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Death of the Territories v1.0 Released

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Thank you all for your kind words. It took a little while to set up, but now that the structure's in place it's quite easy to update .. and I'm enjoying updating almost as much as playing DOTT. :)


Xellence - There's no program involved, unless you count Frontpage of course, lol.


Edit - One thing I'm thinking of adding is a 'Requests' page where people can track specific wrestlers careers.

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1. following up on what i did with Gino Hernandez - i told Vince that i didn't want to be tied down with a two-year contract. so he countered with a nice pay-per-appearance deal, which i leaped to sign.


in my first match on the deal, i teamed with Sika and George The Animal Steele to defeat Ivan Putski and Tony Atlas.


that reminds me - it seems to me that WreSpi books a LOT of 3-on-2 type matches. is this a flaw?


2. the Ring of Honor show was long, but kicked ass. i actually haven't missed an east coast show since 3/13, and i've been at every show since 8/7. that streak may end on 4/2 though, with an impending important fantasy baseball draft.


3. Socko's linked site looks cool. man, i'd love to do something like that, but alas, i don't have those skills. lol

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I've got a question about the DOTT scenario.

As time goes on, do more workers get added to the database as they do in the Cornell-verse? What I mean is rookies who were too young at the beginning of the game.

On a related note, what would happen if one added a worker, say with a birthdate of 1970, who was much to young to begin wrestling? Would they appear later down the road? Is that even possible? Anyone tried this?

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As Rick said, the game will remove anyone under the required age until they are old enough to enter the gameworld. I'm pretty sure that had we wanted to, we could have added Rey Mysterio Jr., Christopher Daniels, A.J. Styles - or anyone else for that matter.


I won't get into a drawn out rant as to why more future rookies weren't included, but let's just say that as the person who did the physical work on the moves and movesets, the decision fell to me.

As Rick concentrates on his Masters of the Mat project, I was actually leaning towards adding some more future rookies in the next update. I suppose this thread is good enough incentive to begin on that.


If anyone has any suggestions, drop me a PM and I'll mull it over.

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I think it may be cool to add new worker expansion type packs. Something like you might see in an upcoming addition of The Sims. You could include a 90's pack of workers whom would have made their debut obviously in the 90's. Then do the same at a later date with the guys whom would have debuted in the 2000's. The more creative approach to this would be to maybe work something out with the information that Rick is compiling and have a UK and Europe expasion pack of either real wrestlers or Rick's guys. Another fascinating idea to me at least, would be to include update scenarios based on placing promotions from the past or current times in with the promotions in your scenario. How would the AWA be able to compete against a renegade hardcore federation like ECW? Or having the NWA and WWE compete against a heavy workrate federation like Ring of Honor. Just a few thoughts.


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Since, I am still stuck watching wrestling like I was when I was a kid in the early 80's that may be something I could help out with. Not that it would be needed though. I really more interested in seeing wrestlers and federations added for Europe from this time period. I think that would be really cool even if they were madeup guys. Although, I guess the easiest solution for that would be to somehow import Adam's data into the game for those territories. Its late, I'm just rambling I suppose.


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Here is what I've been working on for the next update:


Game Area Added: U.K.


Wrestlers Added: Johnny Smith, Big Daddy, King Kong Kirk, Johnny Saint, Kendo Nagasaki (Peter Thornley), 'Gorgeous' George Gillette, Spencer Churchill, Mark Rocco (Black Tiger), David Taylor, Sean Regan, Bernie 'Bearcat' Wright, Wayne Bridges, Allan Kilby, Tony St. Clair, Marty Jones, and Jon Cortez


Promotions Added: Joint Promotions


Now, I have to admit to being even more ignorant about British wrestling than I am about the Mexican scene. I know that they went by rounds - which is impossible to recreate - and that they stressed mat wrestling above all else.

I'm not really sure how promotions were set up, though. Is/Was the country promotional based, or was everything more along the lines of regions? Would there have been one 'super promotion' in the country at this time, or would they have all been more regional?

I'd like to add at least one more promotion based in the U.K. - any suggestions?

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