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Small Questions Thread & "Living FAQ"

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Is there a way to move people from one child company to another? Somehow all my signees ended up in one and the people send down there to train are in the other one...


I am fairly certain that you have to recall the wrestler in question to the main roster and then send him/her away to a different company. Or at least, that's how I do it once I raid a developmental company for their tag teams and want to rebalance my companies :-)


Perhaps a random question and I'm absolutely certain it must have been asked before, but I've searched a few times and had no luck! (plus, I may need to ask again for TEW2020 :D )


Is it possible to change the currency that the game shows from dollars? I should note, I'm not actually looking for it to do any actual conversion, but just show £ or € instead of $, for cosmetic purposes


In TEW16, my guess (only a guess) is that the number amount just has a label of dollars and in theory, that could be Euro or Australian dollars or whatever. Where that would be confusing would currencies like the Japanese Yen where something like 100 Yen is just less than an American dollar and you'd see something like a worker whose US price per appearance is $1000 per show and (assuming all things are equal and no conversations like you mention) his Japanese price would be 1000 JPY or if converted, just under $10 per appearance. I'm not sure that someone working for about 1% of their normal asking price will add to the immersion.

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In TEW16, my guess (only a guess) is that the number amount just has a label of dollars and in theory, that could be Euro or Australian dollars or whatever. Where that would be confusing would currencies like the Japanese Yen where something like 100 Yen is just less than an American dollar and you'd see something like a worker whose US price per appearance is $1000 per show and (assuming all things are equal and no conversations like you mention) his Japanese price would be 1000 JPY or if converted, just under $10 per appearance. I'm not sure that someone working for about 1% of their normal asking price will add to the immersion.



Yeah you're right, this really only works for £ and €, so asking for it is probably pretty selfish upon reflection.

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So I found out that offering a parent company relationship will always be rejected, but a takeover attempt and then turning the other company into a development territory will work.

(maybe a little bug there Adam?)


Anyway, I want to take my US company to Japan for some shows. Now, are my lower midcard Japanese workers (that are super over in Japan) going to be considered just that or are they going to be judged on their pop (being upper midcarders/main eventers)


In other words, will my show bomb or succeed if I use them as main eventers?

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Anyway, I want to take my US company to Japan for some shows. Now, are my lower midcard Japanese workers (that are super over in Japan) going to be considered just that or are they going to be judged on their pop (being upper midcarders/main eventers)


In other words, will my show bomb or succeed if I use them as main eventers?


It will bomb, unless.....


If they have the popularity to main event in Japan but their push in your company is lower, you can change their push on the day of the show and then book them as main eventers. After the show, you hit Auto Push to return them to their correct pushes. The game decides a worker's push based on their popularity in your home area (US).


Will winning on the preshow have a positive influence on momentum?


No. Just like you can't debut someone on the preshow. Though it's been years since I tested this, I don't think it's changed.

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Will winning on the preshow have a positive influence on momentum?



It does actually, I constantly do this to lower midcarders until they've got a minor positive momentum going and I start jobbing them out again.

(just so I don't get the poor/negative momentum penalty)

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Is there a minimum number of workers needed in a country to have Independent Shows run? I've noticed that Canada in my current save has never had an Independent Show, and while it doesn't do a lot, it would be nice to get some of the free agents some matches here and there.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kdcastles" data-cite="kdcastles" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do angles booked at 5 minutes have any impact on show rating? I book all my promos for 5 minutes, but I think I read 6 minutes is some sort of threshold.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's for popularity gains, and skill gains. I think skill gains is 4 minutes (?) Read the Handbook in the game.</p><p> </p><p> All angles are eligible to impact a show rating. But only the three best are actually counted, mixed in with the ratio of angles throughout the specific show. This is also explained in the Handbook, probably better than I did.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BrokenCycle" data-cite="BrokenCycle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's for popularity gains, and skill gains. I think skill gains is 4 minutes (?) Read the Handbook in the game.<p> </p><p> All angles are eligible to impact a show rating. But only the three best are actually counted, mixed in with the ratio of angles throughout the specific show. This is also explained in the Handbook, probably better than I did.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, I don't know why I spent 30 minutes searching these forums and didn't think once about reading the handbook.</p>
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So I'm doing some shows in Japan with my US company. I'm using only my Japanese wrestlers that are more over in Japan than in the US and, as suggested, have adjusted their pushes to their overness in Japan and not the US.

It works pretty good for most, however some wrestlers are receiving pushes that are less than their US pushes would be (rookies just starting out) and they complain...


Is this going to keep working?


Also, I want to do a Japan brand with their own TV-show (A-show), has anyone pulled this off yet?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kingbadger" data-cite="kingbadger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is it better to get broadcast on a Big network with a Late Evening slot or go Prime Time on a Medium networn?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Depends on how consistent the quality of your shows are. I'd judge it based off the grade they offer and go from there. You'll get more on the big network, but if you can't consistently meet the grade the network wants than I'd recommend the Medium network and build up your stars' popularity some more.</p>
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Depends on how consistent the quality of your shows are. I'd judge it based off the grade they offer and go from there. You'll get more on the big network, but if you can't consistently meet the grade the network wants than I'd recommend the Medium network and build up your stars' popularity some more.


Thank you

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If my main event match is following by a post-match angle, which then takes up what would be the main event slot on the booking page, will that angle count as the main event in the show rating, or will it just take the final match booked as being the main event, regardless of any angles that may come later?
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If my main event match is following by a post-match angle, which then takes up what would be the main event slot on the booking page, will that angle count as the main event in the show rating, or will it just take the final match booked as being the main event, regardless of any angles that may come later?


The final match booked counts as your main event.

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Here's a question (doing some mod making). So I'm working on Lucha Underground and set their product as entirely TV (the plan is to just run the tv show and one event per year in Ultimo Lucha). Is this possible where it won't start creating random events and just runs the TV show? I'm doing something similar with a NJPW devolpmental fed which I also marked as entirely TV with monthly events (and no tv), just wanted to make sure it won't create a random TV show/events. Thanks again!
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<p>I know it's here somewhere, but I can't find it...</p><p>

How much does Enhancement Talents expect to be used? I know main-eventers is every show, upper mids every two shows and so forth. But I can't remember enhancement talents. I signed this guy on a written deal as enhancement talent, and he isn't meant to debut for a few months, but his promotion rose to Cult and offered him a written deal, so I had to sign him earlier than planned.</p>

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