’t mentioned the release date since in the journal thread. I would have thought if he wasn’t expecting it to come out then he’d have mentioned the potential delay by now.

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<p> i think this is already in the game so correct me if I’m wrong...But i think being able to invest in more things for your company like a big corporate office could help offset some inflation for a company like WWE. A big company like WWE should need a big office in order for the world to view them as legitimate.</p><p> </p><p>

Similar to how it works in WMMA but with more options to invest money on.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Roger Sterling" data-cite="Roger Sterling" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I want running a small company and making a profit to be easier and more fun, even if industry and economy are bad. Starting a new game and losing money every month puts me off.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I almost wouldn't mind being able to choose between 'Realistic' and 'Simulation' type options. While I'm usually all about a much slower-paced game, sometimes you just want that really broken EWR quick growth for a shorter game aha.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SirMichaelJordan" data-cite="SirMichaelJordan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>�� i think this is already in the game so correct me if I’m wrong...But i think being able to invest in more things for your company like a big corporate office could help offset some inflation for a company like WWE. A big company like WWE should need a big office in order for the world to view them as legitimate.<p> </p><p> Similar to how it works in WMMA but with more options to invest money on.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I just assumed that was the kind of thing included in Miscellaneous expenses on the Finance chart.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I just assumed that was the kind of thing included in Miscellaneous expenses on the Finance chart.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Same. But i believe WMMA have both. </p><p> </p><p> I guess the next question is how much misc expenses are a big company spending in the game compared to income vs other smaller companies.</p>
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Same. But i believe WMMA have both.


I guess the next question is how much misc expenses are a big company spending in the game compared to income vs other smaller companies.


I think this 'issue' needs to be approached from a pure gameplay perspective. In my experience, as soon as you hit national and get a decent PPV deal, nothing can go wrong and it's just "anything goes" and I completely lose interest in the contract signing feature (and prefer to automate it). If it's a lot more 'tight', you are more nudged to manage it better. Of course there should be an option to disable it for arcade players.


WMMA offers you the chance to sink excess money to get some pop gain bonuses. In a way, TEW has that too with its "start own network" feature. I always assumed the misc. costs would be higher for a global company like WWE, given all the extra work that needs to be done (promo, gfx, support, setup, traveling, etc).

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WMMA has a show to show promotion vibe that hasn’t been in TEW and it’s just assumed based on event importance. You can sink money into having better sets or celebs showing up, but not into a mass media run leading up to your big shows.


Even when advance booking wasn’t cosmetic, it wasn’t like it was a feature that could alter your business if you did it successfully.

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WMMA has a show to show promotion vibe that hasn’t been in TEW and it’s just assumed based on event importance. You can sink money into having better sets or celebs showing up, but not into a mass media run leading up to your big shows.


Even when advance booking wasn’t cosmetic, it wasn’t like it was a feature that could alter your business if you did it successfully.


Advance Booking did effect things like viewership and attendance. And it was just more realistic, when it wasn't cosmetic.

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It made things matter but you could just book it the day before the show was set to be run to get the best benefits since the heat was so fickle over a prolonged period of time. It also didn’t come with a financial risk to the promotion or variable levels of promotion


I feel like part of the reason it was changed was due to it being optimal but there being no incentive to not do it (like to save money in WMMA)

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Aussie, aussie, aussie! :p


If the biggest thing left is to actually play the game, I guess you can say with confidence you'll be hitting the release date. :cool: Good thing to set it late so an early release is an option, instead or the other way around. It's always baffling to find people complaining about one week of extra time, but that's the climate we live in nowadays, so you might as well adapt and aim late.


Adam said they were converting popular 2016 mods. Adam, could you guys try to convert the 2004 mod that Idol released for 2016 last February?


I think they were just testing the convertor. It's safe to say that - if there weren't any errors in it for TEW16 - the mod you mention is going to be just fine. If it works for other real world mods, it'll work for yours as there's no real difference between them other than stat differences and the occasional narrative (where I predict might be an occasional error).


As for advance booking: it's an awkward position for the feature. I know several people hate being leashed like that so it shouldn't be forced upon players. And if it's optional and provides a bonus, there should be a penalty as well for not using it, or non-opting players will feel left out. It'd be like the manual transmission system on '90s arcade racers: if you know how to operate it you'll be faster than the ones not using it. Should be more like some RPG's: harder to play but getting more XP (which is pop here).


I think the current climate makes it so people don't really care for it when applied to TV shows (although the Wyatt no-show just now kinda contradicts that opinion :p). But for PPV's, it should definitely be a factor.

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