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Scott Zodiac

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Posts posted by Scott Zodiac

  1. I have spent the last month or so collating a lot of excellent AI generates re-renders from around this forum. I finally finished and transferred the game to a new computer, tested it and confirm it works. I wanted to put this onto a front-page of a thread so it is more easily found.

    Big thanks go to @John Lions for his company logos, events, TV Shows, stables, banners and belts. @gazwefc83 for a large portion of the worker renders. @WalterSobchak and @Number Greenfor most US workers and logos. @arlovskifor Japanese renders. Additional work from @The Inquisition, @hellshock70, @Wrenegade, @Scottie @The Lloyd @GnEric, @Heinzreich, @HiPlus, @Atticus, @wyldekr, @hollywoodshinebox, @lavelleuk, @Shmoe II, @willr0ck, @Tyranicus as well as @Kamchatka’s broadcaster logos.

    I keep updating my Google Drive:


    and a zip file was uploaded to MediaFire:


    You have to use the DATABASE file that goes with these renders as I have not kept the same file naming conventions as the original CVerse. You won’t be able to simply put the new renders into the old CVerse folders. A lot of new renders have been added in that weren’t there originally.
    There is a lot of repetition of renders out there, so I had to make some personal preference decisions on which one I preferred. Any and all renders are saved as free pictures, so please feel free to edit/change workers’ renders to your own tastes.
    I have left my own user character in as I was building it to play. Simply delete when you start a new game. I have found that setting an era to have massively reduced PPV and TV ratings also helps with a bit of realism for ratings and income. I have not included that in the database file though.

    • Like 12
  2. 1 hour ago, Shmoe II said:

    "London Calling"/"Capital Combat"/"Clash for the Capital" if you don't mind events with specific geography. "War of the Roses", "Battle of Britain", "For King/Queen and Country", "The Great Game". TV is usually shorter and snappier so maybe "Conquest"?

    Or you know "Imperialist Pig-Dogs" (British guy btw)

    Your mother was a Hampstead, and your father smelled of elderberries!

    Im going to use “War of the Roses” for an all-female PPV when I grow the women’s scene in the CVerse UK.

    Come up with “Fighting on the Beaches” last night too. Like Conquest for the TV show. 
    Maybe lean into more Churchill with “Finest Hour” and “Never Surrender”

    • Like 3
  3. I know this is off-topic now, but I'm creating some logos for my new company's PPVs. Created Empire Pro Wrestling (EP-Dub, EP-Dub), so I'm going for some British Empire style gimmicks. So far I've got Realm of the Ring, Hope and Glory, Victory, Four Corners, Dominion, WrestleEmpire (Season Finale), Rule Britannia, King of the Commonwealth and the Sun Never Sets. That's 9 and I'm going for another 3. Also looking for a TV show name eventually. What are your ideas?

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/22/2024 at 7:51 PM, Gracker221 said:

    Hello all! I've decided to join in on the AI generated content for the CVerse specifically. I've been working with Chat gpt+ DALL-E program for a couple of days, and I wanted to share some of the results. I don't have much right now, but I will be working on stuff consistently for a while. I do not have a plan on what I am wanting to do, so I am open to requests, but just know I am still in the early stages of figuring things out. It may take some time to get a good picture. Also likely going to pass on redoing any existing CVerse items as John Lions is working his way through doing that with phenomenal results.

    Stables seem to be the easiest to get good results with, events/logos are a little iffy, and I am still really trying to figure out how to do belts (the AI really struggles with lettering and belts are proving difficult for me.) I am no editor, and I am in the beginning steps of learning there too. Here is what I have so far. 


    Company Logos








    TV Shows





    As an example of the AI lettering struggles, I included an attempt for The Mega Stars that came back as...The Sega Stars? Still liked the logo.








    These are rough with lettering and pixelation. Don't look too hard at them. If someone who can do belts through AI knows how to get the most out of it, please let me know!

    SWF World Heavyweight






    Great stuff. I can never get my Bing renders to have the same quality as the Chat-GPT Dall-E ones. However, the Bing ones are easier to edit when the AI cannot generate the correct lettering as they are less "busy" in the background. 

    • Like 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, Tyranicus said:

    Seems to work fine. 

    I’ve got to keep remembering to remove the wrestler job from my own highly overpowered user character lest he dominate everybody’s saves for years to come. I also set an era setting to drastically reduce tv and PPV ratings to give a more realistic playthrough. But I’ve not added those to this database.

  6. 1 hour ago, Tyranicus said:

    Scott Zodiac. You are a legend! Thankyou so much for all your hard work.

    If you're loading it up, take a look for Alfonso D'Angelo and let me know if he has a render. When downloading, you may find the apostrophe in the filename gets removed or changed. If thats the case I'll go through all those with apostrophes and rename them.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, chm39 said:

    I use remove.bg to remove background and ezgif to turn png to gif. I usually do stuff like this for my personal save so everything being one at a time isn't a big deal but, these are a lot of pictures so I'm a little scared.😅

    I tried ImBatch but it didn't remove the BG as good as remove.bg, unless I did something wrong. Also, If anybody knows of a better way to turn PNGs to GIFs faster I'd love to know.


    Yeah, removing backgrounds is not great in ImBatch. I even tried generating AI images with pure green backgrounds, but it didn’t work as well as remove.bg

    one at a time will take forever. 

  8. 18 hours ago, chm39 said:

    I was just saving all the images in one folder but, Now I'm going back and saving yours, The Inquisition, and Number Green's Renders in separate3 folders(I'm torn between which styles I like). I plan on turning them into gifs because I like using GIFs.

    I'm just saying this so that I'll know if someone is already doing this or know of a quicker way of doing this. 

    I’m using software called ImBatch to bulk process images. I only saved the ones in my folders as JPGs with the blue CVerse backgrounds, so you’d have to figure a way to get rid of the background. I know some others also post the png files that would make it easier to process into gifs.

    I’ve got family visiting this weekend, so I’m on a pause adding all the free pictures. Will defo have it finished by this time next week. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll start actually playing this god damn game.

  9. 1 hour ago, schachmal said:

    I've found having a school will also create managers, announcers and personalities - all of whom will be young, but there are the MMA crossovers, and these guys tend to be in their thirties. I think a tiny percentage should have a 25-35 look and perhaps give them the MMA gloves. I found the MMA crossovers were rare but I had an Indian (not Native American) MMA guy who joined my Mumbai-based promotion, so i think you'll need a few to a dozen of each race and both genders.

    I've got some spare renders that look particularly older than that. I'm adding them in as future graduates/yet to debut. Mostly managers and announcers.

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